Some newbie questions, advice on gear and Arena-winning

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Hello everyone,

I am new to this game, and really enjoy it so far. I was looking for something like Solar Winds, and this more than fulfilled my expectations. I am currently as far as Hena's Star, one system after Rigel Aurelius.

I am flying a Stalwart-class Gunship ( This handles similarly to the Sapphire, but can be equipped with heavy armour (I had 4 pieces of heavy titanium with same speed/manoeuvrability. The cargo capacity is a bit low, but i am still making good money so far, so it's acceptable (my limit with expanded cargo hold is 100 tons).

I have yet to defeat the last boss of the arena (forget his name), and have destroyed the Black Market (there remains one in the system before). I have 2 unsuccessful tries against him.

I have 20k credits.

In my cargo bay:

4x Heavy meteor steel (doesn't allow my shield to work, but has impressive resistances)
Hexagene MAGS 800
Dragonfly Missiles
Device labelled 'Unit 7'

I have equipped:

Dual particle beam+20%
2 pieces of VI Blast pate, one +20%
2 pieces of Double Titanium, one with 525% laser/kinetic
IV Ceratops shield+20%
NAMI launcher (and approx. 200 s500 guided missiles)
Nova 50 reactor
Tritium propulsion drive
Miner's cargo bay

I also have a little fighter droid that is getting increasingly difficult to keep alive, in Hena's Star system that is.

Interesting things available in weapons and armour dealers:

Light Omsk armour (>4 pieces)
VI Mark 1 Omsk deflector
Mark III Howitzer
Akan 30
VII Light Orthosteel Armor

So my questions:

1) Is the heavy meteor steel worth it, or should I sell it? It is immune to laser and kinetic, and 235% against particle and blast.

2) What sort of weapons does the final boss in the arena use that I should get resistant to? Would these resistances be commonly useful in the star systems to follow?

3) Should I go the Omsk way with shield and armour? I am hesitant to sell a decent shield and two level VI pieces of armour for a better shield and two other level VI pieces...

4) Should I keep the MAG 800 ammo and Dragonfly missiles until I find the Dragon missile system and MAG launchers? Would you recommend these weapons? Or just sell them off?

5) Is it worth it yet to get a 100 MW Nova? The fuel efficiency is attractive...

6) What is device labelled unit 7? I don't see any effect when I enable it, it doesn't take any juice either...

7) When I have multiple weapon slots, does that mean I can shoot two different weapons at a time, like some NPCs do? I know I can shoot and launch missiles at the same time.

8) If so, what would be a good secondary gun? A Howitzer III? Akan 30?

9) My fighter droid was looted off a shipwreck. I keep restarting when he dies in Hena's star system, usually against those big square aircraft carrier looking starships. Where and when can I buy other droids or find wingmen to replace or accompany this one?

10) Will they confiscate my black market ID card at the next commonwealth station?

11) What do I need to donate to Domina in order to get Domina powers?

And a general windows question:

12) When I try to spam missiles, it brings up a prompt about using shift too many times, and then I have to find my mouse and click no, repeatedly, interrupting my battles. Can I prevent this prompt from showing up and spam my missiles?

Thank you all for taking a look at my questions, and thank you for the active Transcendence community, I look forward to participating!

Militia Lieutenant
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Welcome to the family..
For yr first question
I personaly think u should sell the armor coz the slycer is pretty strong nd u definetly need a sheild whn fightin him coz of his weapons which r:
30 mw particle combined with a targeting cannon nd mag launcher.i suggest u get a shield that resist particle nd armor nd instal a nami missile launcher if u hv atlest 60 stilleto missiles.

All the weapons used by the slycer are uncommon in the enermy side of the dnt worry about meet guys like him.
Dnt buy the osmk stuff i pretty useles to me bt u can buy a class 3deflector if its ther..the next few systems u will largely fight corsars nd drakes missile ship all usin lasers nd longbow missiles nd a few frigates.nothing u cnt handle i guess...sell the dragonfly missiles coz it very hard to get the weapon for those nd its expensive..

About the reactor i dnt know u really need it ??bt considering u have a dual particle i guess u would want to have it...

The device labelled unit 7 i hv knw idea it could be anything really.
The multiple weapon slots mean u can install more than one weapon in yr ship e.g u can install a particle beam,a missile launcher,a laser cannon,a Mark III Howitzer nd maybe a turbolaser..nd switch between all these weapons using W on the keyboard..
Nd install the Howitzer III it has more fire power...nd lose the droid i will only slow u down for now u can always get stonger ones in s.t ketherine..
As for the blackmarket id it will not be taken from u by any station

To get more domino powers u need to donate slaves u saved from the sungslavers nd some blue orbs.all these u will find later in the game.

My question is do u have some guy in a wolfen called Volkov??

I hope all this will help u.... happy gaming
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Hey Cyrus, thank you for the speedy reply!

Since this post I have lost the droid anyways.

My fuel efficiency isn't that bad with my 50MW reactor for now, I think I'll hold onto it.

So is it worth it to buy a Howitzer 3? Or wait to see if I can loot one? So far I am trying to rely on equipment I find to save money as much as I can, but I will have to buy something to defeat Slycer.

I do not have Volkov, is there a way to get him in time to defend the station?

Oh, and can I equip Military-grade weapons and armour?

Thanks again,

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I'm going to answer all of your questions, fully detailed. This might very well be a spoiler for you (and anyone actually), and since it'll be very long I don't want to put it in a spoiler. So, SPOILER BEWARE!!!

1. Meteor steel armors are mostly useless, except maybe the Worldship Plate, which you can't equip with any starter ships anyway (15 ton, lots of resistance. Found much later in the game.)

2. The Slicer uses a Slicer Cannon. It is basically a dual particle cannon with converging shots. Looks cool, but worse than the normal dual particle if you ask me. In fact, with your current outfit, killing him should be possible, and not too hard. Just go all out, and keep your Blast Plate facing him. He should be softer than you, shield and armors summed up, and his weaponry should be somewhat worse too. But if you really can't beat him just yet, don't worry. You can come back any time when you have much better equipments. It's possible to fight him with a shield that he can't crack in a million years. Also, the Sung and some more enemies will use particle, the same damage type the Slicer use. You will find them shortly after the system you're in.

3. The Omsk series are interesting, but not really practically useful if you ask me. The main reason is just that they're too rare, and comes up too late. Just change your Titanium armor to something level V or VI, and you should be fine.

4. IMO, just sell them off. Dragonfly is hard to aim, the shot's slow, and the fact that it spreads in three directions means you'll never hit something with all shots. It's not too powerful either. The MAG is pretty powerful, and there are more MAG ammo that are stronger, but they're very slow. They may be useful for station siege, but in skirmishes they're mostly useless. The NAMI is much better.

5. If you can get one easily, do so. If you don't really need it (no overpowering), don't buy it. The reactors one should buy are: 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000. Skip the 25 and 100 if you can, but if you really need one, it's not too expensive to get one. Keep in mind that some enemies drops 100 MW reactors, though undamaged ones are rare.

6. That's a device you don't know anything about (in game at least). You must install it along with anything it affects in order to know what it does, and unlock information about it. If you can't find anything it affects, just sell it off.

7. Having multiple slots just mean you can equip more weapons. You can't fire them simultaneously, but you can switch between them. This enable you to, for example, bring siege weapons along with skirmish weapons (Heavy, slow firing cannon for destroying stations along with light, fast guns for taking out small ships.), or bring weapons of varying damage types, like particle and blast, ion and thermo, because some enemies strongly resist (or even are immune to) some damage types. Having many types on your ship is generally a good idea.

8. As written above, your secondary weapon should be something of a different damage type form your main, or of a different role (fast, heavy, light, omni, WMD, skirmish, etc.)

9. Autons are pretty much useless, except if you can find a swarm (They'll be very fragile even then.) Not many people like to use them, but they can provide some extra damage nevertheless, so if you find one, you choose whether to use or sell it. Don't get attached to it though. It'll most likely die quickly.

10. BM IDs are not confiscated normally.

11. You can donate most crystals you find (Those that looks like red gems, but not the medals, they have the gem image, but they're not crystals), or you can donate slaves from Sung slavers. The latter are much more efficient and quicker.

12. You'll have to disable Sticky Key in your computer setting, or change the missile key to another key. Or just press it and hold it instead of repeatedly pressing. You choose which method to use. :D
Yes, look at my avatar, I have a wyvera type ship.
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Thank you Sun! I defeated him, and the sucker didn't leave a shipwreck! Oh well. I have 30k now, and figure I have 2 fuel efficiency upgrade options, because it is poor with my dual particle and 10mw shield enabled:

1) (10k ) get the 100MW reactor, which will allow me to get shields such as a Yoroi S100, and allow for better weapons
2) (10k) Superconducting shield generator, because it uses only 5mw (mine uses 10mw), that way I can keep my 50MW reactor. But it seems like a bad choice because it doesn't regen by itself
3) (2.2k) Cyclotron S55 deflector, which has more hp (120 compared to 70) and uses less juice (4MW compared to 10MW). It doesn't have the blast resistance, or any resistance for that matter.

Sooner or later I must go the route of the first option (maybe with a 150MW reactor instead), but I think I am well-enough equipped for now, so perhaps the 3rd option will keep me going until I can get a 150MW reactor?

And about Volkov: How and where?

Is there a way to search through forum topics for keywords? I mean other than opening each topic and pressing ctrl+f, of course...
Fleet Admiral
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You need superconducting coils (or the Domina power Restore, which you may not have) to recharge a superconducting shield generator. Coils are rare except as loot from Hurin ships (found after St. K's), but you probably do not want to kill any Huari, at least not before you complete their storyline. Avoid the superconducting shield generator unless you know exactly what you doing.

Get the bigger reactor, or save for a bigger weapon. Power use of your future equipment will spike up dramatically soon after St. K's.

For Volkov, you need to be a Korolov legend. To achieve this, kill the Kronosaurus, a souped-up Charon frigate, yourself, then visit a Korolov station. Once you do this, you will be unable to receive anymore missions from Korolov.
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Star Castle Arcade: Play a classic arcade game adventure, with or without more features (like powerups)!
Playership Drones: Buy or restore exotic ships to command!

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Militia Captain
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Just do the Korolov missions more, and don't be afraid to get into action. The Kronosaur will come sooner than later, and once you kill it and docked at a Korolov station, Volkov will ask to follow you. About the reactor, it's true that after St. Kats your power use will spike up tremendously, that's why I advice you to wait for a bigger reactor (150 should do). about how to fix the problem right now, well, your shield is arguably better than those two shields you talked about. The thing you should change, if you can, is your weapon. Find something a little weaker, maybe a strong laser or something. Keep the dual particle, when you get a new reactor, it will be a very good weapon.
Yes, look at my avatar, I have a wyvera type ship.
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