10 things that kill you

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Commonwealth Pilot
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Ok, this willl kill you just once, and then you'll know to stay away from glowing wrecks

Mk. II Centurions/Corsairs

Quite an upgrade from their Mk. I brethren. They will make you regret not upgrading your shield and armor.

Charon pirate frigates

They're the big mean brother of the Drake missile ship.

Heliotrope gunships

They're some of the first enemies with ion weapons. And when you encounter them, you'll most likely lack significant resistance to ion damage.

Sung Wind slavers

They are fast enough to catch you, tough enough to resist low-level weaponry for a while, and pack quite a bit of firepower.

Sung Earth slavers

Death to anyone relying on shields for protection.

Ferian warriors

Do not get on the wrong side of the Ferians unless you're able to deal with these plasma-spitting horrors.

Ares Sandstorm gunships

Just when you upgraded your equipment enough that Wind slavers are no longer a threat, these things start showing up. Fortunately, they are a bit less aggressive than Wind slavers.

Ares Chasm gunships

Again, death for anyone relying on shields only as the positron cannon will quickly take down any shield.

Ares Phobos/Deimos dreadnaughts

They're pretty much as nasty as capital ships get. They can take immense amounts of punishment and have ridiculous amounts of firepower. Especially deadly when they're hidden in nebulae. Unlike other capital ships, these two can deliver tremendous amounts of burst damage with their lightning turrets.
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The Charons and Ferian Warriars should not belong on this list. I would raid these faction bases all day long with minimal damage. In fact, it is pretty fun baiting them to attack friendly bases for it's loot.

I'd rather replace those two with Arena and Ranx. Ranx are really a pain in the arse if you get caught by their dreadnaughts without end-game shield or weapons. The Arena can always kill you if you pick the wrong opponent.
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The Arena was difficult way back when, but nowadays with blast plate and an enhanced omniturbo it's a breeze. Power creep has occurred and the Arena hasn't kept up.
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JohnBWatson wrote:The Arena was difficult way back when, but nowadays with blast plate and an enhanced omniturbo it's a breeze. Power creep has occurred and the Arena hasn't kept up.
THe few "Surprise!" enemies (with KM550's) are reasonably tough. There aren't many of them though. They used to have XM900s though. And the Slicer is a joke...the gun they're named after hardly gets used, and it turns into a "can I survive 3 minutes of continuous RK15 fire?" battle while the AI derps around the arena.

I''m a bit surprised the Ventari haven't been mentioned though. True, I first encountered them back when they would do device damage really often, and device damage was device damage....IE: permanent damage.
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Shrike wrote:
JohnBWatson wrote:The Arena was difficult way back when, but nowadays with blast plate and an enhanced omniturbo it's a breeze. Power creep has occurred and the Arena hasn't kept up.
THe few "Surprise!" enemies (with KM550's) are reasonably tough. There aren't many of them though. They used to have XM900s though. And the Slicer is a joke...the gun they're named after hardly gets used, and it turns into a "can I survive 3 minutes of continuous RK15 fire?" battle while the AI derps around the arena.

I''m a bit surprised the Ventari haven't been mentioned though. True, I first encountered them back when they would do device damage really often, and device damage was device damage....IE: permanent damage.
The Ventaris were fairly strong and had decent look. They were more like the Urak of Human Space and the frontier of the Ungoverned Territories. "Yes, they are kill-able, but they can smash your defenses pretty damn easily too."
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Device disrupt can turn into device damage if it tries to ionize an already ionized device.
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Shrike wrote:
JohnBWatson wrote:I''m a bit surprised the Ventari haven't been mentioned though.
Unless you charge in head first, you can usually escape from a Ventari encounter gone wrong, since they don't have anything fast enough to chase down the players ship, nor do they do the ridiculous DPS of something with an Ares lightning turret. They also don't have the advantage of surprise, like Ferians and Pteravores. The latter aren't dangerous for a seasoned player, but encountering them for the first time can be a nasty surprise. Unless the Ferian warriors are busy picking apart NPC ships and stations, that is.
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Ihlosi wrote:
Shrike wrote:
JohnBWatson wrote:I''m a bit surprised the Ventari haven't been mentioned though.
Unless you charge in head first, you can usually escape from a Ventari encounter gone wrong, since they don't have anything fast enough to chase down the players ship, nor do they do the ridiculous DPS of something with an Ares lightning turret. They also don't have the advantage of surprise, like Ferians and Pteravores. The latter aren't dangerous for a seasoned player, but encountering them for the first time can be a nasty surprise. Unless the Ferian warriors are busy picking apart NPC ships and stations, that is.
Ventari are easy: grab an omni-weapon and fly in circles at the edge of their range. They can't hit you because tactical computers are easily confused by anything that isn't a line and they are slow enough that you can leisurely waltz away when they eventually get to close. They are rather fun/lucrative to lure into Ferians because of the enormous amounts of valuables left after the carnage. (I need something better to do than starting wars just for the heck of it. Blowing them all up myself sounds promisingly entertaining. :twisted: )
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Commonwealth Pilot
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catfighter wrote:Ventari are easy: grab an omni-weapon and fly in circles at the edge of their range.
That works, but with the latest changes to capital ship damage, it takes forever unless you bring several Ares lightning turrets.
catfighter wrote:(I need something better to do than starting wars just for the heck of it.
Start wars for profit, of course.
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Ihlosi wrote:
catfighter wrote:Ventari are easy: grab an omni-weapon and fly in circles at the edge of their range.
That works, but with the latest changes to capital ship damage, it takes forever unless you bring several Ares lightning turrets.
catfighter wrote:(I need something better to do than starting wars just for the heck of it.
Start wars for profit, of course.
Hold down two buttons and do something else, like read a book. It keeps me dieing of boredom. :)

And why profit? If you played right, you're probably drowning in money by the time you encounter anything strong enough to actually kill anything else. Big numbers look cool and all, but personally I like fireworks better. :D
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