Modding Error

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Militia Captain
Militia Captain
Posts: 732
Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:33 am
Location: Area 51

goat not sheep something's wrong with the weapon discriptor of the Interceptor plasma weapon... did I spell plasma wrong...?

Code: Select all

<!-- Interceptor Plasma Cannon --> 

   <ItemType UNID="&itCarrierW3;" 
         name=            "Interceptor Plasma Cannon" 
         level=            "2" 
         value=            "250" 
         mass=            "1500" 
         frequency=         "unique" 
         modifiers=         "EnergyWeapon; MajorItem;GnSInd;" 
         showReference=      "true" 

         description=      "A stronger weapon than the laser interceptor cannon." 
Only thing I noticed out of place is this;
modifiers= "EnergyWeapon; MajorItem;GnSInd;"
Should be:
modifiers= "EnergyWeapon; MajorItem; GnSInd"
Note the space added between "MajorItem;" and "GnSInd" as well as the semicolon removed after "GnSInd" and the end-quote taking its place instead. You have several areas in your code that are set up the same way. Might as well hit them all now so to save ya from having to hunt them down later.
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goat not sheep
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
Posts: 669
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Odd...I've done that a billion times.... hm... I'll try it anyways. My best bet...anyways.

EDIT: Same message. It's something wrong with the weapon discrtptor. Oh! Here is the mod I have...after edited:

Code: Select all

 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE TranscendenceExtension

	<!ENTITY itCarrierPlate			"0xE6660136">
	<!ENTITY itCarrierW1			"0xE6660137">
	<!ENTITY itCarrierW2			"0xE6660138">
	<!ENTITY itCarrierW3			"0xE6660139">
	<!ENTITY itCarrierW4			"0xE6660140">
	<!ENTITY itCarrierH			"0xE6660141">
	<!ENTITY itCarrierI			"0xE6660142">
	<!ENTITY itInterceptorArmour		"0xE6660143">
	<!ENTITY scPlayerCarrier		"0xE6660144">
	<!ENTITY scInterceptor			"0xE6660145">
	<!ENTITY scInterceptor1			"0xE6660146">
	<!ENTITY scDefendingCarrier		"0xE6660147">
	<!ENTITY stCarrierFleet			"0xE6660148">
	<!ENTITY rsSuperfreightership		"0xE6660149">
	<!ENTITY rsSuperfreighterShields	"0xE6660150">
	<!ENTITY rsWolfenArmor			"0x0000F00B">


<TranscendenceExtension UNID="0xE6660136" version="0.97a">

<Image UNID="&rsSuperfreighterShip;" bitmap="superfreighter.jpg" bitmask="superfreightermask.bmp" backColor="0x00000000"/>
<Image UNID="&rsSuperfreighterShields;" bitmap="superfreightershield.bmp" backColor="0x00000000"/>

<!-- Hangar -->

	<ItemType UNID="&itCarrierI;"
			name=				"GnS Intercepter (L) Bay"
			level=				"10"
			value=				"0"
			mass=				"501000"
			frequency=			"notrandom"
			modifiers=			"MajorItem"

			description=		"A bay which deploys fighters to defend the main carrier ship."

				powerRating=		"50"
				capacitorPowerUse=	"50"
				powerToActivate=	"10"

	<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="0" imageY="192" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

		<Invoke installedOnly="true">

				(block (ship)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

<!-- Hangar -->

	<ItemType UNID="&itCarrierH;"
			name=				"GnS Intercepter Bay"
			level=				"10"
			value=				"0"
			mass=				"501000"
			frequency=			"notrandom"
			modifiers=			"MajorItem"

			description=		"An enhanced version of the normal hangar, which requires less energy than the old hangar. When used, it launches 1 intercepter to help the main carrier."

				powerRating=		"50"
				capacitorPowerUse=	"50"
				powerToActivate=	"10"

		<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="0" imageY="192" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

		<Invoke installedOnly="true">

				(block (ship)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)

					(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor; gPlayerShip &svCommonwealth; ))
					(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)


	<!-- Carrier Laser Cannon -->

	<ItemType UNID="&itCarrierW1;"
			name=				"Carrier ATA cannon"
			level=				"1"
			value=				"250"
			mass=				"1500"
			frequency=			"unique"
			modifiers=			"EnergyWeapon; MajorItem;GnSInd;"
			showReference=		"true"

			description=		"A weapon for the gigantic command ship. Due to most of the reactor power being used on fighters in the immense cargo bay, not a lot of energy is left for an efficent weapon."

		<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="96" imageY="0" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

				type=				"beam"

				damage=				"laser:2d3"
				fireRate=			"25"
				lifetime=			"45"
				powerUse=			"10"

				beamType=			"laser"
				primaryColor=		"0xff, 0x00, 0x00"
				secondaryColor=		"0xff, 0x00, 0x00"
				sound=				"&snLaserCannon;"

	<!-- Interceptor Plasma Cannon -->

	<ItemType UNID="&itCarrierW3;"
			name=				"Interceptor Plasma Cannon"
			level=				"2"
			value=				"250"
			mass=				"1500"
			frequency=			"unique"
			modifiers=			"EnergyWeapon;MajorItem;GnSInd"
			showReference=		"true"

			description=		"A stronger weapon than the laser interceptor cannon."

		<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="96" imageY="0" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

				type=				"beam"

				damage=				"plasma:1d1"
				fireRate=			"5"
				lifetime=			"30"
				powerUse=			"0"
				configuration=			"dual"

				sound=				"&snShieldHit1;"

				<Image imageID="&rsMissiles4;" imageX="0" imageY="48" imageWidth="16" imageHeight="16" imageFrameCount="8" imageTicksPerFrame="1"/>


	<!-- Interceptor Laser Cannon -->

	<ItemType UNID="&itCarrierW4;"
			name=				"Interceptor Laser Cannon"
			level=				"2"
			value=				"250"
			mass=				"1500"
			frequency=			"unique"
			modifiers=			"EnergyWeapon; MajorItem;GnSInd;"
			showReference=		"true"

			description=		"A stronger weapon than the laser interceptor cannon."

		<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="96" imageY="0" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

				type=				"beam"

				damage=				"laser:1d1"
				fireRate=			"1"
				lifetime=			"30"
				powerUse=			"0"
				configuration=			"dual"

				primaryColor=		"0xf1, 0x5f, 0x2a"
				secondaryColor=		"0xff, 0x00, 0x00"
				sound=				"&snLaserCannon;"


	<!-- Carrier Rocket -->

	<ItemType UNID="&itCarrierW2;"
			name=				"Carrier Rockets"
			level=				"4"
			value=				"500"
			mass=				"800"
			frequency=			"rare"
			modifiers=			"MajorItem;GnSInd;"

			description=		"A patheticly weak weapon for the GnS carrier as the energy is usually required for hangars and drives."

		<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="0" imageY="480" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

				type=				"missile"
				launcher=			"true"

				damage=				"blast:6d1; momentum3; WMD2"
				fireRate=			"30"
				lifetime=			"120"
				powerUse=			"2"

				directional=		"true"
				missileSpeed=		"100"
				sound=				"&snMissileLauncher;"

				<Image imageID="&rsMissiles2;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="32" imageHeight="32" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>


			(intAutoInstall gSource gItem)

	<!-- Segment of Carrier Armor -->
	<ItemType UNID="&itCarrierPlate;"
			name=				"Segment of Carrier plate"
			level=				"10"
			value=				"18000"
			frequency=			"unique"
			numberAppearing=	"1d4"
			mass=				"2000"
			modifiers=			"MinorItem"

			description=		"A plate manufactured by GnS Industries for GnS carriers. It is very strong."

			firstPlural=		"true"
			sortName=			"carrier plate, segment of"

		<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

				hitPoints=	"250"
				damageAdj=	" 25, 25,25, 150, 200,0,0,10, 25,25,250,100, 100,100,100,100"
				repairTech=	"5"
				repairCost=	"100"


	<!-- Segment of Interceptor armour -->
	<ItemType UNID="&itInterceptorArmour;"
			name=				"Segment of Fighter armour"
			level=				"1"
			value=				"1800"
			frequency=			"unique"
			numberAppearing=	"1d4"
			mass=				"2000"
			modifiers=			"MinorItem"

			description=		"A plate manufactured by GnS Industries for GnS interceptors. It is very durable."

			firstPlural=		"true"
			sortName=			"GnS plate, segment of"

		<Image imageID="&rsItems1;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="96" imageHeight="96"/>

				hitPoints=	"150"
				damageAdj=	" 25, 25,25, 25, 25,25,25,25, 25,25,25,25, 25,25,25,25"
				repairTech=	"5"
				repairCost=	"100"



	<!-- GnS Interceptor -->
	<ShipClass UNID="&scInterceptor;"
			manufacturer=		"GnS Industries"
			class=				""
			type=				"GnS Interceptor"
			score=				"400"
			techOrder=			"mech"
			mass=				"5"
			cargoSpace=			"0"
			thrust=				"50"
			maneuver=			"1"
			maxSpeed=			"35"

			leavesWreck=		"0"

			<ArmorSection start="0" span="360" armorID="&itInterceptorArmour;" areaSet="0,2,3,7" />

			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierW3;"/>

		<Image imageID="&rsSmallShips1;" imageX="128" imageY="0" imageWidth="32" imageHeight="32" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>

			fireRateAdj=		"30"
			fireAccuracy=		"70"
			perception=			"4"

			<NozzleImage imageID="&rsDriveExhaust;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="48" imageHeight="48" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>
			<NozzlePos x="-34" y="0"/>

	<!-- GnS Interceptor -->
	<ShipClass UNID="&scInterceptor1;"
			manufacturer=		"GnS Industries"
			class=				""
			type=				"GnS Interceptor L"
			score=				"400"
			techOrder=			"mech"
			mass=				"5"
			cargoSpace=			"0"
			thrust=				"50"
			maneuver=			"1"
			maxSpeed=			"35"

			leavesWreck=		"0"

			<ArmorSection start="0" span="360" armorID="&itInterceptorArmour;" areaSet="0,2,3,7" />

			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierW4;"/>

		<Image imageID="&rsSmallShips1;" imageX="128" imageY="0" imageWidth="32" imageHeight="32" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>

			fireRateAdj=		"1"
			fireAccuracy=		"100"
			perception=			"4"

			<NozzleImage imageID="&rsDriveExhaust;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="48" imageHeight="48" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>
			<NozzlePos x="-34" y="0"/>


<!-- GnS Carrier -->

	<ShipClass UNID="&scPlayerCarrier;"
			manufacturer=		"GnS Industries"
			class=				"GnS"
			type=				"Carrier"
			score=				"1000"
			techOrder=			"biomech"
			mass=				"5000"
			reactorPower=		"5000"
			fuelCapacity=		"500000"
			cargoSpace=			"1000"
			thrust=				"100"
			maneuver=			"20"
			maxSpeed=			"10"

			maxArmor=			"1000000"
			maxCargoSpace=		"10000"
			maxDevices=			"300"
			CyberDefenseLevel=	"12"
			leavesWreck=		"100"

			<ArmorSection start="345" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="330" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="315" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="300" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="285" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="270" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="255" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="240" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="225" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="210" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="195" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="180" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />

			<ArmorSection start="165" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="150" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="135" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="120" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="105" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="90"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="75"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="60"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="45"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="30"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="15"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="0"   span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />

			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierW1;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierW2;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>

			<Item count="20d20" item="&itPteracniumFuelRod;"/>

			fireRateAdj=		"30"
			fireAccuracy=		"90"
			perception=			"4"

		<Image imageID="&rsSuperfreighterShip;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="220" imageHeight="220" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>
			<NozzleImage imageID="&rsDriveExhaust;" imageX="48" imageY="0" imageWidth="48" imageHeight="48" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>
			<NozzlePos x="-28" y="-4"/>
			<NozzlePos x="-28" y="5"/>

			desc=				"A carrier ship made by GnS Industries as a multi-purpose ship, with it's humoungous amount of fighters stored in it's cargo."
			initialClass=		"true">

	<ArmorSection name="forward" imageID="&rsWolfenArmor;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="90" imageHeight="9" destX="23" destY="32" hpX="55" hpY="27" nameY="8" nameBreakWidth="360" nameDestX="12" nameDestY="0"/>
	<ArmorSection name="starboard" imageID="&rsWolfenArmor;" imageX="90" imageY="0" imageWidth="9" imageHeight="56" destX="104" destY="41" hpX="98" hpY="60" nameY="30" nameBreakWidth="275" nameDestX="0" nameDestY="8"/>
	<ArmorSection name="aft" imageID="&rsWolfenArmor;" imageX="99" imageY="0" imageWidth="90" imageHeight="9" destX="23" destY="97" hpX="55" hpY="97" nameY="74" nameBreakWidth="200" nameDestX="0" nameDestY="8"/>
	<ArmorSection name="port" imageID="&rsWolfenArmor;" imageX="189" imageY="0" imageWidth="9" imageHeight="56" destX="23" destY="41" hpX="12" hpY="60" nameY="52" nameBreakWidth="200" nameDestX="0" nameDestY="8"/>

				<Image imageID="&rsSuperfreighterShields;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="136" imageHeight="136"/>
				<Image imageID="&rsZubrinReactor;" 
						imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="256" imageHeight="60"/>
				<PowerLevelImage imageID="&rsZubrinReactor;"
						imageX="0" imageY="60" imageWidth="202" imageHeight="14"
						destX="54" destY="9"/>
				<FuelLevelImage imageID="&rsZubrinReactor;"
						imageX="0" imageY="74" imageWidth="194" imageHeight="14"
						destX="54" destY="37"/>
				<FuelLowLevelImage imageID="&rsZubrinReactor;"
						imageX="0" imageY="88" imageWidth="194" imageHeight="14"/>
				<ReactorText x="62" y="22" width="154" height="14"/>
				<PowerLevelText x="62" y="0" width="154" height="9"/>
				<FuelLevelText x="62" y="51" width="154" height="9"/>


	<ShipClass UNID="&scDefendingCarrier;"
			manufacturer=		"GnS Industries"
			class=				"GnS"
			type=				"Carrier"
			score=				"1000"
			techOrder=			"biomech"
			mass=				"5000"
			reactorPower=		"5000"
			fuelCapacity=		"500000"
			cargoSpace=			"1000"
			thrust=				"100"
			maneuver=			"20"
			maxSpeed=			"10"

			maxArmor=			"1000000"
			maxCargoSpace=		"10000"
			maxDevices=			"300"
			CyberDefenseLevel=	"12"
			leavesWreck=		"100"

			<ArmorSection start="345" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="330" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="315" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="300" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="285" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="270" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="255" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="240" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="225" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="210" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="195" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="180" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />

			<ArmorSection start="165" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="150" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="135" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="120" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="105" span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="90"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="75"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="60"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="45"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="30"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="15"  span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />
			<ArmorSection start="0"   span="15" armorID="&itCarrierPlate;" />

			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierW1;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierW2;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierH;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>
			<Device deviceID="&itCarrierI;"/>

			<Item count="10d20" item="&itPteracniumFuelRod;"/>

			fireRateAdj=		"30"
			fireAccuracy=		"90"
			perception=		"4"
  (block Nil
    (sysAddReoccurringTimerEvent 120 "onLaunch")
    (sysAddReoccurringTimerEvent 1800 "onReinforcement")
    (objSetData gSource "ships" 36)

  (block Nil
    (if (and (objIsUnderAttack gSource) (geq (objGetData gSource "ships") 6)
      (block (i)
        (for i 0 5
          (block (ship)
               (setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gSource &svCommonwealth;))
               (shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)
        (objIncData gSource "ships" -6)

  (if (leq (objGetData gSource "ships") 34)
    (objIncData gSource "ships" 2)

		<Image imageID="&rsSuperfreighterShip;" imageX="0" imageY="0" imageWidth="220" imageHeight="220" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>
			<NozzleImage imageID="&rsDriveExhaust;" imageX="48" imageY="0" imageWidth="48" imageHeight="48" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>
			<NozzlePos x="-28" y="-4"/>
			<NozzlePos x="-28" y="5"/>


	<!-- Carrier Fleet -->

	<StationType UNID="&stCarrierFleet;"
			name=				"(Xenophobe fleet)"
			scale=				"world"
			sovereign=			"&svIndependent;"
			imageVariants=		"8"

			ejectaType=			"&vtStoneAsteroidEjecta;"
			attributes=			"enemy,envFire,envAvoidsWater"
			levelFrequency=		"----v cuvv vvvvvv vvvvv vvvvv"
			locationCriteria=	"*"

		<Image imageID="&rsWorlds1;" imageX="128" imageY="0" imageWidth="64" imageHeight="64" imageFrameCount="0" imageTicksPerFrame="0"/>

			<Ship	count="1"	class="&scDefendingCarrier;" orders="wander" sovereign="&svDestructiveChaos;" >
					<Ship		count="1d2+1"	class="&scDefendingCarrier;"	orders="escort"/>

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The plasma cannon looks suspicious to me.
The Plasma Torch uses particles, yours doesn't.
Try setting yours up like the plasma torch from stdweapaons.xml and see if that works.
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Also, 1d1 ia redundant. 1 would be fine by itself.
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Another thing too....

Code: Select all

 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
<!DOCTYPE TranscendenceExtension 
Looking at the very top of your XML, check to make sure there is no gap or space in front of this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
It should be flush against the left column and should NOT have any space in front of it. Otherwise, it will state odd errors that could throw you off.
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goat not sheep
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dvlenk6 wrote:The plasma cannon looks suspicious to me.
The Plasma Torch uses particles, yours doesn't.
Try setting yours up like the plasma torch from stdweapaons.xml and see if that works.
DOes mine need particles? Cause I simply copied this from the petinent cannon...
and FAD... there's nothing above the xml version thing.
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But the penitent cannon is 'dark acid' damage type, not plasma.
At least give the particle format a try to see if it takes care of the error.
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there is a plasma cannon weapon in the game and it doesn't use particals
Crying is not a proper retort!
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...I'm really confused...
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I copied your extension and went through it.
here are the errors that I found:

1. you do not have the extension declared. you need an <!ENTITY...> for the extension; and put it in the <TranscendenceExtension UNID="0xE6660136" version="0.97a"> line, instead of using the carrierplate unid.

2. The script in &itCarrierI; has two extra ')' at the end. you only need one to close '(block (ship)...'

3. As FAD pointed out: 'EnergyWeapon; MajorItem;GnSInd;' should be like this: 'EnergyWeapon; MajorItem; GnSInd'. I don't think that would cause an error; but doubt if the modifiers would be interpreted correctly.


Code: Select all

(block Nil 
(if (and (objIsUnderAttack gSource) (geq (objGetData gSource "ships") 6) 
(block (i) 
(for i 0 5 
(block (ship) 
(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gSource &svCommonwealth;)) 
(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15) 
(objIncData gSource "ships" -6) 
isn't correct. There are not enough ')'. It should be this:

Code: Select all

	(block Nil
		(if (and (objIsUnderAttack gSource) (geq (objGetData gSource "ships") 6))
			(block (i)
				(for i 0 5
					(block (ship)
						(setq ship (sysCreateShip &scInterceptor1; gSource &svCommonwealth;))
						(shpOrderEscort ship gPlayerShip 15)
					(objIncData gSource "ships" -6)
I wasn't able to get the extension to work. There was still the weapon descriptor error in the plasma cannon. I deleted that and got the same error for the laser cannon. I don't see anything wrong with those parts of the xml, so I am assuming that there is missing quotes somewhere.
I checked the tag structure with GoLive and it is correct, meaning there are no missing or out of place tag pairs (i.e. <opentag> ... </closetag>)
There were a lot of extra white spaces. Maybe one (or more) of them is a ctrl character or something. I've had problems with those, I think, it is hard to tell. Your best bet would be to re-type the extension. Not re copy/paste; retype.
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Retype? Noooo! Maybe george... do you see anything...
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All you have to retype is the weapons that have the descriptor error. You can leave the carrier stuff as is, provided nothing else is wrong with it.
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If you think it's just the weapon types causing the error(s), why not simply remove all of the weapons (and their UNID's) from the XML and test the remains. If that fixes the error then create a new XML for only the weapons and test them separately--once all weapons appear to be correct you can then add them back into your original XML. Note: You may have to temp replace any mod weapons installed in your ships/stations with base weapons else you'll get more errors. A basic laser would suffice.

I've always found it a lot easier to test mods by individualizing all items first and then compiling them into one XML once they're working correctly. I do this because I cannot get Transdata to work on my PC and I don't have any other debuggers.
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