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Fleet Officer
Fleet Officer
Posts: 1920
Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:31 am

Something we have been talking about in irc is overlays. Transparent images that you put other images on and then put them on things.

There are several degrees of them. (from easiest to implement to hardest to implement)

HUD and dockscreen overlays, basic overlays that you just put on the screen. They can be used for several things like custom HUD (like saying how much money you have or a decimal fuel gauge) or skinning the dockscreens and putting more information in different parts.

Space object overlays, an overlay put on a space object that rotates with the space object. This can be used for highlighting, a targeting cursor, a paint job, interesting effects (like a ship that can go stealth enemy only)

Map/minimap overlays, an overlay put on a space object in on the map screen. This can be used for custom icons for certain sovereigns, upgrading scanners, messages on the map screen, markers , and stealth effects (enemy only)
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