Pirate Gaiden--A Backstory from THE MOTIVATION

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'Sniff Sniff....

I return any credit given to me - I dont deserve it. The story of Wade has been written by a master of his craft.
LoneWolf, I owe my entire story to you my friend. From Nova's tragic backstory to Calvin Taylor - it's all you.
I was gonna finish the Motivation after the first four chapters but you pushed me to write more and keep writing. I've found my first love again- writing!!

:( :( :( :( :(

Does this mean you're gonna stop writing?? Seriously LoneWolf? After this? You're bidding us farewell???

I'm an atheist but this Gaiden my friend was a gift from God himself.
"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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MikeAngora wrote:'Sniff Sniff....

I return any credit given to me - I dont deserve it. The story of Wade has been written by a master of his craft.
LoneWolf, I owe my entire story to you my friend. From Nova's tragic backstory to Calvin Taylor - it's all you.
I was gonna finish the Motivation after the first four chapters but you pushed me to write more and keep writing. I've found my first love again- writing!!

:( :( :( :( :(

Does this mean you're gonna stop writing?? Seriously LoneWolf? After this? You're bidding us farewell???

I'm an atheist but this Gaiden my friend was a gift from God himself.
Nah! It was just a past time! You are the reason I picked up my digital pen again! I couldn't resist writing for a story with such a potential! The Gaiden is your own spawn. I'm the mere tool who wrote it! And if the Motivation stops soon, I'm going to pump you up with 7.62 rounds! Now all I want is to see more from you! You deserve every bit of that credit! Best of luck!

And seriously there is nothing more that I can write! You keep writing your own story! I would try to spring another Gaiden as soon as I grab an opportunity!

I leave Raul in your care!

And now you can do a "We meet again, Nova!"
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With chapter 4 epilougue, I know that song. Oh, boy.
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