[April Fools 2021] Transcendence 0.3.0 Mysteriously Appeared

General discussion about anything related to Transcendence.
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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 124
Joined: Thu May 19, 2016 12:58 am
Location: Was destroyed by a Phobos-class dreadnought in the Eridani system

Today, we have a major update! As you might know, Transcendence updates have a way of coming up way earlier than planned. So early, in fact, that our development team person is starting to find the whole thing kinda suspicious. And this year is no exception! Through one strange divine intervention or another, Transcendence 0.3.0 has arrived!
RogueFrontierPoster.png (51.14 KiB) Viewed 80304 times
Our development team person is currently investigating the anomaly that is creating these unidentified updates. In the meantime, you can play the newest release of Transcendence: Rogue Frontier.

Using the innovative technique known as More Code, we've established a new look along with a whole bunch of new features!
  • Starlight
  • Megamap (Press plus and minus to zoom)
  • Edgemap (otherwise known as SRS)
  • Mouse aiming
  • Mouse targeting (click ship with mouse wheel)
  • Omnidirectional and tracking weapons
  • Powers (press P and hold key to invoke)
  • Dockscreens (ship screen, inventory, trade, loot, dialogue)
  • Station messages (e.g. Watch your targets!)
  • Temporary time slowdown when near death
  • Ammo and disposable weapons
  • A little bit of story content
  • A little bit of ASCII art!
p2.png (97.75 KiB) Viewed 80304 times
We've also updated the starting system to contain a few more stations (not that they contain any useful items)!
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To run this game, you should have .NET Core 3.1 installed because we run on MonoGame and SadConsole.

https://github.com/INeedAUniqueUsername ... L/releases

Special thanks to the mysterious force that motivates me to continue programming Transcendence: Rogue Frontier for some reason! Development would move much faster if this mysterious force also gave me unlimited creative energy!
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