Enemy sovereigns and docking 'enabled

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Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Has anybody tried to make docking possible with enemy sovereigns? I have a midterm and 3 HW assignments due Thursday so can't test it myself but I was just thinking if that was possible you can get the player to play a "diplomacy" mini game in the dock screens if they dock to hostile stations.
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 A quick-n’-dirty check via /debug seems to indicate that this is not currently possible. Using (objSetProperty obj 'dockingEnabled true) returns an invalid property error when applied to stations. For good measure, I also checked (objGetProperty obj 'playerBlacklisted) on an enemy station, which returned nil.

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Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Ah ok. Thanks for checking AP.
Another (possible) workaround would be ships-masquerading-as-stations like the CSC but that will probably return the same thing.
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I'm not sure if it would work for what you want, but it may be possible to get unarmed stations to "surrender" when their guards are destroyed and switch their faction to a new one of friendly alignment to the player to allow docking.

For example, Ares communes and outlaw mines could cease to be hostile once their Ares sentries/Outlaw turrets/TA3s are taken out.
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AssumedPseudonym wrote: A quick-n’-dirty check via /debug seems to indicate that this is not currently possible. Using (objSetProperty obj 'dockingEnabled true) returns an invalid property error when applied to stations. For good measure, I also checked (objGetProperty obj 'playerBlacklisted) on an enemy station, which returned nil.
I think a station also needs the dockScreen= attribute to be set. Most hostile stations only have the abandonedScreen= attribute specified (typically "&dsAbandonedStation;").

I'm not sure setting a dockScreen= attribute would allow docking with hostile stations, but you could give it a try.

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I am not entirely sure but check out Huari. You can become friendly with them which makes you be able to dock their stations.
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there was in fact some cool "mods" that ALMOST did this -
Mission Framework ( as far as I know it's not available anymore )

Boarding Parties Teaser

Dynamic Sovereigns

ares rins to credits

Holographic Stealth Device
( a little buggy - but fun to give it a go )

However, besides THAT... I once tried to do missions for the Black Market, forgetting they are Neutral ... ( later Mission Framework came out and presented the same problem I found - the Player isn't Neutral )

Soo. to make my missions work ( and my copies of Mission Framework work for me ) I would set the Player as Neutral ( Black Market or Independent Trader) using the Mission dockscreens ( works fine so long as I remember that I usually make Corporate & Black Market enemies because
(( to my opinion ))
Black Market cuts into the Corporate Profits...and to steer clear of Corporate Stations until after the mission is over and the last dockscreen resets the Player Sov back to Player)

You can set the Player Sov with simply adding ONE line to a dockscreen
( example )

Code: Select all

(objSetSovereign gSource &svPlayer;)
However - your hostile stations still need a screen to meet the player - otherwise it's just a loot till you reboot your sov.....
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Commonwealth Pilot
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The huari idea sounds promising.

This is from the huari.xml globals:

(possibly set sovereign dispositions as neutral - and then back - would be worth a try)

(block Nil
(setq huaCheckExperience (lambda (xp)
(if (gr xp 325)
(block Nil
(typSetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "status" 'tualiIntro)

(setq huaHuariDestroyed (lambda (theObj theDestroyer)
(if (and gPlayerShip (eq theDestroyer gPlayerShip))
(block (status)
(typIncGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "huariDestroyed")
(setq status (typGetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "status"))

(if status
(block Nil
(typSetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "status" Nil)
(sovSetDisposition &svHuariEmpire; &svPlayer; 'enemy)
(sovSetDisposition &svPlayer; &svHuariEmpire; 'enemy)

(setq huaIsGateToHuaramarca (lambda (nodeID gateID nodesChecked)
(block (destNode)
(setq destNode (sysGetStargateDestinationNode nodeID gateID))
(if (eq destNode "Huaramarca")

(block (stargates)
(setq nodesChecked (append nodesChecked (list nodeID)))
(setq stargates (filter (sysGetStargates destNode) theGate
(not (find nodesChecked (sysGetStargateDestinationNode destNode theGate)))

(if stargates
(filter stargates theGate (huaIsGateToHuaramarca destNode theGate nodesChecked))

(setq huaSungDestroyed (lambda (theObj theDestroyer)
(if (and gPlayerShip (eq theDestroyer gPlayerShip))
(block (sungDestroyed)
(setq sungDestroyed
(typIncGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "sungDestroyed")

(if (geq sungDestroyed 6)
(block (status huariDestroyed)
(setq status (typGetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "status"))
(setq huariDestroyed (typGetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "huariDestroyed"))

(if (and (not status) (not huariDestroyed))
(block Nil
(typSetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "status" 'friend)
(sovSetDisposition &svHuariEmpire; &svPlayer; 'friend)
(sovSetDisposition &svPlayer; &svHuariEmpire; 'friend)

From xelerus:


Functions Documentation
View Function Edit Function
Name sovSetDisposition
Syntax (sovSetDisposition sovUNID1 sovUNID2 disposition)
Argument List sovUNID1: The UNID of the sovereign to change disposition of.
sovUNID2: The UNID of the sovereign to change disposition towards
disposition: (string) the first sovereigns disposition towards the other
Returns condition: True if successful, Nil otherwise.
Category sovereign, ai
Description Sets the disposition of the first sovereign to the second sovereign.
Valid dispositions are "enemy", "neutral" and "friend"

(sovSetDisposition &svCSCAntarctica; &svPlayer; 0)

Makes things controlled by the Antarctica sovereign attack the player.
Comment Interesting function allowing you to change how different groups of space objects act toward each other.
Commonwealth Pilot
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some more on that:

<!-- Huari Empire


status: Status of player with respect to Huari
Nil = normal (enemy)
'friend = Huari are friendly and player can do missions
'tualiIntro = Give player the symbiote
'tuali = Player has the symbiote
'tualiDeclined = Player declined the symbiote
'defender = Player is a defender of the Huari
'loser = Player has failed too many missions
'templeDestroyed = Huari temple has been destroyed

huariDestroyed: Number of Huari stations destroyed by the player
sungDestroyed: Number of Sung stations destroyed by the player

missionCount: Total number of missions requested by the player
missionsFailed: Total number of mission failed

visitedTemple: True if player visited the temple in Huaramarca
xp: Total xp accumulated by the player


<Sovereign UNID="&svHuariEmpire;"
name="Huari Empire"
alignment="destructive order"
<Relationship sovereign="&svSung;" disposition="enemy" mutual="true"/>

(block (theList theStatus)
(setq theStatus (typGetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "status"))

(if theStatus
(setq theList (list
(eq theStatus 'templeDestroyed) "Failed to defend the Huari"
(eq theStatus 'loser) "Disappointed the Huari"
(eq theStatus 'defender) "Became Defender of the Huari"
(typGetGlobalData &svHuariEmpire; "visitedTemple") "Visited the Huari temple in Huaramarca"
(eq theStatus 'tualiIntro) "Befriended the Huari"
(eq theStatus 'tuali) "Invited by the Huari to visit Huaramarca"
(eq theStatus 'tualiDeclined) "Declined invitation to visit Huaramarca"
(eq theStatus 'friend) "Befriended the Huari"
(cat "ERROR: Huari status: " theStatus)
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Commonwealth Pilot
Commonwealth Pilot
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And this is how it was done in Heretic:

<Sovereign UNID="&svAresHeretic;"
name="Ares Sect"
alignment="destructive order"
<Relationship sovereign="&svAres;" disposition="friend" mutual="true"/>
<Relationship sovereign="&svPlayer;" disposition="neutral" mutual="true"/>
<Relationship sovereign="&svFriendlyAuton;" disposition="neutral" mutual="true"/>
<Relationship sovereign="&svCommonwealth;" disposition="neutral" mutual="true"/>
<Relationship sovereign="&svCorporate;" disposition="neutral" mutual="true"/>
<Relationship sovereign="&svIndependent;" disposition="neutral" mutual="true"/>
<Relationship sovereign="&svIocrym;" disposition="enemy" mutual="true"/>

<Sovereign UNID="&svSentinelAI;"
name="sentinel AI"
alignment="constructive chaos"
<Relationship sovereign="&svIocrym;" disposition="friend" mutual="true"/>
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