Another Succession game

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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 238
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:51 am

I've tried loading the borked save. It simply stuck indefinitely on the loading screen with the concentric arcs with no crash nor bug alerts.

Peeking at the debuglog, I found that it is stuck after this line:

Code: Select all

06/01/2013 22:22:56	Loaded adventure: Extensions\Uncharted\Uncharted.xml
Presumably the game is having problems loading uncharted or the mod that is to be loaded right after it.... Restoring to an earlier, usable save.
Has resurfaced!
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Here's the save if anybody wants to try Heretic:
Turn 10
Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods
Get on Discord for mod help and general chat
Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Posts: 2876
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 am
Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?


Code: Select all


Adventure	Uncharted Stars
Black Market rank	Civilian
Commonwealth militia rank	Major
Domina relationship	Novice
Fate	Left Human Space on a journey to the Galactic Core
Game	Unregistered
Genome	Human male
Money (credits)	1,989,211
Money (rin)	352,742
Money (rins)	352,742
Score	233,904
Ship class	Ranx dreadnought
Time played	1 day and 20 hours
Version	1.2 Alpha 1


Became a gladiator in the Arena	
Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere	


Enemy ships destroyed	3465
Enemy stations destroyed	62
Friendly ships destroyed	21
Friendly stations destroyed	1


Profit on arms	6,307,494
Profit on goods and materials	847,732
Profit on illegal items	600
Profit on luxury goods	217,320
Profit on medical supplies	5,832


Game resurrections	55


Danu-class Mother ship	3
Iocrym command ship	1
Xenophobe ark	1
Phobos-class dreadnought	39
Iocrym sentinel	5
Xenophobe worldship	2
Deimos-class destroyer	16
Chasm-class heavy gunship	46
Dragon Slaver II	2
Ventari destroyer	8
Polar II-class freighter	1
Tundra-class heavy gunship	98
Space Newt	12
Ranx dreadnought	124
Polar-class freighter	9
Aurochs-class transport	1
Kobol gunship	10
Luminous drone	61
Xenophobe defender	8
Earth Slaver	10
Tech Slaver	3
Zoanthrope behemoth	981
Sandstorm-class gunship	182
Ares sentry	12
Dwarg master	113
Stalwart-class gunship	1
Huygens Explorer	1
Mikeno-class destroyer	1
Urak destroyer	1
Molotok bounty hunter	2
Atonement-class heavy gunship	27
Charon frigate	3
heavy IAV	1
Steel slaver	22
Ranx gunship	291
Barbary-class gunship	3
Sung transport	8
Centauri monitor	7
Xenophobe fighter	116
Wolfen-class gunship	5
Drake-class missileship	9
Repentant-class gunship	46
T55-class armed transport	4
Meth enforcer	10
Marauder raid platform	2
Sotho-class gunship	7
200A defender auton	1
Viking II-class gunship	17
Zoanthrope raider	522
Sung Pilgrim	1
Wind slaver	63
Heliotrope gunship	4
Revelations-class missileship	5
Sapphire-class yacht	2
Plague-class gunship	4
EI500-class freighter	2
Hammerhead II-class gunship	8
Urak sentinel	36
Centauri base ship	1
T31-class armed transport	2
Corsair II-class gunship	27
Oromo-class gunship	16
Ronin/B-class gunship	1
EI100-class freighter	7
Separatist-class heavy interceptor	14
Viking-class gunship	25
Centauri heavy raider	38
Borer II-class gunship	11
Pilgrim-class EI100 Freighter	1
Super Hornet-class battlepod	20
Earthzone-class armed shuttle	1
Ronin/A-class gunship	4
Earthzone-class escape pod	26
Zulu II-class gunship	15
Himal interceptor	18
Hornet-class battlepod	23
Hammerhead-class gunship	12
light IAV	1
Borer-class gunship	11
Corsair-class gunship	123
Tenhove-class sentinel	7
Centauri light raider	17
Centauri raider	44
Zulu-class gunship	20


Danu's Base	2
Ares commune	1
Ranx HQ	2
Ranx fortress	1
Penitent Sanctum	1
Ranx outpost	5
Ventari colony	1
outlaw pteracnium mine	2
outlaw duranium mine	1
Penitent Shrine	1
Dwarg colony	21
Marauder compound	1
outlaw ceralloy mine	1
Sapiens compound	1
Charon Pirates stronghold	1
Centauri Warlords Stronghold	2
Charon Pirates outpost	3
Himal Refuge	3
Outlaw Base	4
outlaw titanium mine	1
Urak outpost	3
Centauri Warlords Camp	3
Charon Pirates cache	1


Systems visited	19
Never reached Rigel Aurelius	
Never reached St. Katharine's Star	
Never reached Jiang's Star	
Never reached Point Juno	
Never reached Heretic	
Never reached the Galactic Core	


'PDmod' ICX Overhaul	
=====OLD sandbox scanner=====	
Alarm System	
Ancora playership	
Asteroid Scanner	
Captain's log 3.1	
Cargo summary	
cargo summary - dsCargohold hook	
cargo summary - dsJettison hook	
cargo summary - dsLoot hook	
Cestus playership	
Civilian Crafts	
Cl Renamer module	
Companion Framework V0	
Companion Framework V0 Vanilla Overrides	
Configure Screen	
CW Fleet with Custom Ships	
DraCorp Weapons, Armor, and Shield mod	
Dynamic Systems Stuff	
Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override	
Dynamic Systems V5.b Asteroid Override for TG	
Emergency Escape Beacons	
Extension d001a001	
Extension d001a002	
Extension d001a003	
Extension d001a004	
Extension d001a005	
Extension d001a006	
Extension d001a007	
Extension d001a082	
Extension d001a083	
Extension d001a090	
Extension d001a308	
Extension d001a370	
Extension d001a375	
Extension d001a454	
Extension d001a777	
Extension d001a778	
Extension d001b017	
Extension d001b054	
Extension d001b060	
Extension d001b068	
Extension d001b190	
Extension d001b256	
Extension d001b296	
Extension d001b337	
Extension d001b378	
Extension d001b417	
Extension d12b0032	
Extension d202c203	
Extension d2119df4	
Extension d25ccc01	
Extension d4270271	
Extension d512aa01	
Extension d512ad00	
Extension dcaf1c00	
Extension dcaf2400	
Extension deed1000	
Extension deed2000	
Extension e1e1c000	
Hawking-class BM Fighter	
HD Stargates mod, 256 pixel version	
Identify Before Buying or Selling	
InCom - The Cortex	
Interstellar Communications (InCom)	
Items Pack 912	
Items Pack 912: Drake Technologies	
Mined asteroids explode	
Mining Pack: Commonwealth mining colony upgrade	
Mining Pack: Dual-mode asteroid scanner	
Mining Pack: Item graphics override (trade goods, consumables, fuels, misc items)	
Mining Pack: New fuel types	
Mining Pack: New mining weapons	
Mining Pack: Raw materials for the RMP	
Mining Pack: Raw materials processor (R.M.P.)	
Mining Pack: Tesseract cargo pods	
Named Ore (Lite)	
Neuros Media Player	
No Domina powers	
Orbital Space Station	
Ore Graphics Override (SF graphics enhanced)	
Osaka-class Transport	
packer auton resources	
PackerTG auton resources	
Playership Drones: Core	
Playership Drones: Ships part 1	
Playership Drones: Ships part 2	
Playership: Agauptera	
Playership: Angelus	
Playership: Cantharid Heavy Assault	
Playership: Cantharid Recon	
Playership: Descent Pyro GX	
Playership: Praetorian	
Playership: Stalwart	
Playership: Starlight	
Point Juno with Custom Ships	
Remember Europa Code	
Repair Droids (1.1)	
SF Item (Corporate Armor/Shield/Weapon/Ordnance) Graphics LT v01.0 for 1.04	
Shivan Hunter's Commonwealth Crafts	
Shrikes Mines and Missiles +	
Slaver Pack 912: Deadly Doctor	
Slaver Pack 912: Napper Auton	
Slaver Pack 912: Slave Furnace	
Starburn Defensive Drones	
STATION: Rogue Traders's Guild	
Stephinian Auton	
Succession Parallax	
System Density Mod	
Tesseract Cargo Hold 3.0	
Test Drive	
Universal Savings Bank	
Utility Items	
Visible Damage	
weapon labs	
Weapons Extended 5	


2 Ares plasma archcannons	
Nodachi star cannon	
Ares launcher	
Nanite Shield	
24 segments of transuranic armor	
Hyperion reactor	
inertialess drive	
Shiva furnace	
Dash Merc's rotolooter	
Turbo-ICX missile defense system	
removable smuggler's cargo baffle	


454 Quantumsphere shells	
damaged Iocrym cocoon	
damaged Quantumsphere disintegrator	
Iocrym construction kit	
damaged Iocrym Avalanche cannon	
damaged Iocrym healer	
3 segments of light Iocrym armor	
14 Dragon's Fire missiles	
2 damaged Iocrym repellers	
2 damaged positron lancers	
3 segments of heavy aeon plate	
4 cases of Ringer ambrosia	
5 sphere of dominances	
(launcher) Ares lightning cannon array	
(launcher) dual ion blaster	
(launcher) multitarget mark I howitzer array	
(launcher) omni Ares micronuke cannon	
(launcher) omni dual mark V howitzer	
(launcher) omni Dwarg behemoth cannon array	
244 M2 Vulcan missiles	
3 cases of Bariani olive oil	
3 plasma injectors	
31 S3 Medusa missiles	
369 Disposable Positron Sources	
376 hadron-vacuum fuel cells	
4 NAMI heavy launchers	
4 SM4 Harrows	
42 Dragon Fang-60s	
5 Ares positron cannons	
6 Alcurean Archcannons	
6 cases of New Coke	
6 Nodachi star cannons	
8 heavy armor repair kits	
antimatter weapon chamber	
heavy ion blaster	
launcher-mounted advanced tritium cannon	
launcher-mounted heavy ion blaster	
mark V howitzer array	
omni Fusionfire howitzer	
(launcher) omni mark I howitzer array	
10 Ares micronuke cannons	
10 boson condensate fuel cells	
11 barrels of ithalium paste	
12 TM3 Odysseuss	
14 antideuterium fuel rods	
17 segments of transuranic armor	
18 Gotha-30 missiles	
2 (launcher) omni mark III howitzer arrays	
2 Ares micronuke Launchers	
2 barrels of Ares nanos	
2 R9 deflectors	
2 Shield of Legends	
2 spare device parts: advanceds	
24 S2 Perseid missiles	
26 Gotha-20 missiles	
28 Gotha-10 missiles	
3 98R high-flux MAG ammunition boxes	
3 ion blasters	
3 tons of neutronium ore	
34 Gotha-600 missiles	
4 crates of cryofrozen prime beef	
4 damaged Ares lightning turrets	
4 damaged worldship armor plates	
4 quad TeV 9 blasters	
4 Smart missiles	
4 tritium injectors	
5 Bushido ion flame cannons	
50 damaged segments of transuranic armor	
59 Gotha-42 fragmenting missiles	
6 Ares lightning turrets	
6 M1 Scorpion Missiles	
61 TM7 warheads	
8 napalm rockets	
9 CRM700 Viper mines	
90 Dragon Fang-25s	
98R high-flux MAG	
damaged Fat Man Fusionfire howitzer	
damaged R9 deflector	
dual ion disruptor	
Fat Man Fusionfire howitzer	
gem of contrition	
multitarget AK505 Ballista cannon array	
multitarget Moskva 33 repeater array	
NAMI dual hypervelocity tritium	
omni dual TeV 9 blaster	
omni mark III howitzer array	
plasma cannon	
Red Strelka ammunition box	
Stephinian auton point defense module II	
Thermo Sniper	
TM7 warhead ammunition box	
(launcher) DESCENT Omni spreadfire cannon	
(launcher) dual mark III howitzer	
(launcher) omni AK505 Ballista cannon array	
(launcher) omni dual heavy slam cannon	
(launcher) omni dual mark I howitzer	
(launcher) omni dual mark III howitzer	
(launcher) omni particle beam weapon array	
(launcher) omni PM6 Slicer cannon	
(launcher) omni slam cannon array	
10 damaged SN2500 reactors	
100 segments of Dwarg holochroal armor	
11 segments of Luminous heavy armature	
11 segments of Northwind Inactive Armor	
12 damaged Bushido Katana star cannons	
12 segments of P150 Hexphase armor	
12 XM900 loaded pods	
13 Bushido Katana star cannons	
13 segments of heavy Tevlar-composite armor	
15 segments of advanced ceralloy armor	
15 segments of light orthosteel armor	
17 segments of heavy DraCorp plate	
18 segments of heavy blast plate	
2 (launcher) EMP cannon arrays	
2 (launcher) multitarget turbolaser cannon arrays	
2 (launcher) omni dual Moskva 33 repeaters	
2 Cydonian heavy shield generators	
2 damaged Ares lightning cannons	
2 DESCENT Omni spreadfire cannons	
2 Dragonfire++ v1.0 algorithm cubes	
2 dual mark III howitzers	
2 dual plasma torches	
2 Interceptor missile launchers	
2 omni dual heavy slam cannons	
2 omni dual mark I howitzers	
2 omni particle beam weapon arrays	
2 omnidirectional TeV 9 blasters	
2 Onager Light Howitzers	
2 R5-B deflectors	
2 Salamander Fang ammunition boxes	
2 segments of Gusoku armor	
21 damaged kiloton cannons	
284 tracking thermo shells	
3 damaged R5-B deflectors	
3 damaged segments of P150 Hexphase armor	
3 damaged Xenophobe ion lancers	
3 mark I howitzer arrays	
3 omni dual AK15 Partisan cannons	
3 spare shield parts: advanceds	
34 Ranx Beam Rifles	
37 XM900 Lucifer missiles	
4 Aurora S350 deflector segments	
4 segments of heavy solar armor	
4 segments of heavy stealth armor	
4 Shield of Myths	
5 Luminous 5care algorithms	
5 segments of light Aggregate armor	
5 SN2500 reactors	
51 damaged Ranx Beam Rifles	
5678 pteracnium fuel rods	
6 segments of advanced stealth armor	
67 TM3 warheads	
7 segments of refined orthosteel armor	
7270 Ares micronukes	
73 Messenger IV missiles	
8 Ares lightning cannons	
8 medium armor repair kits	
80 kiloton cannons	
89 Napoleon Thermo missiles	
9 chests of jinn-khan	
9 segments of heavy Iron Man armor	
anti-beam smoke launcher ER	
Ares heavy lightning cannon	
Ares thunderbolt cannon	
Ares turbo lightning cannon	
booby-trapped ammunition box	
box of Starburn Galaxy Drones	
Bushido thermo cannon	
damaged omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster	
dual TeV 9 blaster	
enhanced segment of Dwarg holochroal armor [+EMP Immune]	
enhanced segment of Dwarg holochroal armor [+Ion]	
enhanced segment of Dwarg holochroal armor [+Positron]	
enhanced segment of Gusoku armor [+Ionization Immune]	
Grendel Drake Howitzer	
heavy Penitent cannon	
heavy slam cannon array	
kiloton Launcher	
lancer cannon array	
launcher-mounted Hanzo blaster	
launcher-mounted Katana star cannon	
light tritium cannon array	
Lumiere laser array	
Mangonel Light Howitzer	
multitarget Bolide laser blaster array	
multitarget fast-fire laser cannon array	
multitarget PK25 Morning Star cannon array	
NAMI tritium-3He cannon	
Neuros personal media player	
omni AK505 Ballista cannon array	
omni dual light tritium cannon launcher	
omni mark III howitzer	
omni Shtorm repeater	
Oracus' HARASS power	
Oracus' HARASS power (launcher)	
quad level 5 super laser	
segment of Dragon armor	
thermo Launcher	
TM3 warhead ammunition box	
twin ion bolter	
Voulge Ion Blaster	
Xenophobe ion lancer	
XM900 Lucifer ammunition box	
Yoroi MX shield generator	
(launcher) dual lancer cannon	
(launcher) Flenser relativistic cannon array	
(launcher) Moskva 33 repeater array	
(launcher) omni Bolide laser blaster array	
(launcher) omni fast-fire laser cannon array	
(launcher) particle beam weapon array	
10 XM300 Demon missiles	
11 Cydonian shield generators	
12 segments of refined Duralloy armor	
14 kilos of dried Europan ice moss	
14 segments of thick Solaris armor	
14 TM2 Javelins	
15 segments of heavy ceralloy armor	
16 segments of light Tharsis plate	
17 segments of Duralloy armor	
1M/i battle auton	
2 400 Hexagene MAG ammunition boxes	
2 cases of neuranase	
2 damaged segments of newt skin	
2 EI plasma torches	
2 Ion Bolters	
2 Makayev mark III howitzers	
2 omni light tritium cannons	
2 SM3 Scythes	
25 damaged patch spiders	
26 segments of advanced plasteel armor	
26 segments of heavy Sung armor	
29 kiloton shell 2 ktons	
29 ZG12 Cluster MAGs	
3 damaged segments of blast plate	
3 particle beam weapon arrays	
3 R5 deflectors	
3 segments of medium stealth armor	
3 TeV 9 blasters	
30 segments of blast plate	
31 segments of heavy gambler's plate	
35 segments of light Omsk armor	
39 Messenger III missiles	
4 barrels of ion resistance coating	
4163 kiloton shell 1 ktons	
5 barrels of specular armor coating	
5 segments of carbide husk	
7 segments of heavy meteorsteel lattice	
7 segments of heavy photo-organic armor	
7 segments of newt skin	
8 Aurora S270 deflector segments	
9 Dwarg behemoth cannons	
9 patch spiders	
AK505 Ballista cannon array	
Arcuballista Light Howitzer	
B35 autoturret	
Barrett piercing scattergun	
behemoth blast sprayer	
Bertha Howitzer	
damaged R5 deflector	
damaged segment of medium stealth armor	
DESCENT spreadfire cannon	
Dragonfly missile system	
Dragonfly missile system Launcher	
Dragonfly single missile system	
dual Moskva 33 repeater	
Green Strelka ammunition box	
launcher-mounted mark III howitzer	
Luminous kinetic shield	
Luminous particle shield	
Luminous positron shield	
Makayev mark III-p howitzer	
Moskva 33 repeater array	
multitarget laser cannon array	
omni dual heavy recoilless cannon	
omni dual particle beam weapon	
omni EMP cannon	
omni light Flenser relativistic cannon array	
omni light Flenser relativistic cannon array launcher	
omni Makayev launcher	
omni Shuriken neutron blaster	
omni turbolaser cannon array	
Particle Wall	
Pyro GX plasma cannon	
quad level 4 laser	
Razorwind missile defence system	
Scramble1.5 algorithm cube	
Stephinian auton shield enhancer	
Titan 440 fusion drive	
Yoroi S500 shield generator	
(launcher) AK15 Partisan cannon array	
(launcher) dual AK15 Partisan cannon	
(launcher) fast-fire laser cannon array	
(launcher) multitarget TK10 Trident cannon array	
(launcher) omni PK25 Morning Star cannon	
(launcher) turbolaser cannon array	
10 segments of heavy meteorsteel	
105 Sidewinder Fang rockets	
12 segments of quartz lattice armor	
14 segments of Dwarg catoptric armor	
2 (launcher) DK10 Arbalest cannon arrays	
2 (launcher) omni DK10 Arbalest cannons	
2 (launcher) PK25 Morning Star cannon arrays	
2 barrels of Misato sake	
2 damaged segments of ceralloy armor	
2 damaged Turbo-ICX missile defense systems	
2 dual slam cannons	
2 Inferno beams	
2 Moskva 43 repeaters	
2 Polybolos light howitzers	
2 segments of light meteorsteel lattice	
20 Heliotrope fuel cylinders	
3 (launcher) omni recoilless cannon arrays	
3 segments of medium gambler's plate	
33 segments of heavy plasteel armor	
35 KM550 Broadsword missiles	
4 dual PK25 Morning Star cannons	
4 optical knowledge arrays	
4 segments of heavy polymesh armor	
40 800F Hexagene MAGs	
5 Bushido Shuriken neutron blasters	
57 White Strelka missiles	
5973 xenotite fuel rods	
6 segments of proto-uranic armor	
69 Dwarg cnidocyst nodules	
7 segments of Luminous armature	
700 Nandao bolt cartridges	
9 segments of hardened plasteel armor	
9 segments of heavy Scrap armor	
advanced mining ablator	
AK15 Partisan cannon array	
AK15 Partisan cannon array	
Akan 30 Launcher	
dual AK15 Partisan cannon	
dual DK10 Arbalest cannon	
enhanced segment of heavy Scrap armor [+Particle Reflect]	
Fang rocket launcher	
ion weapon chamber	
launcher-mounted x-ray laser cannon	
light armor repair kit	
Makayev fragmenting heavy slam cannon	
Makayev heavy slam cannon	
Makayev hypervelocity cannon	
Makayev mark I howitzer	
newt-skin boot factory	
segment of Sung armor	
Yoroi S100 shield generator	
Yoroi S250 shield generator	
1340 Akan 30 cannon shell cartridges	
2 barrels of anti-radiation coating	
2 Penitent cannons	
2 R1 deflectors	
20 Reaper missiles	
3 segments of carbide shell	
41 Dragonfly missile cartridges	
5 particle beam weapons	
5 segments of liquid metal armor	
86 Dragonfly high momentum cartridges	
9 KM500 Stiletto missiles	
903 helium³ reactor assemblies	
class III deflector	
Commonwealth military identification chip	
damaged segment of depleted uranium armor	
Dwarg xiphon cannon	
Linebaugh demi-culverin	
MAG launcher	
omni Zastava FASOR beam	
particle beam tri-weapon	
segment of advanced reactive armor	
12 Flash missiles	
12 NAMI missile launchers	
1794 energy units	
2 damaged tritium propulsion upgrades	
2 DK11 impact Arbalests	
2 Dory Gatling Lasers	
2 NAMI AK15 Partisan cannons	
2 segments of heavy ceramic armor	
22 KM110 Starburst missiles	
4 containers of krypton gas	
4 segments of light plasteel armor	
5 turbolaser cannons	
895 shield orbs	
barrel of repairing nanos	
Centauri BASH Cannon	
DM900 disposable missile rack	
enhanced NAMI AK15 Partisan cannon [+60%]	
Napper auton	
Pike Gatling Laser	
Pyro GX missile launcher	
11 barrels of organic acid	
17 KM100 Longbow missiles	
2 spools of carbon fiber	
4 crates of medical supplies	
4 KM80 Gungdo missiles	
4 segments of light Sung armor	
503 Cargo Steal Ammos	
black market identification chip	
Bolide laser blaster	
case of Martian Merlot	
class II deflector	
damaged cargo hold expansion	
damaged segment of PTMC armor	
dark claws	
segment of ceramic armor	
segment of PTMC armor	
10 tanks of water ice	
228 <virtual ammo>s	
249 helium³ fuel rods	
4 class I deflectors	
411 <virtual ammo>s	
69 <virtual ammo>s	
bootleg laser cannon	
damaged class I deflector	
damaged laser cannon	


Aquila-class cruiser	1
Ferian miner	8
Ronin/C-class gunship	1
Salvager Nomad	4
Zoanthrope raider	2
Hawking-class fighter	1
Cestus-class interceptor	1
Galaxy Drone	3


Orbital ring Station	1


light Iocrym armor	
segment of aegis armor	
Shiva furnace	
(launcher) multitarget mark III howitzer array	
Ares plasma archcannon	
diamond lattice armor	
Heavy Ion Turret	
Heroic Shield	
massive Tharsis plate	
octocarbide armor	
segment of heavy aeon plate	
segment of heavy eranite plate	
sphere of dominance	
(launcher) multitarget EMP cannon array	
(launcher) omni Ares micronuke cannon	
Alcurean Archcannon	
Ares positron cannon	
heavy ion blaster	
heavy Omsk armor	
heavy orthosteel armor	
heavy Tharsis plate	
Hyperion reactor	
Kaidun shield generator	
massive ceralloy armor	
Nodachi star cannon	
Northwind Reinforced Active Armor	
Northwind Reinforced Inactive Armor	
omni dual mark V howitzer	
segment of aeon plate	
segment of eranite plate	
Ares launcher	
Ares lightning turret	
Ares micronuke cannon	
Ares micronuke Launcher	
Daystar armor	
dual star cannon	
Hecates cannon	
ion blaster	
Korax howitzer	
Koshiba-500 reactor	
large bussard ramscoop	
mark III howitzer array	
massive Urak armor	
omni dual mark III howitzer	
omni mark I howitzer array	
omni Rasiermesser Universal launcher	
orthosteel armor	
quad TeV 9 blaster	
quadrocarbide armor	
segment of light aeon plate	
segment of light eranite plate	
Shield of Legend	
Tharsis plate	
transuranic armor	
ultra Solaris armor	
(launcher) multitarget turbolaser cannon array	
1.00 flux, ACM grade magneto-repulsory wave device	
advanced ceralloy armor	
advanced repair droid	
Dash Merc's rotolooter	
dual TeV 9 blaster	
Dwarg holochroal armor	
enamel-cased device	
FP-400 reactor	
Gusoku armor	
inertialess drive	
kiloton cannon	
Luminous heavy armature	
mark I howitzer array	
multitarget PK25 Morning Star cannon array	
Northwind Active Armor	
Northwind Inactive Armor	
omni dual mark I howitzer	
P150 Hexphase armor	
SN3500 reactor	
Titan 540 fusion drive	
 Tiamat scaling	
(launcher) omni Shuriken neutron blaster	
0.85 flux, BCM grade magneto-repulsory wave device	
advanced plasteel armor	
B35 autoturret	
blast plate	
Dwarg behemoth cannon	
Dwarg howitzer	
EI plasma torch	
Energy-Shield Converter	
FP-230 reactor	
heavy meteorsteel lattice	
heavy Sung armor	
ICX-RAY missile defense system	
light Omsk armor	
Makayev mark III howitzer	
Mammoth 25MW deflector	
omni mark I howitzer	
patch spider	
thick Solaris armor	
Titan 440 fusion drive	
water-cooled device	
Yoroi S500 shield generator	
125LX reactor	
Aguaptera cortex	
AK15 Partisan cannon array	
ARK-15 Patriot missile defense system	
Bushido Shuriken neutron blaster	
DraCorp plate	
dual converging mining laser	
Dwarg catoptric armor	
Dwarg cnidocyst cannon	
EMP cannon	
Enhanced Autopilot	
hardened plasteel armor	
heavy meteorsteel	
heavy plasteel armor	
heavy Scrap armor	
Kaos EMP cannon	
level 5 super laser	
light blast plate	
Makayev dual slam cannon	
Makayev launcher	
Makayev weapon enhancer	
medium bussard ramscoop	
medium gambler's plate	
multitarget TK10 Trident cannon array	
NAMI LK23 Sirius cannon	
Nanite Shield	
Nova-100 reactor	
omni MAG launcher	
omni NAMI missile launcher	
Rasiermesser Akan 30 cannon	
refined ceralloy armor	
Ribauldequin light howitzer	
Spinal Laser	
Sung armor	
Titan 340 fusion drive	
Turbo-ICX missile defense system	
Urak howitzer	
Wave Transceiver	
Yoroi S100 shield generator	
advanced reactive armor	
Bushido neutron blaster	
Cyclotron S1200 deflector	
depleted uranium armor	
device labeled "F151"	
dual recoilless tribarrel cannon	
dual turbolaser cannon	
Dwarg xiphon cannon	
electrostatic device	
heavy recoilless cannon array	
heavy Urak armor	
Kontos Gatling Laser	
liquid metal armor	
particle beam weapon	
particle spray weapon	
patcher arm	
plasteel armor	
polyceramic armor	
quad titanium barricade	
Advanced Long Range Scanner	
double titanium barricade	
Dwarg chiton armor	
heavy ceramic armor	
heavy CLAW cannon	
heavy reactive armor	
laser reflector	
light plasteel armor	
light Scrap armor	
miners's cargo hold	
miners's cargo pod	
monopole deflector screen	
NAMI missile launcher	
Nova-25 reactor	
omni NAMI KM100 missile rack	
photo-organic armor	
raw materials processor	
removable smuggler's cargo baffle	
swiveling dual Bolide	
Bolide laser blaster	
ceramic armor	
civilian missile launcher	
class II deflector	
dual laser cannon	
mining laser	
omni laser cannon	
pulse laser cannon	
reactive armor	
small bussard ramscoop	
Urak mass driver	
class I deflector	
laser cannon	
laser deflector	
light ceramic armor	
light recoilless cannon	
Urak civilian mass driver	


Commonwealth habitat missions	1
Commonwealth militia missions	3
Money earned on missions	300
Slaves freed	20


(launcher) multitarget mark III howitzer array	877
Ares plasma archcannon	2,101
devastator	1
Heavy Ion Turret	222
sphere of dominance	4,379
(launcher) multitarget EMP cannon array	1,880
(launcher) omni Ares micronuke cannon	12
Alcurean Archcannon	8,632
Ares positron cannon	2,601
Bardiche Positron Blaster	25
Gotha-400 seeker	4
heavy ion blaster	829
Nodachi star cannon	7,908
omni dual mark V howitzer	173
Ares launcher	1,259
Ares lightning turret	94
Ares micronuke cannon	426
dual star cannon	5
Hecates cannon	1,017
Helepolis howitzer	11
Hydra Fusion Cannon	8
ion blaster	2
Korax howitzer	1,358
mark III howitzer array	1,330
omni dual mark III howitzer	2,200
omni mark I howitzer array	11
omni Rasiermesser Universal launcher	4
(launcher) multitarget turbolaser cannon array	272
anti-beam smoke launcher ER	25
Ares micronuke	1,271
Bushido Nodachi star cannon	35
dual TeV 9 blaster	1
kiloton cannon	10
mark I howitzer array	78
multitarget PK25 Morning Star cannon array	2,569
NAMI tritium-deuterium cannon	15
Onager Light Howitzer	9
Voulge Ion Blaster	114
anti-missile XASER turret	2,290
Arcuballista Light Howitzer	25
Atomic Slug	1
B35 autoturret	146
Blue Strelka missile	2
Bushido Wakizashi star cannon	28
Dwarg behemoth cannon	1
EI plasma torch	109
Green Strelka missile	99
Ion Bolter	21
level 6 super laser	41
Makayev mark III howitzer	48
Makayev mark III-p howitzer	6
omni mark I howitzer	10
AK15 Partisan cannon array	1
anti-missile turbolaser turret	426
Bushido Shuriken neutron blaster	225
dual converging mining laser	2,179
Dwarg cnidocyst cannon	1
EMP cannon	3
Kaos EMP cannon	1
level 5 super laser	665
Makayev dual slam cannon	14
Makayev launcher	595
NAMI LK23 Sirius cannon	1
NAMI PK10 plasma Arbalest	3
omni AK505 Ballista cannon	9
omni NAMI missile launcher	7
Patriot missile defence turret	122
Rasiermesser Akan 30 cannon	968
Ribauldequin light howitzer	1,880
Spinal Laser	1
Urak howitzer	899
White Strelka missile	549
AK505 Ballista cannon	1
bootleg omni turbolaser cannon	37
Bushido neutron blaster	1
dual recoilless tribarrel cannon	914
dual turbolaser cannon	60
Dwarg xiphon cannon	2
heavy recoilless cannon array	1
KM500 Stiletto missile	11
Kontos Gatling Laser	33
Makayev slam cannon	1
particle beam weapon	1,864
particle spray weapon	11
Rainbow Cannon	26
single x-ray laser cannon	9
anti-missile laser turret	803
bootleg turbolaser cannon	44
Centauri BASH Cannon	3
Claymore VPL (5)	18
Dirty Grapeshot	17
DK10 Arbalest cannon	4
DK11 impact Arbalest	9
Dory Gatling Laser	79
heavy CLAW cannon	1
KM120 Brute missile	7
NAMI AK15 Partisan cannon	1
NAMI missile launcher	91
omni NAMI KM100 missile rack	210
swiveling dual Bolide	27
turbolaser cannon	19
Bolide laser blaster	1
civilian missile launcher	269
dual laser cannon	2
dual recoilless cannon	6
heavy recoilless cannon	1
KM100 Longbow missile	294
mining laser	997
omni laser cannon	96
pulse laser cannon	12
Urak mass driver	3
Centauri turbo recoilless	6
laser cannon	1
light recoilless cannon	113
Urak civilian mass driver	7
I switched to transuranic armor because I didn't want to be fried by the ICS.
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I was surprised that the Aeon plates aren't disintegration-immune for all their strength.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Yeah, me too. The mod might have been made before the quantumsphere was invented though....
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The Q-sphere has been around a *long* time.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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*points to heavy aeonic plate

How the #*^$ do you get 1350 hp per plate? On my game hvy aeonic plate is either 350hp or 400hp. Even with carbon aerogel a 110% boost, thats only a little over 700 hp.

*points to creds

How do you survive on 1,350,000 credits? I've got over 30mil and I recently bought a Ranx Dread plus 24x carbon aerogel plus 24x massive tharsis (well I found 24) plus a CSC by accident plus an iocrymn sentinel (also by accident), plus an iocrymn whatchamacallit, and a heroic shield (+110%)

Not to mention my 10 mkV teseract pods and stockpile of heavy nami launcher ammo.

BTW used 20 nodes per cluster (or is it cluster per node?) on Uncharted so that's how I got the 24x carbon aerogel (added to massive tharsis that means 1750hp per segment with three patch spiders and a patcher arm)
with two linked positron lances (both 140%), call me god. (in ma ranx dred).
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I looked at the source of the mod we have installed, and the Heavy Aeon plate IS indeed 350hp only. This is very odd, as we never used any kind of buff or barrel on those armour plates. My (wild) guess is that there is some kind of UNID mixup that somehow overwrote the parameters of the heavy aeon plate with that of something else. We may want to look deeper into it.

We had 1,350,000 credits on hand, but loads more in the bank gathering interest. We mainly relied on loot rather than purchases anyway, so money (credits or rin) was not a real issue, what was difficult was the availability of certain goods we want badly that can only reliably acquired by buying (eg shipwright, jumpdrive, etc.)

As long as we have the nanite shield, we can obsolete any kind of (vanilla) patcher device.

In the previous succession game, I put together a Ranx DN with 2x Positron Lancers and 1x Ares Plasma Archcannon. One full volley overloaded the 1Gw Hyperion. We either need a >1Gw reactor mod in our next succ or tone down on the weaponry.
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I had the Reactors extendend mod so I have a 3mw reactor. Unfortunately the save is now borked :( I coulda probably killed the ICS in less than 30 secs.

SO new game with 100 nodes per cluster (no planet paralax).
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Jay2Jay wrote:*points to heavy aeonic plate

How the #*^$ do you get 1350 hp per plate? On my game hvy aeonic plate is either 350hp or 400hp. Even with carbon aerogel a 110% boost, thats only a little over 700 hp.

*points to creds

How do you survive on 1,350,000 credits? I've got over 30mil and I recently bought a Ranx Dread plus 24x carbon aerogel plus 24x massive tharsis (well I found 24) plus a CSC by accident plus an iocrymn sentinel (also by accident), plus an iocrymn whatchamacallit, and a heroic shield (+110%)

Not to mention my 10 mkV teseract pods and stockpile of heavy nami launcher ammo.

BTW used 20 nodes per cluster (or is it cluster per node?) on Uncharted so that's how I got the 24x carbon aerogel (added to massive tharsis that means 1750hp per segment with three patch spiders and a patcher arm)
with two linked positron lances (both 140%), call me god. (in ma ranx dred).
It could be the fact that we are using the "Massive" Aeonic plate and not the mere "heavy" variant, also we have a anks mod so most of the cash is in that, and we looted most of the stuff from things we killed rather than buying it: I think the last thing I bought had to have been ion weapons.
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Militia Lieutenant
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Massive Aeon plate? IIRC there is one level of plate heavier than "Heavy Aeon Plate" but the screenie did show sets of "Heavy" Aeon plate with >1k health.
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What the Autohummer states is truth.
I believe that something is @#$! up somewhere.
Question: PLEASE DO ANOTHER... if you will then I will join. Oh and one more thing... could you guys.... uh put up 7zip for me? not the link to it but like on Github or something cuz my school laptop blocks the site. :oops:
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

I looked at the source on Xeleus and I'm pretty sure I bumped it up to 1350 for some reason when I was modding (probably the ships were being obliterated by Phobii).

I changed it back to 350. I'll start up a new succession when I get back from England. In the meanwhile, pitch some mod suggestions/ ideas/fixes for bugs for succession #4.
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Well, if I can do it in time, I was working on an Ares mod that simply modifies their stuff and sets up some new missions once the Antartica was saved (havin trouble with the coding part though), and I really think that the iocrym need an overhaul.
EDT: And fix the goddamned Mining Pack
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