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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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In my post yesterday, I forgot to post the updated comparison pics so I'll do that now, plus I also forgot to post about the new comparison I made for Reavers. :) If you've watched Firefly, you'll know who they are.
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RPC wrote:Nice job on the system generation! :D
Btw, how did you find that planet? Can you add your planets to Xelerus so I can add it to Planet Parallax? :3
Also, how did you get the names? Did you add them manually in the screenies?
Thanks! :) The system I'm working on now is a bit more of a challenge since it's a binary system that also features a pair of planets that orbit each other while sharing the same orbit around the sun. It'll be easy enough to make an invisible planet for them to orbit as if they were its moons, but the challenge is figuring out how to make sure they're always opposite each other while orbitting this invisible planet. Any suggestions? I'll upload the original Star Control 2 planet images I was given. It'll have to be in two zips though since the original file was 8mb. I didn't use all of them since some didn't quite match the descriptions from the game. Some that I'm using now are simply recolored versions of the ones found in the Worlds 3, 4, and 5 graphics and others are recolored versions of images of planets/moons in our own solar system. The image I'm using for Dust Worlds, for example, is a pic of Mars. Regarding the names of the planets, I am currently using the same method as in Weapons Extended to get their names to show up on the map and below the planet. However, when I get around to working again on the dockable planets, I'll have to transfer the names from the Planet Label to the planets themselves so that the planet names will show up in the dockscreen. I'll want to do that anyway, since I want each type of planet to have a slightly different set of possible names (we can't have a Water World end up being named Dune after all :P ).
Atarlost wrote:All mods with Star Wars content have recently been purged from Xelerus because of concerns regarding paranoid ABC/Disney lawyers. It would probably be a good idea to remove those factions.
Well, with the excessive number of ship facings and other new graphics, the finished mod is probably going to be too large to host on Xelerus anyway, but also because of how large the mod will end up being, I'm considering making most factions be modular so that players can have only specific factions in the mod. So if, for example, they only want to play a version with Battlestar Galactica ships the only factions in the game would be Civilian, Pirate, Cylon, and Colonial (and maybe some other minor ones like Bounty Hunters). I've already been considering breaking down some of the larger factions anyway since some, like the Colonial Alliance, are beginning to have too many types of ships compared to smaller factions. Of course, there's still no guarantee I'll end up using every ship that I've added to the various comparisons. Some ship images I'm still not happy with and others would just end up being redundant in regards to their role and capabilities. The Klingons and Romulans are a good example of this since they have a lot of ships that are basically the same except for minor details like color. The main reason for the large number of ships I'm adding is that I'm a huge fan of variety. :) But however I end up doing it, I'll remember not to upload any Star Wars-related content to Xelerus. Thanks for the heads-up.
Militia Lieutenant
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Did a little work on the stars today. I reduced the size of the White Dwarf to planet size since white dwarves are "are about the size of the Earth (but tremendously heavier)", and I've made a new graphic for a Neutron Star which I thought I'd share (the main reason for this progress report). It's relatively small since a Neutron Star "has a diameter of about 5-10 miles (5-16 km)", but for game purposes it's still about the size of a planet. Anyway, here it is, plus its mask. You are free to use it in your mods, but I haven't tested it ingame yet, so if you use it and have any problems, let me know.
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Militia Lieutenant
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I suppose I should clarify my last post. I didn't actually make the star graphic. I simply made it useable in Transcendence and made the mask. That being said, on to my progress report for today...

Continuing my work on system generation, I worked out a way to make the binary planets work as intended, though the solution was more complicated than I'd prefer. It starts with an empty 1 pixel station called the Barycenter. Then, since I couldn't figure out how to make the planets always be opposite each other (though I tried a number of different ways), I ended up making a rather long table with 20 potential results. Each result is a group of two orbitals. The first result has one orbital with rotation="0" and the other with rotation="180". Each subsequent result is the same as the first one, but with the rotations changed by a factor of 9, just like with ship facings. Rotation="9"/rotation="-171", rotation="18"/rotation="-162", rotation="27"/rotation="-153", etc. The ingame result is a pair of planets sharing the same orbit around the sun while also orbiting a common point on the solar orbit as seen here:
I hope someone can point out an easier way to do this, but for now this does the trick.

Continuing with the success of the Binary planet experiment, I went even further and have started on a star cluster system, using the Cyrannus system from Battlestar Galactica as a template.
I almost regret my decision to do this, because it is turning out to be a terribly complicated and lengthy system to code (if I can work out and easier way to do the binary planets, it can be greatly simplified however). However I have met with some success as seen in this screenshot:
Needless to say, the system is unfinished. Only one of the stars has planets so far, and I still have to do a lot of work on the distances between barycenters, stars, and planets. But so far so good. :) Here's a closer look at the planetary system within this cluster. It is based on the Helios Alpha system in the Cyrannus map above. You can see how terribly complicated it is...A central barycenter with two barycenters orbitting it. Each orbitting Barycenter has two stars orbitting it. Each star will have its own system of planets orbitting it. Helios Alpha, the star shown below also has a Binary pair of planets orbitting it. And of course every planet has the potential to have moons orbitting them.... Image In the end, I may have to end up reducing the number of potential planets around each star to keep the system from being too big, but I also plan to have some custom stargates within the system for jumping between the stars in the cluster or at least between the barycenters. Oh and did I mention that there is also supposed to be a gas giant orbitting the same barycenter as the stars Helios Delta & Helios Gamma? Image I think it's safe to say I won't be many more systems like this, if at all.

And finally, I have also gotten the Galactic Map setup. Here's a couple of screenies (the current positions and stargate connections of the 4 systems is not final, but I'm keeping them connected for now for testing purposes)...
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Fleet Admiral
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Location: Decoding hieroglyphics on Tan-Ru-Dorem

I'll want to do that anyway, since I want each type of planet to have a slightly different set of possible names (we can't have a Water World end up being named Dune after all :P ).
that's not a big problem, just use attributes on the planets for each set of names you want to use.
Militia Lieutenant
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Work on the Cyrannus system continues. I've greatly reduced the size of the code for the system through the use of tables, all 4 stars have planetary systems now, and the orbital spacing is a bit better now (though it still feels a little crowded). Here are some screenies...

Overall view of the Cyrannus system:

A closer look at the Helios Alpha/Helios Beta stars:

A closer look at Helios Alpha where the crowding is most noticeable:

A closer look at the Helios Gamma/Helios Delta pair:

And just when I thought the Cyrannus system couldn't get any more complicated, I discover that Helios Delta has three planets that share the same orbit. The middle one is supposed to be a gas giant and the other two are supposed to be always equally distant from the gas giant (one on each "side"). :( I haven't quite gotten the equally distant part worked out yet. I had hoped to use the same method as with the binary planets, but it didn't quite work out, so I'm still working on that part, but getting them to share the same orbit and have the two non-giants be on opposite sides of the gas giant were easy enough. Here's a closer look at Helios Delta. The triple planet orbit is the outer one.

The major downside of this complex system is that with every test so far, it has taken between 8-10 minutes for the system to be generated. :shock: Of course, my rather outdated computer is partially to blame (400mhz processor, 512mb RAM, and a tiny 40gb hard drive), it is still a very long time. If I can't figure out how to speed it up, I may end up breaking it up into 4 separate systems (which I'd rather not do) or simply leave it as a unique system with enough incentive to enter it at least once and enough reason not to come back once you leave.
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

The major downside of this complex system is that with every test so far, it has taken between 8-10 minutes for the system to be generated.
Yeah, I have similar issues with Planet Parallax and Uncharted.
Maybe you should upload the system for some of us to try out?

My preference is that it's fine as long as the game is playable and the lag isn't *too* bad, but I fear that I'm a minority opinion. :/
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Militia Lieutenant
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RPC wrote:Maybe you should upload the system for some of us to try out?
I could post the code for the system, but I have a lot of custom tables for the generation of my planets and asteroid belts that are referenced by the system. It would require a lot of decustomizing to make it work outside of my mod, but I'll post the code tomorrow after I've had the chance to work a little more on that triple planet orbit. Or would you prefer I upload it as an xml? Some of the system's code is in the SystemParts.xml while the rest is in the system's own xml. I'm wondering if that may have something to do with the slowness of the system generation.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Ah, I was under the impression that you were still working with vanilla tables for some reason o.o
If it adds to your workload I guess the code is fine, or maybe even posting a sneak peek will do ;)
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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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OK, well I've uploaded 6 xml files relevant to the Cyrannus system.
XML files relevant to the Cyrannus system.
(19.15 KiB) Downloaded 204 times
The CyrannusSystem.xml itself (which I am proud to say I reduced from over 30k lines to under 400 through the use of tables :P ), the SystemParts.xml (which has all of the tables related to system generation, including the numerous parts of Cyrannus), the SC2Planets.xml (the planet stations), SC2Worlds.xml (the world tables for generating a planet's moons, trojans, etc), SC2moons.xml (like the planets xml, but moons...), and the Resources.xml (edited to include only the star, planet, moon, and asteroid graphics). I may have missed something, so let me know if you need any more of the code. Also, here is a link to download all of the planet (except for the Star Wars ones :wink: ), star, moon, and asteroid graphics and their masks that I am currently using:
There are additional graphics in here that were not part of the Star Control 2 planet graphics packs I uploaded to Xelerus. You may use them in your mod if you want or just use them to test out the Cyrannus system.

Now on to my progress report.... :D I finally managed to get the triple planet orbit figured out. The solution was far easier than I'd expected and painfully obvious once I'd figured it out. I simply had to make the gas giant have a planet with a set angle as both a trojan and antitrojan, and voila!! A gas giant with a planet to either side along the same orbit at the same distance (they may not look exactly the same distance from the gas giant, but I think that is an illusion caused by the curvature of the orbital path)....
Also, I got the two stargates set up to allow jumping between the two star pairs instead of having to travel the entire distance with thrusters. :D
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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Well, I fixed the long loading time for the Cyrannus system. It was apparently due to excessive use of AddTerritory. After removing several of the redundant lines, the system now takes about the same amount of time to load as any other system. However, I've also discovered that the two stargates for jumping between star pairs in the Cyrannus system are not working, though they are both being generated. Probably a simple fix once I figure out what I'm doing wrong. I also got around to adding the gas giant orbitting the Helios Gamma/Delta pair, so other than the problem with the stargates and maybe a little more tweaking of the orbital distances, the Cyrannus system is finished for now.

Additionally, I've added 8 more custom systems, though significantly less complicated than Cyrannus. Mostly they are just experiments with eccentric orbits.

Nova Sol...Easily the simplest system so far. Only three planets and no asteroid belts, with a slight eccentricity to the second planet's orbit.

Silverberg...No eccentric orbits here. A fairly ordinary system, but the asteroid belt is always a gassy one.

Segon...7 planets. Eccentric orbits for the 5th and 7th planets.

Urobos...Only three planets, but contains a small asteroid belt arc and a comet.

The final four of the new systems are part of the Firefly universe along with the Georgia system (shown in one of my previous posts). These four systems are a bit more complicated than the other four new systems. First, the White Sun system which has a Late M-class Brown Dwarf star which crosses the orbit of the outer asteroid belt.

The Red Sun system...It is a Red Dwarf system that has a second Red Dwarf and a Late-M Brown Dwarf as companion stars whose orbits cross each other and some of the outer planets.

The Blue Sun system...Nothing too complicated here. Just a Late-M Brown Dwarf companion with a slightly eccentric orbit.

The Kalidasa system...Again, nothing too complicated here. Just a Late-M Brown Dwarf companion with a normal orbit, but in the 11th out of 17th orbital position.

And lastly, here's an updated pic of the galactic map showing the new positions of all 12 systems. I'm setting each system's position to a star in the picture and attempting to match the star type of each system to the color of the star on the map where it is placed, though as I proceed closer to the stellar core, it will be more difficult (and less important) to make perfect matches.
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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Well, yesterday I decided to work on adding some variety to the gas giants. First up, I recolored the 8 ringed gas giants from vanilla to make them into ringed methane giants. I've zipped them up and uploaded them to Xelerus for anyone who wants to use them, though you may want to resize them. When I zipped them up, I left them at their existing size, though I resized them before adding them into my mod. Here's the link for them on Xelerus:

I also added some variety to the non-ringed giants, both hydrogen and methane. There are now 8 different non-ringed hydrogen and 8 different non-ringed methane giants (including the vanilla ones). Here are some sample screenies showing Hydrogen, Methane, and Ringed Methane (in that order):

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I plan to add even more variety to the ringed giants. I know there's a graphics pack on Xelerus by LordSutekh that has some ringed giants in it that use the same rings as the vanilla ones. I'm not sure about the rest of the planets in that pack yet, but I'll definitely be using the ringed ones.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

You could also check out Worlds 3,4,5 by Digdug and shivan's stuff here: http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=1212 .
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Militia Lieutenant
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Yeah, I'm already using some of the planets from worlds 3,4, and 5. Though I can't remember which ones at the moment. I'll probably eventually use more of them. And I think I already downloaded shivan's planets, but I'll have to sift through my Transcendence Mods folder to be sure. :)
Militia Lieutenant
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So today, I introduce the first of the Star Control 2 races...the Mycon. Anytime a Shattered World is generated, there is a chance it will be patrolled by one or more Mycon ships and even if it's not, there's still a chance of Mycon random encounters in the system. The Mycons also have their own special plasma cannons designed specifically for their ships. These cannons are not for sale and will never be found since Mycon ships do not produce wreckage. It might be possible later on to research them, but I'm not quite ready to begin working on research yet. Anyway, to help me test out the Mycon, I also created a new type of random system which I am calling a Shattered System. It is based, more or less, off of the vanilla Volcanic System. With anywhere between 5-13 planets, each orbit will either be an asteroid belt, a Magma World, a Shattered World, or a gas giant, with the asteroid belts and shattered worlds being most common. The system also has a chance to have 1-3 comets. Here are a selection of screenshots showing the Mycon size comparison, several versions of the shattered system (note, that I have not finalized the orbital distances), and a pair of screenies showing the Mycons in combat.


The first one is my favorite since it is one of the rare instances of a Rainbow belt (the outer one).
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In this screenie, we see all three types of ships as well as all three sizes of plasma cannon shots. I'm piloting the Mature pod and of course the big shots are mine. The shot from the Immature pod is near the center top of the pic, while the shot from the Deep Child (little pod) is just above my ship to the left of one of my shots. This screenie also shows how the shots fluctuate as they move (note the difference between my first and second shots). As they get further away they begin to dissipate. The plasma cannon shots have 64 frames, though the difference between frames is less noticeable on the small shots.

In this screenie, we can see one of the Immature shots as it is almost completely dissipated (below my ship and to the left).

In addition to working on the Mycon, I have also finished resizing the stars and have settled on the following size standards for stellar objects:
Red Giant (480)
Type O Star (aka Blue Giant): Blue, (448)
Type B: Blue, (416)
Type A: Blue, (384)
Type F: Blue/White (352)
Type G: White/Yellow, (320)
Type K: Orange/Red (288)
Type M: Red (256)
Brown Dwarves (192)
Hydrogen Gas Giants (192)
Methane Gas Giants (160)
Terrestrial Planets (128)
Moons (96)
Large Asteroids (96)
Medium Asteroids (48)
Small Asteroids (32)
Neutron Star (32, Not including pulses)
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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Today I introduce the second of the Star Control 2 races...the Slylandro. They have only one ship, the Slylandro Probe, as their race is a gas-based lifeform that lives in the upper atmosphere of gas giants and cannot live outside their native environment (due to differences in pressure or something...whatever). So they created the Probes to gain knowledge of other races. Unfortunately, at least in my mod, their communication devices (mistaken for weapon systems by other races) are incredibly destructive to the vessels of other races and communication with them will only be possible once a certain artifact has been found (I haven't made it yet...) that will prevent damage to the player's ship by the Slylandro weapon. Anyway, their ship is semi-animated in the sense that every frame is slightly different, giving the illusion that the lightning surrounding the ship as well as the two little red balls are rotating. Maybe soon I'll do a video of it in action, but for now here's a simple screenshot of me piloting a Probe against another Probe. Sadly, I can't mimic their weapon from Star Control 2...at least not yet...so I gave them the next best thing, a dark lightning beam. You can see in the screenie (assuming you are viewing it full-size) the slight differences in my ship and the enemy Probe since we are at different angles.
The Slylandro Probes appear as rare random encounters in any system that has a gas giant.

Additionally, I have added some new tables for the randomization of stars, which will make the random star systems that much more random. :)
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