
Freeform discussion about anything related to modding Transcendence.
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Fleet Officer
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nope still doesn't work
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Militia Commander
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Nor will it, looks like George never created an itemStruct version of that function. All of the rest of the itemListCursor specific functions got switched over, but not that one.
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Militia Captain
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Well, you'll just have to settle for using the picker on a usescreen for the time being. Let the player pick the slot.

Only thing is that you lose the ability to force an inferior armor segment onto somebody.
Who's going to willingly install blast plate over holochroal or something? :lol:
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Fleet Officer
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well I was thinking more of non player ships and custom ships (trade having lesser armor for something else)
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george moromisato
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A few things:

1. Burzmali is right that (shpInstallArmor) is missing an itemStruct version. I've added that to the next version. Of course, even then you will need to add the item to the ship before you try to install it.

2. Without the above fix, you can still do it using an item list cursor. The (objEnumItems) function will iterate using an item cursor. Do something like this:

Code: Select all

(setq installDone Nil)
(objEnumItems shipToInstall "aU" cursorVar
   (if (and (not installDone)
         (IsThisTheArmorToInstall cursorVar))
      (block Nil
         (setq installDone True)
(objEnumItems) will loop over all items on the given ship (shipToInstall) and of the given criteria (in this case, "aU" means all uninstalled armor segments).

On each pass through the loop, cursorVar will be set to point to one of the items that matches the criteria.

(IsThisTheArmorToInstall cursorVar) is some way of deciding whether this is the item to install. You might replace it with:

(eq (itmGetUNID (itmAtCursor cursorVar)) &itTitaniumPlate;)

Which checks to see if the armor is titanium plate (replace the constant as appropriate).

We set installDone to True because we don't want to install more than one item per loop. One problem with (objEnumItems) is that it doesn't work very well when the items are being changed inside the loop (which is what shpInstallArmor would do).

Your best bet is to create a function that wraps it all in a single function. Something like:

Code: Select all

(setq installArmorHelper
      (lambda (theShip theArmorType theSegment)
   (block (installDone)
      (objEnumItems theShip "aU" cursorVar
         (if (and (not installDone)
               (eq (itmGetUNID (itmAtCursor cursorVar))
            (block Nil
               (setq installDone True)
Then you can install 4 segments on a ship like this:

Code: Select all

(block Nil
   (objAddItem gPlayerShip (itmCreate &itTitaniumPlate; 4))
   (installArmorHelper gPlayerShip &itTitaniumPlate; 0)
   (installArmorHelper gPlayerShip &itTitaniumPlate; 1)
   (installArmorHelper gPlayerShip &itTitaniumPlate; 2)
   (installArmorHelper gPlayerShip &itTitaniumPlate; 3)
Note: I have not tried any of this code, so there might be typos and/or bugs.
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Fleet Officer
Fleet Officer
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thanks, is there a itemstruct version of shpEnhanceItem or should I just do what you did there? (do enemy devices obey enhancements?)
Crying is not a proper retort!
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