Question about stations

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They do, trust me. I used to store loot in station wrecks until I found one of them had been emptied. I spent a few hours scouring that system until I found and killed the culprit--a Salvager with a belly full of loot...My loot!
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I've seen salvagers docked at station wrecks. I hate salvagers and kill them on sight. Ever have one come along and salvage a barricade wall you just spent 10 minutes building? :evil:
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Militia Captain
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That's interesting. I never knew a Salvager could take a "planted" structure once it's been set. I don't think the player is able to remove a barricade once its been set, but can rotate it at any time. Guess barricades are considered salvageable material whether used or not.

This probably needs to be looked into unless it was a deliberate function.
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This was in an older version, when you put down a bunch of cheap items to get a 'wall' of the jettsion canisters to try and agricultural station, for example.

Haven't seen salvagers do anything with the titanium barricades, which didn't work like they do now in the older version.
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Ahhh.. OK, so now that we have that how you prep for that mission? :lol: I'm gonna havta try that now.

I do use barricades and place them around a Tinker station that I do business with a lot. Helps when you're spending a lot of time in the station. I keep enough space open between them for the Tinkers to fire at the enemy.
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Ooops a spoiler.

You can, it helps. If you're ship is well equipped, you don't have to do that. It is sort of an insurance policy, in case some incomings slip by it will delay them from blowing the station.
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george moromisato wrote:In the next version, there will also be a way to destroy any object.
The next version is out, so that exists now. Does anyone know what the destroy object function is? (If it's just "destroyObject" I will smack myself on the side of the head and begin throwing heavy objects around the room.)
george moromisato wrote:Just to be clear, in my previous post I really meant that there would be a way for mods to programmatically destroy any object. I haven't yet implemented a way for players to destroy or clear-out wrecks.

But I do want to do that, probably before 1.0.
Sweet. But with a destroy object function it should be possible to mod "dock and destroy" wrecks into the game right now....
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