Overlays not showing weapon effects

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Militia Captain
Militia Captain
Posts: 826
Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:09 pm

I've been testing the overlays and I can't get them to display any weapon effects. I thought I was doing something wrong but decided to double check the pteravores and they don't appear to be showing either.

I'm not 100% sure whether this is a bug or I'm just not doing something correctly.

Code: Select all

;; This event is run in the overlay itself, it does work
    (if (leq (objGetOverlayData gSource aOverlayID "timer") 0)
        (block Nil
            (objDamage gSource &vtNewOverlay; nil (objGetOverlayPos gSource aOverlayID))
            (objRemoveOverlay gSource aOverlayID)
        (objIncOverlayData gSource aOverlayID "timer" -1)

;; this is the explosion that should be called by the above code.
;; the damage is being applied but no visual aspect is displayed
<ItemType UNID="&vtNewOverlay;"
        name=				"NewOverlayDamage"
        virtual=			"true"

            type=				"radius"
            damage=				"kinetic:0"

                count=			"2d6"
                type=			"missile"

                damage=			"kinetic:2d12; momentum2; WMD1"
                missileSpeed=	"15-25"
                lifetime=		"12-20"
                hitPoints=		"50"

                <Image imageID="&rsMissiles;" imageX="0" imageY="112" imageWidth="16" imageHeight="16" imageFrameCount="8" imageTicksPerFrame="2" randomStartFrame="true" />

                        spread=			"4-6"
                        emitDuration=	"80"
                        emitRate=		"16-20"
                        emitSpeed=		"30-35"
                                style=			"smoke"
                                maxWidth=		"3-7"

Am I using this code correctly or is this in fact a bug?
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george moromisato
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I actually do think there is a bug (or rather, missing code).

The (objDamage) should spawn fragmentation elements, but currently it does not.