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Something curious

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:59 pm
by Wurmish
I have not yet gotten around to duplicating these, but the following incidents spiked my interest during my 1.05 playthroughs:

First - I take on Arco Vaughn, I'm not sure if it's something new, but it seems he only says two things and is silent, no matter how much you mess with him. First he said his shpeel of "Get out, this system is mine!" and then asked "What? Did I kill your microsaur or something?" when I fired with my lasers to get bearings before I unloaded missiles into him. Usually he cracks a couple more jokes before I get my bearings and says something once I whip out missiles, but oddly he was silent. Not sure what could cause it.

Second - I acquired a Black Market ID early on (thank you hotel spawns and Himal), but while traversing about a system, I visited the Black Market once, went around a killed and pillaged, docked a few places, and only jettisoned useless or very low value things, very carefully. I return to the Black Market and they don't let me in. Turns out my ID disappeared. I checked all the places I had been, and there were no Salvagers in-system as best I could tell. Only explanation I could think of is magically somehow it got confiscated but there was no message about it. Oh well.

The following is not a bug, but it just BOTHERS me - I get through past St. K's and start doing Fortress missions. I get to superfreighters and I have a dual particle beam and a moskva 33. I fail the first couple missions because I can't really get good shots off (still rusty I think, and the freighters weren't even using the slam cannon I could swear they have). I get a TEV and a Mark III, and I STILL have trouble actually killing pirates (not sure if it's a balance issue or if I just suck, but I remember being able to beat those missions without that much trouble). The last straw is I almost completed an escort, and the freighter is in process of docking, when a Viking swoops out of nowhere and fires at me but hits a station guard, who promptly undocks, fires, kills the freighter, and they blame it on me. I couldn't continue to do missions at all. Meh.

Re: Something curious

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:32 pm
by Datal
When I do not know English I had the same problems :mrgreen: (with guns and post katherines systems)
Now I just have extremely lucky :wink:

I've never had problems with BM...
And Arco, yeah he is quite silent only two taunts... hmmm... I have my own way... I have my own way... I have my own way... it isn't important.

Re: Something curious

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:51 pm
by PM
Once Arco gives his kill message (e.g., "You are going to die!", "Huh?", "Kack!"), he stops talking, and he will follow and shoot at your ship until you are dead.

The miltia missions to Coloniel are really hard. Either your ship needs to be overleveled or you need (wingmen) Volkov and/or Jenna. Jenna is actually useful here. Sadly, this is her only time to shine, before she becomes a load soon after the missions. As for weapons to use, my favorites are an enhanced omni turbolaser and KM500 Stilettos. In case of the latter, make sure they do not loop around and hit the superfreighter. Avoid using kinetic weapons against the Viking ships because they strongly resist kinetic damage.

Re: Something curious

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:10 pm
by Wurmish
Late response, but Arco never responded beyond the first two messages, and neither were his "Osht" variety.

Re: Something curious

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:22 pm
by IceMephit
PM wrote: As for weapons to use, my favorites are an enhanced omni turbolaser and KM500 Stilettos. In case of the latter, make sure they do not loop around and hit the superfreighter. Avoid using kinetic weapons against the Viking ships because they strongly resist kinetic damage.
This is the only setup that works for me. Omni weapon (turbolaser or better) and tracking missiles. Otherwise I miss the enemies a lot and they destroy the freighter, or I hit the freighter too many times and actually HELP the pirates destroy it.

Re: Something curious

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:54 pm
by Drako Slyith
I dislike the omni weapons. They tend to aim for ships behind the freighter and end up destroying the freighter. I prefer an enhanced x-ray laser.

Re: Something curious

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:34 am
by Star Weaver
I think this is closable now