objSetDeviceActivationDelay Issues

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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I keep getting this error:

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OnFireWeapon [Mayfly-class Capitalist-ForTrans]: Item is not an installed device on object [(-517431296 -16777215 74 60 0 "\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff" "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" 0)] ### (objSetDeviceActivationDelay gSource (itmCreate (ObjGetData gPlayership "OmniWep") 1) 0) ###
But it still works, (reactor is drained). Is there something wrong with my code or can I ask for objSetDeviceActivationDelay to draw power as if any item was installed?

Code: Select all

(block (Target Mount shot)
					(if (ObjGetTarget gPlayership)
						(setq Target (ObjGetTarget gPlayership))
						(setq Target (SysFindObject gSource "*NAEs"))
							(ObjGetData gPlayership "OmniWep")
							(ls (ObjGetDistance gPlayership Target) 80)
						(block Nil
							(setq Mount (ObjGetData gPlayership "OmniWep"))
							(setq shot (sysCreateWeaponFire 
								(ObjGetPos gSource) 
								(sysCalcFireSolution (sysVectorSubtract (objGetpos Target) aFirePos) (objGetVel Target) (typGetDataField Mount 'speed)) 
								(typGetDataField (ObjGetData gPlayership "OmniWep") 'speed) 
							(objIncVel shot (objGetVel gSource))
							(sysPlaySound (typGetDataField (ObjGetData gPlayership "OmniWep") "sound") gSource)
							(objSetDeviceActivationDelay gSource (itmCreate (ObjGetData gPlayership "OmniWep") 1) 0)
						(block Nil
								(not (ObjGetData gPlayership "OmniWep"))
									(Plymessage gPlayer "No weapon is currently mounted.")
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Militia Captain
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It seems like objSetDeviceActivationDelay requires a pointer to an installed item rather than simply an itmStruct.

Try replacing the (itmCreate....) with something like

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(item (filter (objGetItems gplayership "wI") itm (eq (itmGetType itm) mount))) 0)
That should find an installed weapon that matches the unid that is saved on the playership as the var "mount". If that returns an error then you probably dont have the "mount" weapon installed.

This is all just theory, I haven't used this func before but I hope it helps
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Prohet wrote:objSetDeviceActivationDelay requires a pointer to an installed item
I was afraid of that D:
I was trying to make an omnidirectional weapon slot that could take any weapon in the cargo hold and use objSetDeviceActivationDelay to simulate the weapon draining fuel.
I guess I should put this off until I can come up with a better idea.
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