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george moromisato
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1.07 is ready for download:


This is mostly a bugfix release. Most of the fixes are listed here: http://wiki.neurohack.com/transcendence/trac/report/14

Some highlights:

1. TransLisp now supports structures, which are basically collections of key/value pairs. Use braces { } to specify a structure (instead of a list). For example:

Code: Select all

(setq theRecord { name: "George" type: "Player" })
(item theRecord 'name) -> "George"
(item theRecord 'type) -> "Player"
(setItem theRecord 'type '(a b c))
(item theRecord 'type) -> (a b c)
The enum, enumWhile, and map functions all accept structures. The enumeration variable is set with a two-item list; the first item is the key and the second item is the label. [Note: Right now 'map' doesn't know how to generate structures, so you can really only use map to transform a struct to a list.]

2. I've formalized some of the built-in capabilities of ships such as the targeting computer, visual enhancements, etc. Each of those is now called an "equipment" and there are functions to manipulate them:

objGetEquipmentStatus and objChangeEquipmentStatus

3. Added <OnGlobalObjDestroyed> which gets called whenever a ship or a station is destroyed. Use it sparingly because there could be performance implications. I've also added <OnSystemObjAttacked> and <OnSystemObjDestroyed>. These two require registration (like the other OnSystem... events).

4. When an object is destroyed, the items for that object are called will <OnObjDestroyed>.

5. I've revamped the <Language> element. Any type can have a <Language> element. The function, objTranslate, does a lookup on the <Language> element and returns the appropriate message. Individual messages in this structure are inherited from a base class. And ships and stations also inherit messages from their sovereign. This supercedes (and thus deprecates) the old <OnTranslateMessage> event, the old-style <Language> element on sovereigns, and the method that wingmen use to get messages (a structure in StaticData).

6. I've added a small new mission to St. Kats. Go to the University Quarter to check it out.

7. I think that Wolfy will appreciate that drive exhaust and weapon firing positions now rotate correctly (in a 3D transformation, not just a circle).

8. Also, a new version of TransData to go along with it:

9. Thanks to all those who reported bugs and made suggestions. This release I've added the following people to the credits:

D. F. McCourt
Shane J. Filomena

And of course, please forgive me if I have not added your name yet. If you have made a contribution to the game and you are not in the credits, please write to me: [email protected]. And if I have spelled your name wrong or if you would like your name to appear differently (or not appear at all) please write.
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YES! Now for my Network+ DySys+ WE4 Permadeath :D
and thanks for adding me to the credits.
I'm also wondering if you fixed the WE4 AI bug and the allowing for arcs+ linked fire. Will check out the list of fixes :D
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Reply Thanks george! :D
I was JUST talking about this on IRC! :D

"I can't wait for 1.07!" :lol:

Guess I didn't need to.

EDIT: yay structures! :D
(shpOrder gPlayership 'barrelRoll)

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One more thing: I've added functions for playing music:

Code: Select all

(uiCanPlayMusic filename) -> True/Nil
(uiGetMusicCatalog) -> list of files
(uiGetMusicState) -> ('playing filename position length)
(uiPlayMusic filename [pos]) -> True/Nil
A few notes:

1. uiGetMusicCatalog looks at the My Music folder for any file that it finds (recursively). You can specify a different folder to look in with the <Settings.xml> file. Example:

Code: Select all

	<Option name="musicPath"	value="c:\extended\music"/>
2. Right now these functions are using the old Windows MCI functions for playing music. In practice I've found that it doesn't have as many codecs as I'd hoped. Some of my music files did not play. You can call the uiCanPlayMusic function call to check and see if a file will play (NOTE: Again, because this is using MCI function calling this function will stop music from playing).
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Yay ty george,
cant wait to play with it
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Ok, got the version history on the wiki updated.

Mailing list is also updated.

Letting sdw handle the xml sources.

Topic stickied.
(shpOrder gPlayership 'barrelRoll)

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sources up (finally) http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=1014
also george

Code: Select all

C:\Trans107>transdata /decompile
TransData v2.3
Copyright (c) 2001-2011 by George Moromisato. All Rights Reserved.

..... (xml files removed)
Unable to create file: TranscendenceSource\Resources/HumanSpace.jpg

O.o new image
do we get a new transdata to get at it?
"Dash_Merc - George is a genius, in that he created this game engine that is infinitely extendable"
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H Iris
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8. Also, a new version of TransData to go along with it:
sdw195 see point 8.

and thanks George!
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doof, thanks h iris i am slightly blind tonight....


well, i think george put the wrong file in the zip. :( it says its transdata v2.2 and it wont open the tdb
"Dash_Merc - George is a genius, in that he created this game engine that is infinitely extendable"
"<@sheepluva>Good night everybody, may the source be with you." <-- FOSG dev
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Thank you very much George ! Best Xmas present ever ! :D
george moromisato wrote:One more thing: I've added functions for playing music:

Code: Select all

(uiCanPlayMusic filename) -> True/Nil
(uiGetMusicCatalog) -> list of files
(uiGetMusicState) -> ('playing filename position length)
(uiPlayMusic filename [pos]) -> True/Nil
Dockscreens music and ambient sounds...Systems (Charon, Point Juno, Heretic) battle music...missions music...
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H Iris
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Yes it does say 2.2

Hmmm, this may not be the file we are looking for.
move along, move along.
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Nice release George. Structures look very interesting! Certainly surprised me with them XD. All in all this looks like a massive release, and I hope I can get it running on my machine (using a mac only setup now :/)
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I updated the changelog on the wiki: http://wiki.neurohack.com/transcendence ... g#nov_2011
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Also, George, could you comment on #688
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george moromisato
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[quote="sdw195"]well, i think george put the wrong file in the zip. :( it says its transdata v2.2 and it wont open the tdb/quote]

Oops. Sorry. The right file is up there now.
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