Adaptive shields, anyone?

Freeform discussion about anything related to modding Transcendence.
Militia Commander
Militia Commander
Posts: 395
Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:14 am

Hmm, I've fiddled with this some more and appearently you can't access the instance of an object that is already being accessed. For example, trying to even call up the name of the shield while it is "gItem" in a dockscreen crashes the program.

george, any thoughts or guidance?

Here is the segment causing the trouble:

Code: Select all

(objEnumItems gPlayerShip "sI" ItemCursor
    (block Nil
         ->(scrSetDesc gScreen (cat (itmGetMass (itmAtCursor ItemCursor))))
         (shpRemoveDevice gPlayerShip ItemCursor)
(objRemoveItem gPlayerShip gItem 1)
(objAddItem gPlayerShip newShield)
(shpInstallDevice gPlayerShip newShield)
(scrSetDesc gScreen (cat "Your shield is now set to: " (itmGetTypeData newShield)))
The -> line is causing the crash, but the program is insisting that I can't (shpRemoveDevice) on the installed shield (Item not found in List).
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