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by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:21 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: Doctrine-based NPE
Replies: 3
Views: 17447

Re: Doctrine-based NPE

My idea for a pirate/scavenger NPE predated the siege mechanic. It is a one planet T&E empire that only buys gunships and jumptransports from Mesophon and maintains no more than 1 attack fleet and 3 explorer fleets at any given time. It primarily sustains itself by capturing hexacarbide from player ...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:29 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: TLs below 7 are basically pointless
Replies: 3
Views: 18471

Re: TLs below 7 are basically pointless

My initial decay calculations were wrong. I recalculated with different assumptions about how decay is calculated but results were very similar. I do wonder if I am using old/wrong attackValues for some units, I will need to revisit these. 23 AV seems too low for adamants, I think their armor and da...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:48 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: TLs below 7 are basically pointless
Replies: 3
Views: 18471

TLs below 7 are basically pointless

The WU output boost from going to TL7 and upgrading hab structures way outstrips the additional CG demand. Even if you have to build a biotech program and it's a desert world with no hab structure or trade I believe that it STILL makes sense to got to TL7. Am I right that the lower TLs only are mean...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:54 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

Actually, would it make more sense for high tech ships to be low WU cost and high attrition? The reasoning would be that in high tech ships are stronger and faster but less durable. Faster speed offsets high attrition to some extent when on the offensive. A high tech empire could quickly replace an ...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:59 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

Here's current attackValue accumulation when building gunships over a 2 week period. It never makes sense to build Sirius gunships if it is possible to raise my starship yards to TL8. min_v_sirius.png Here's what I think it should look like: plot3.png This is achieved by lowering half life of Sirius...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:26 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

force2.png force1.png These curves don't seem so hot. I would expect for low tech vs high tech ships of the same type that you would get higher short term force accumulation for low tech and higher long term force accumulation for high tech ships. I would also expect higher short term force output ...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:58 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

If we treat attackValue as roughly indicative of combat strength (not a great assumption but I think reasonable enough when comparing starfrigates to gunships) there is never a point where continuously building an equivalent WU amount of starfrigates banks you more attackValue points than gunships, ...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:34 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

Do sieges disrupt industry or trade routes? Are there any circumstances under which starfrigates are worth building in Era 5? In era 2 they were the preeminent defensive unit and after the unit rebalance they were very weak and overcosted relative to starcruisers or gunships. Now that warptransports...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:43 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

The Siege Bug. It's a big one that massively effects wars. Basically, if you have a world under siege with troops on it and a space battle is triggered then half of the attacking siege forces will defect to the defender. A bit like with non-imperial guard ground forces and a rebellion except the tr...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:34 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

Awesome! I haven't played since Era 3 but I went through the bug log and it looks like there have been a lot of fixes, that's really exciting! A few questions: [*] Does anyone have RexImperator' Python package that extends SungSlaver's package? [*] Have there been any API changes since then? [*] Are...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:28 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin
Replies: 14
Views: 48235

Re: The Republic of Reason Propaganda News Bulletin

Oh wow, people are actively playing Anacreon again?
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:39 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: Era 4 Alpha
Replies: 34
Views: 72988

Re: Era 4 Alpha

By what mechanic do worlds get added to Mesophon? There are TL3 and TL2 autonomous Mesophon worlds to the south of my empire which I'd swear weren't part of it at game start. They are not part of the trade network.
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Sat Jun 23, 2018 1:24 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: Anacreon is down for a bit
Replies: 5
Views: 21967

Re: Anacreon is down for a bit

While it's bad that unrestrained use of the API overtaxed the server, I think it's good that players are finding new ways to engage with the game. As the player base expands, most likely the use of scripts to call the API will expand and start to tie into concerns that I think Finnian expressed last...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:26 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: Image Resources
Replies: 7
Views: 24223

Re: Image Resources

The new icons look great in the primary structure tab (the yards or fleet HQ tab) and the Deploy tab. The icons do not appear in the production or empire tabs; the grey boxes are still present. I kind of prefer the right-justification of unit counts in the empire tab to the left-justification used i...
by Watch TV, Do Nothing
Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:09 pm
Forum: Anacreon General Discussions
Topic: Strategic Combat: Suggestions for Era 4
Replies: 11
Views: 31186

Re: Strategic Combat: Suggestions for Era 4

An immediate question I have from the spec is: what's the advantage of allowing multiple simultaneous sieges? If the besiegers will ultimately have to fight it out anyway, why not have this occur at the time that the second invader lands, rather than a cycle later after one of the two besiegers has ...