wingman dock services example

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Militia Captain
Militia Captain
Posts: 941
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:56 am

From an idea in the ministry topic "Allow dock services to work on non-player objects"
The image shows one possible way of allowing dock services for wingmen.

Two EI freighter autons, an EI100 and an EI7000, are docked at Starton Dry Dock. The playership (Taipan) is also docked.

Dock services for the EI7000 was selected and the image is the dock services "Install" screen for weapons for that ship. (Ideally the dockscreen title would be "EI7000 weapons services" or similar but changing dockscreen titles is difficult ATM. TODO.).

The four tabs show uninstalled weapons for the dry dock, playership and two docked autons/wingmen/drones.

The shown tab shows the 5 weapons in the cargo hold of the EI100. Any of these weapons can be selected and will be installed in the EI7000. Weapons from the hold of the playership or from Starton Dry Dock can also be installed by selecting them from the appropriate tab. And weapons from the cargo hold of the EI7000 can be installed on it as would be expected.

As stated in the ministry topic, the dockscreen list is a complete list of uninstalled weapons from all four objects with item data added to allow the tabs to show them separately. (It is a duplicate list, not the actual devices from the objects.)

The EI7000 was selected (via the dry dock "Dock Services" action) from the shown carouselSelector screen which currently shows normal ship stats. The bottom part of the display could be altered to show a list of devices in the hold of the relevant object and other useful info.
Another feature could be 'greying-out' of any of these devices that can't be installed by the station.

Of note is the two actions available in current dock services screens. "Upgrade" or "Install". To preserve these actions the updated EI Freighter Autons mod will split station devices from this list and show them from the "Upgrade" action and all playership/wingman devices will be shown in tabs from the "Install" action.

There could be some variation of this used in the NAMI auton bay. Any autons in the bay could have their installed devices/armor shuffled around between autons. And Mule autons could provide uninstalled devices/armor from their holds for installation in other autons.
selector use.jpg
selector use.jpg (135.26 KiB) Viewed 6818 times
dock services use.jpg
dock services use.jpg (137.86 KiB) Viewed 6818 times
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
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