Enhancements list

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Fleet Admiral
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List of enhancements used by shpEnhanceItem.

* enhanceCodes (always starts with 0x*Value*, e.g. 0x0101):
* 010X For enhancing hitpoint; 10% hp multiplied with X (e.g., 0101 = +10% hp, 0102 = +20% hp, etc.)
* 810X for reducing hitpoints;-10% hp multiplied with X (e.g., 8101 = -10% hp, 8102 = -20% hp, etc.)

* 0200 Regenerate (like Duralloy, only applies to armor)
* 8200 Decay (like Transuranic, only applies to armor)

* 03YX Reflect damage type Y with X effectiveness (X{effectiveness} starts with 0=50% and rises in 5% steps; Y{dam type} is listed further down)
* 83Y0 Transparency to damage Y, applies only to shields (e.g., 8300 = shield does not absorb laser damage, 8310 = shield does not reflect kinetic damage).

* 050X reduce damage to armor/shield (e.g., 0500 = armor/shield takes 100% of damage; 0501 = 90% of damage; 0502 = 80% of damage, etc.)
* 850X enhance damage to armor/shield (e.g., 8500 = armor/shield takes 100% of damage; 8501 = 111% damage; 8502 = 125% damage; 8503 = 143% damage, etc.)

* 060X reduce ENERGY damage (e.g., laser, particle, etc.). % is same as 050X.
* 860X enhance ENERGY damage. % is same as 850X.

* 070X reduce MATTER damage (e.g., kinetic, blast, etc.). % is same as 050X.
* 870X enhance MATTER damage. % is same as 850X.

* 08YX reduce damage when damage is of type Y or of type Y+1. For example, 080X adjusts damage to armor/shield when hit by either laser or kinetic damage. % is same as 050X.
* 88YX enhance damage when damage is of type Y or of type Y+1. % is same as 850X.

* 09YX reduce damage when damage is of type Y (e.g., 0901 = armor/shield takes 90% damage from laser; 0911 = armor/shield takes 90% damage from kinetic). % is same as 050X.
* 89YX enhance damage when damage is of type Y. % is same as 850X.

* 0AYX reduce damage with % same as 050X. If damage is of type Y+2, adjusts damage with % equal to 1.5 times 050X. (e.g., 0A05: For laser damage, adjustment is 50%; for particle damage, adjustment is 75%.)
* 8AYX If damage is of type Y, enhance damage with % same as 050X. If damage is of type Y+2, adjusts damage with % equal to 1.5 times 850X.

* 0B00 Armor is immune to radiation.
* 0B10 Armor is immune to blinding.
* 0B20 Armor is immune to EMP.
* 0B30 Armor is immune to device damage.
* 0B40 Armor is immune to disintegration.

* 0C00 Armor is immune to blinding/EMP/device damage.
* 8C00 Armor interferes with shields (like meteorsteel) - no shields.

* 0D00 Armor regenerates near sun - solar regeneration.
* 0E00 Armor refuels reactor near sun - solar power.

* 0F0X Shield consumes less power (X values: 0=100%, 1=90% etc. of original value).
* 8F0X Shield consumes more power (8F00 = shield consumes 100% of rated power, 8F01 = consumes 111% of rated power, 8F02 = consumes 125% of rated power, 8F03 = consumes 143% of rated power).

* 100X Increase firerate of weapons.
* 900X Decrease firerate of weapons.

* Reducing: changes by 10% -> x/% 0/100 1/90 2/80 3/70 4/60 5/50 6/40 7/30 8/20 9/10 (A/0?)
* Enhancing: changes by ??? -> x/% 0/100 1/111 2/125 3/143 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ (A/)
Last edited by digdug on Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
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Added Firerate enhancements.

Not all the enhancements have been checked from 0.98, I hope there are no errors. :)
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Fleet Admiral
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it seems that both the longzhu sphere and the domina power enhance the reactor or the drive with a fixed internal value, in fact shpEnanhanceItem is used without a number, like this :

Code: Select all

(shpEnhanceItem gSource itemToImprove)
[EDIT] I tried to put some enhancements values on reactors, they do not work, the enhancement shows up on the reactor, but the power output is unchanged.
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Fleet Officer
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Here is a similar list I use to reference enhancements. Digdug and I were talking about merging them together after doing some final testing to a master list on xelerus;

Code: Select all

; Y and X are hexadecimal values

	;;; --- SHIELD

		; --- DAMAGE REFLECT  - Damage Bounces off shields
		; 0x03YX  -  Refect damage type Y with X chance
		; --- DAMAGE TRANSPARENCY - Damage Passes throught shield
		; 0x83YX   -   Pass throught damage type Y with X chance

	;;;; ----- ARMOR

		; 0200
		; ---- DECAY
		; 8200
		; ---- IMUNITIES
		; 0B10		BLINDING
		; 0B20		EMP
		; 8C00
		; 0D00
		; 0E00
	;;;; ---- WEAPON
		;---- DAMAGE BONUS - Adds from 10 to 150% damage bonus
		; 0x010X
		;---- DAMAGE PENALTY - Adds from 10 to 150% damage penalty
		; 0x810X
		;---- SPEED - Increases shooting speed of weapon up till 30/sec
		; 0x100X     -  X = 2,4,6,8
		; 0x900X     -  X = 2,4,6,8
	;;;; ---- SHIELD/ARMOR
		;--- HP BONUS - Adds from 10 to 150% HP bonus of armor/shield
		; 0x010X

		; 0x810X
		; 060X		reduce ENERGY damage
		; 070X		reduce MATTER damage
		; 08YX		reduce Y and Y+1 type damage
		; 09YX		reduce Y type damage
		; 0AYX		reduce type Y damage and Y+2 type damage with 1.5X
		; 860X		increase ENERGY damage
		; 870X		increase MATTER damage
		; 88YX		increase Y and Y+1 type damage
		; 89YX		increase Y type damage
		; 8AYX		increase type Y damage and Y+2 type damage with 1.5X
	;;;; ---- SHIELD/WEAPON
		;---- EFFICIENCY - Decreases the energy consumption of weapon
		; 0x0F0X
		; 0x8F0X


	; 0 - Laser
	; 1 - Kinetic
	; 2 - Particle
	; 3 - Blast
	; 4 - Ion
	; 5 - Thermo
	; 6 - Positron
	; 7 - Plasma
	; 8 - Antimatter
	; 9 - Nano
	; A - Graviton
	; B - Singularity
	; C - DarkAcid
	; D - DarkSteel
	; E - DarkLightning
	; F - DarkFire

  	-- ENERGY DAMAGE (incomplete)

	-- MATTER DAMAGE (incomplete)

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