So 1.2beta's laser effects.....

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Militia Commander
Militia Commander
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I cant find them in the xml. When I look at a weapon's xml there is nothing there that tells me what the shot will look like except for the standard "beam" attribute, but there is nothing to distinguish a turbolaser from a bolide or a normal laser shot in the xml, however they are obviously different in game.

This is the code for the turbolaser's weapon attribute

Code: Select all

	type=				"beam"

	damage=				"laser:3d4"
	fireRate=			"12"
	lifetime=			"30"
	powerUse=			"60"

	effect=				"&efLaserBeamDefault;"
	hitEffect=			"&efGreenLaserHitEffect;" 
	sound=				"&snLaserCannon;"

and this is the laser cannon's

Code: Select all

	type=				"beam"

	damage=				"laser:1d4"
	fireRate=			"10"
	lifetime=			"30"
	powerUse=			"10"

	effect=				"&efLaserBeamDefault;"
	sound=				"&snLaserCannon;"
Can you see my dilemma?
Fleet Admiral
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Each weapon damage effect has an effect that looks something like this:

Code: Select all

<EffectType UNID="&efLaserBeamDefault;"
			instance=			"owner"
					style=			"smooth"
					shape=			"tapered"

				;	This event allows us to initialize effect parameters based 
				;	on weapon properties. In particular, we adjust the size of 
				;	the effect based on the amount of average damage.
				;	For weapon effects, gData has the following fields:
				;	damageHP: The average number of hit points of damage.
				;	speed: The speed of the shot (as a percent of lightspeed).
				;	The event must return a structure with each field representing
				;	a parameter for the effect. For Ray effects, valid fields are:
				;	intensity, length, width, primaryColor, and secondaryColor.

				(block (damageHP primaryColor secondaryColor)
					(setq damageHP (@ gData 'damageHP))

					;	Color depends on damage

						(geq damageHP 15)
							(block Nil
								(setq primaryColor "#D500FF")
								(setq secondaryColor "#6A00FF")

						(geq damageHP 7)
							(block Nil
								(setq primaryColor "#55FF00")
								(setq secondaryColor "#2A8000")

						(geq damageHP 4)
							(block Nil
								(setq primaryColor "#FF5500")
								(setq secondaryColor "#802A00")

						(block Nil
							(setq primaryColor "#FF0000")
							(setq secondaryColor "#800000")
								damageHP						; average damage of weapon
								1								; min damage
								30								; max damage
								60								; min beam length
								220								; max beam length
								50								; scale gamma
						width: (mathScale damageHP 1 30 12 28 50)
						intensity: 35

						primaryColor: primaryColor
						secondaryColor: secondaryColor
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Militia Commander
Militia Commander
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dafuq..... :shock:
Militia Commander
Militia Commander
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I should clarify, I meant the shot itself, not the actual hit effect.
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Fleet Admiral
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In 1.2 beta the laser and kinetic weapon effects (the actual shot) is generated dynamically by efLaserBeamDefault.

In fact, in every weapon there is an effect (the shot graphics) and a hiteffect (graphics when the weapon hits something)
effect= "&efLaserBeamDefault;"
So, you have to search for efLaserBeamDefault. RPC posted exactly that.
Militia Commander
Militia Commander
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What do you mean by "generated dynamically"?
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Fleet Admiral
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read the efLaserBeamDefault code:
lasers will have different colours depending on the average damage of the weapon. Also the size length and width of the beam effect changes depending on the average damage.
Militia Commander
Militia Commander
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I get it now thanks digdug-sensei.
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