This is mostly a bugfix release. Most of the fixes are listed here:
Some highlights:
1. TransLisp now supports structures, which are basically collections of key/value pairs. Use braces { } to specify a structure (instead of a list). For example:
Code: Select all
(setq theRecord { name: "George" type: "Player" })
(item theRecord 'name) -> "George"
(item theRecord 'type) -> "Player"
(setItem theRecord 'type '(a b c))
(item theRecord 'type) -> (a b c)
2. I've formalized some of the built-in capabilities of ships such as the targeting computer, visual enhancements, etc. Each of those is now called an "equipment" and there are functions to manipulate them:
objGetEquipmentStatus and objChangeEquipmentStatus
3. Added <OnGlobalObjDestroyed> which gets called whenever a ship or a station is destroyed. Use it sparingly because there could be performance implications. I've also added <OnSystemObjAttacked> and <OnSystemObjDestroyed>. These two require registration (like the other OnSystem... events).
4. When an object is destroyed, the items for that object are called will <OnObjDestroyed>.
5. I've revamped the <Language> element. Any type can have a <Language> element. The function, objTranslate, does a lookup on the <Language> element and returns the appropriate message. Individual messages in this structure are inherited from a base class. And ships and stations also inherit messages from their sovereign. This supercedes (and thus deprecates) the old <OnTranslateMessage> event, the old-style <Language> element on sovereigns, and the method that wingmen use to get messages (a structure in StaticData).
6. I've added a small new mission to St. Kats. Go to the University Quarter to check it out.
7. I think that Wolfy will appreciate that drive exhaust and weapon firing positions now rotate correctly (in a 3D transformation, not just a circle).
8. Also, a new version of TransData to go along with it:
9. Thanks to all those who reported bugs and made suggestions. This release I've added the following people to the credits:
D. F. McCourt
Shane J. Filomena
And of course, please forgive me if I have not added your name yet. If you have made a contribution to the game and you are not in the credits, please write to me: [email protected]. And if I have spelled your name wrong or if you would like your name to appear differently (or not appear at all) please write.