Coining a term:

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Normally, I'd use the term "campaign" to describe a single Transcendence playthrough. But I've been considering alternatives. "Game" is too generic, "session" means you still continue.

How about "journey" or "voyage"?

I just died, my photo-organic armor was a weak link and I stupidly got into a firefight with an Urak fortress, one system past St. K's.

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I think campaign is what George uses for a playthrough, I'll have to check though...
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"Pilgrimage", or for a less religiously loaded term: "exploration"
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Fleet Admiral
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I've been using "run", but it's far from optimal.

I definitely like "journey" :D
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Militia Lieutenant
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Bug-hunter/Beta testing pro vocab tips:

Session: Usually used to refer to an isolated time period of playing a game, regardless of stages/levels/whatever completed. The session starts when you launch the game, the session ends when you close the game.

Campaign: Usually used to refer to playing through an entire series of levels from start to finish with-in a game, although not always during the same session. The campaign starts when you launch the game and begin a brand new start from the first level, typically using some form of saved game system for multiple session, and ends when you die (and accept perma-death if applicable) or lose by some means are are unable (or not allowed) to continue, or finish the last level (which usually means you "beat" the game).

Example: I was having trouble getting a new session launched with my saved game, but after correcting some corrupted data, I was able to continue the campaign and finally complete it, even though it took several sessions.

Just 2-bits from an obsessive (and mostly-reformed) grammar-nazi ;)
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