types of storyline

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george moromisato wrote:4. The game should tell a story.
So what kind of story would you (and by you I mean everyone) like to see?

options off the top of my head (these can be mixed)

linear storyline (you have a purpose, you know what and why and where, each event leads to the next event and the spaceships are coming)
can have character depth and involved plot
can be very constraining in a game meant to be replayed

choose your own storyline (choose but choose wisely)
can choose whatever you want to be only limited by the programmers time
they tend to be very shallow, each storyline is worked on less and there can be story lines that a person would like but the programmer doesn't put as much into it or decides that that choice should be a dead end leading to a situation where some storyline is worse than none

character driven (your actions speak for you, other characters get developed in there meetings with you)
very open ended, can make for some great stories
very hard to program, plot tends to be tacked on

setting driven (your universe is already filled with stories)
lots of little stories lead to more option of just playing the ones you like, easier to program (Charon system already has one)
fragmented story
hard to tell a good story if a person can skip parts of the story
tends to leave the player out of most of the stories leading to disinterest

random (storyline changes dependent on random events)
can have very fun unexpected things happen (St. K star went nova before you got there everything is destroyed
:shock: )
hard to program all the possibilities that could happen (who cares about Juno if St. K went nova)
hard to make the player an important part

personally I would like a setting/random mix but would like to hear what other people would like to see.

oh and if I missed any storyline types please post them its 2:30 am here
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Commonwealth Pilot
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I'd like to see something in the likes of the Elder Scrolls.
You have a main story that more or less guides you throughout the game, giving you a thread and purpose to follow, but not forcing you.
And you have an immense richness of small side-stories which may or may not effect the world/ main story.
It gives you a goal to follow but at the same time leaves you to do as you please, when you want to and has a positive aspect on replayability.

Right now Transcendence is like a simple-seeming space shooter - in the same way that NetHack is simple. (So no offence George :? I ain't trying to diss your hard work and effort)
From inside the game itself there is very little information on factions, rivalries, your own person, your quest to Domina itself etc.
So there's massive room for improvement.
I'd imagine a simple text-screen at the beginning giving you some background on your character and why you are there might be a valueable improvement, especially for new players.
I said it before - I'll say it again - I like RPG's. So I'm used to quest's/ missions all the time, I think the game could use loads more of them and use them, too, to further the story.
Personally I'd like some alternative ways of getting money introduced. Especially in the beginning, especially for the trader. Of course that would require replenishing resources in the bases.
Right now it's basically hunting unfriendlies down, looting & selling. If one could make reasonable amounts of money by trading itself the trader could start out with no weapons at all and the whole beginning of the story might prove quite a different gameplay.

So far my input, in the end it's George's game & vision and he's the one telling a story. Free of charge. For that an honest and heartfelt THANK YOU.

P.S. When does the next chapter come out? :P
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I'd like to see something in the likes of the Elder Scrolls.
I would too, sort of. At least in morrowind (game three of the Elder scrolls series), the "Stories" you come across that are unrelated are all scripted plot events and quests. Other than that, the world is devoid of life. I don't really like the "quest system" in which people give you stupid errands to run in exchange for some random trinket you needed for some other guy's quest. I never finished Morrowind because I got tired of running around.

Have you ever played an old game called Darklands? The game was mostly text-based, with real time graphical combat, but I loved it's plot. It's based on folklore of medieval Germany.
The game never even told you that there was a main plot, there was just lots of stuff to do, and the natural flow of the game guided you to them. Take one of the 'early' main plot quests: clear a demonic infestation out of a mine.

Also, if I may digress for a bit, the "quests" in darklands may or may not be assigned by anybody. If a robber king is terrorizing a village, you cn go to the village and try and find someone who will pay you to kill the guy, but you can also go and do it (and receive the thanks of the people).

Your regular business, which involved cool stuff like stumbling upon a merchant being attacked by thieves (you could step in and help, and then upon beating the theives, steal everything the merchant had "in return" for saving his life. There are I think eight or so different outcomes to that one situation), would lead you to know about the plot. You would hear rumors about the mine from people you encountered, and then, if you were interested, you could seek it out. On the way to mine, there might be a witches' altar, which, if you purified with a holy ritual (or just by tearing the stones down), would bring the wrath of the witches down on you, which is sort of the next quest. That's just one way it could happen. All the main plots are connected somehow, and you can do them in any order (although there are easier ones, there is no "right" order. It makes sense either way)

Also, if I may bring up another game as an example, in Elite: frontier, there were main quests as well, but if you didn't take the time to do them, someone else would.

Let's take these two ways and apply them to Charon system in a hypothetical, more dynamic future Transcendence with a gate network.

You're flying along, and you stumble upon a freighter getting attacked by pirates. This situation may have arose by itself, and the game just watches for situations like this to apply the plot, or maybe it's scripted (although you have to allow for things like the player just ignoring it or deciding to destroy both parties).
Anyhow, once the pirate is dead (or you are exploring the wreckage of the freighter), you get thanked by the freighter and he tells you to mention it at the next Korolev, or next time you meet a freighter pilot in a bar. You dock at Korolev, and they say, "thanks for helping out our pilot, here's some cash/goodies. Those pirates sure are getting bold. I hear they have control of a whole system somewhere in the Hypothetical sector."
Thus the player is alerted to the plot event. Alternatively, the player could find a partial map to the system in a destroyed pirate cache, or follow a careless pirate back to the system.

If the player visits Charon and chooses to leave and not come back for a long time, or reaches a point sufficiently far "ahead" of Charon without clearing it, he may hear about how Korolev and CW forces joined up and led a strike force against the pirates and won.

I'd also like kind of a dynamic plot in later systems (Ares vs. Commonwealth) you could have Ares and CW fight it out for systems, with the front lines changing all the time. Basically a whole bunch of ships from both sides enter and fight to the death. Whoever wins controls the system.
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Well, if you have it dynamic you could use the trader protection run's and use them for the plot, too. If you did these runs early in the game then you provided resources for the commonwealth so it has more ships/ was able to hold it grounds. Maybe you rescued a certain valuable station in one of the late systems that makes the game easier (maybe a mining station that has rare minerals you could use for ringers).
If you didn't do them it's a reversed situation and you face more enemies/ the ares/ whoever have a system complete for themselves.

I really like were this is going.
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The thing that I would like to see before this is the ability to ally yourself with the Ares/Ranx/Slavers/Pirates. If you wipe out the CW why is everybody still trying to destroy you?
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Here's something I found in Transcendence.xml

<!-- Powers of Oracus -->



and this

<Device deviceID="&itAbsolutionCannon;"/>
<!--<Device deviceID="&itOracusHarassPower;"/>-->
<Device deviceID="&itClass2Deflector;"/>

Maybe George is gonna put in Oracus powers for the enemy ships. I'd like to be able to choose between Domina or Oracus. Make Domina have all defensive powers and Oracus have offensive ones. But I don't know what George has in mind. Anyway I do think the reputation thingy must be introduced. Along with eq you can buy only at pirate staions and so on.
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Blitz wrote:I'd like to be able to choose between Domina or Oracus. Make Domina have all defensive powers and Oracus have offensive ones. But I don't know what George has in mind. Anyway I do think the reputation thingy must be introduced. Along with eq you can buy only at pirate staions and so on.
Heh, I've posted both those ideas before.

Here's one.
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