Search found 2 matches

by ArchistX
Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:31 pm
Forum: Ideas & Suggestions
Topic: Add a failstate to Professor Dall's Sphere
Replies: 0
Views: 28855

Add a failstate to Professor Dall's Sphere

The mission in the Taikon School of Exploration, in the University Quarter of the Arcology of New Victoria: Professor Dall's Sphere, may be left in your mission tab forever if you offer the sphere to Domina, or destroy it by placing it within a wreck and blowing it up, as it lacks a failstate. Possi...
by ArchistX
Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:53 am
Forum: Ideas & Suggestions
Topic: Blinded status rework
Replies: 1
Views: 22121

Blinded status rework

I don't think I'm particularly photosensitive, but the flickering between normal vision and the static screen is nearly painful to my eyes. A few ideas to prevent this (without having to wait out the effect in map, I am aware of that, it's just boring.) 1. Black flickering Perhaps the simplest of th...