Getting started with git and github

Help building, determining code organization, and other new-to-project problems.
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Thanks, the terminology can get a bit confusing sometimes.
I'm hoping to do some more git work in the next couple of days.
George accepted/pulled/commited/merged (which is most appropriate term?) my pull request a couple of weeks ago.
Since then this has happened twice:

Code: Select all

Merge branch 'master' of https//
So I think I need to (quoting NMS elsewhere) "update my offline copy ("local repository")" "to keep my fork up to date with changes to George's master version".
The easy way to do this is use OxABCDEF's code from a post above:

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;This adds all the commits from kronosaur/master to your local master without requiring you to keep an annoying merge commit.
git rebase kronosaur/master master
Is that right?

After that will I still have a branch called 'master'? I assume a 'master' branch is always present but I'm not sure.
For info, if a pull request from another branch, say called 'othercommits', was merged by George does that delete that branch? If not, is it necessary to delete the branch or can it just sit there or be reused?
Apologies if the questions seem too simple but I find I have less time online for git work than I anticipated.
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Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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OK, years ago I managed to get a pull request up and working. I was using a public library computer that was hundreds of miles away at the time. I didn't realize that it was 64-bit and every other computer I would try since then would be 32-bit. It stopped my git work dead in its tracks. :(

I now have a 64-bit computer so using git is theoretically possible again. But I am running Linux. Can git be used when running Linux? Currently using Ubuntu but will try Mint soon and probably change over.
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Fleet Officer
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Git is easier on *nix, in my experience. I work with Ubuntu 18 too for webservers and git runs great on there. It's built into my IDE (PHPStorm) - not sure what's available in the Ubuntu realm for IDE but you might check out if you want to give a free, integrated app a try.
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Git was created for development of Linux itself, so of course it can be used in any Linux distribution. For Ubuntu, either search for Git in Software Center or in a terminal run:

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sudo apt install git
There are also a lot of graphical programs for Git that you can use if you're not comfortable with the command line:
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