Lucifer VS Fusion Trigger conversation

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Fleet Admiral
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Militia Captain
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I have already said my piece elsewhere:
Lucifer missiles are military weapons but fusion triggers convert what are civilian materials into them.
The military does not produce fusion triggers but entire Lucifer missiles; thus fusion triggers are illegal.
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Militia Commander
Militia Commander
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Fusion triggers are what actually split the atom, thus are the actual illegal component of the nuclear missile, to me. It's an illegal component in civvy hands because they aren't meant to be purchasable as separate units: Entire missiles provided to those with military licenses probably have deadman's switches in them to fry the components if they're attempted to be dismantled for any reason, or some other such protection; They're meant only to be deployed in military situations, not to be dismantled and sold on the black market. whether illegally made lucifers should be considered illegal or continue to be known as military items is a toss-up; having homemade ones still illegal means you have to smuggle them around. however, if they give off a legitimate nuclear weapons ID tag, and are in a lucifer missile shell, why should it matter if the component is illegal so long as they have the military sanction to deploy the legal version of the missile?

In short: Military is the upgraded version of illegal. it's not a detriment that it's marked as military over illegal, since the player character can't do anything with it really other than either resell it (which doesn't impact the galaxy that much) or use them as munitions, which legally purchased missiles do equally well.
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