1.2 Bugs (or intentional features?)

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Copy pasted from freenode first. I'll clean it up when I wake up tomorrow (Yes, it's waayyy past midnight already over here). Attached image is that of the Moska repeater being able to strangely shoot through wrecks (in this case a T31 armed transport).
But first.
Mods: (Vanilla)
Version: 1.2, downloaded off the main page?
(relevant) Specs: i7-4700MQ (clocked at 27/26/25/24 (*100MHz) @ 1/2/3/4C) with -75mV core and cache dynamic voltage offset. System is more than stable on this (I can undervolt more without sacrificing stability)
Nvidia GTX 765M / HD4600
16 GB RAM @ ~9GB used (temp folder's in a ramdisk btw)
256GB Samsung PM841 (msata ssd)
750GB WDC WD7500BPKX (2.5" 7200RPM drive). Trans is on here. Nope, I didn't drop my computer or shake it or move it. It's on a stable surface.

EDIT: Volkov also behaves like Rama. Whoops? (He just seems to run less, somehow)
I would expect Rama to be totally yolo and sucidal, though.

[03:00] <jtthejam> so far, noticed a few things: Earthzone-class shuttle acts like a ship set by GOD to attack the destructor of the anarchist station aka attack target, run when shields are down, return when shields are up. Rama strangely behaves like this when he's ordered to break and attack (Volkov doesn't). I am unable to confirm if this occurs when the attack target command is given, since while I've reached Sanctuary, I've not found any targeting ROMs (or trading posts, for that matter).
EDIT: There's a reason why Volkov's armour is 32% damaged, and Rama's is 8% damaged. I'm unsure how to make them dock and repair, though.
[03:02] <jtthejam> Another thing is that the Dwarg let you destroy their station and don't try to murder you for it. :D try using a howitzer and shoot the station (or them) from a reasonably close distance (approx 80ls/80% of the LRS distance), they don't retaliate even when members of the swarm are hit by howitzer shots. Or when the station is hit / destroyed, for that matter.
[03:03] <+Atarlost> The dwarg are deliberately dumb.
[03:03] <jtthejam> seems to be a bug to me, the remaining zoanthrope raiders just seem to go elsewhere (most probably gate), ignoring my ship, Rama and Volkov ._.
[03:03] <jtthejam> kinda strange though
[03:03] <+Atarlost> It's not a bug.
[03:04] <jtthejam> mmm
[03:04] <+Atarlost> It's a deliberate zooanthrope thing. The ferians behave similarly.
[03:04] <jtthejam> Rama seems to behave like an auton anyway, rather than a wingman.
[03:04] <+Atarlost> That may be deliberate.
[03:05] <jtthejam> ._.
[03:05] <+Atarlost> If you pay attention Rama's suicidal.
[03:05] <+Atarlost> Volkov and Jenna aren't.
[03:05] <jtthejam> more like Volkov, though
[03:06] <+Atarlost> No, Volkov has some hope until he leaves you.
[03:06] <jtthejam> why auton: mannerisms, speech are kinda plain. I guess that's militia training for you. However, he behaves like an Earthzone class shuttle and not a suicidal person. As in, he runs when his shields are down
[03:06] <jtthejam> Volkov, not so much it seems
[03:06] <+Atarlost> I'm reading you backwards then.
[03:07] <+Atarlost> If it's Volkov behaving like that it's more likely to be a bug.
[03:07] <jtthejam> another thing is that the repeaters on the outlaw asteroid base
[03:07] <jtthejam> their shots can pierce wrecks without affecting them?
[03:08] <jtthejam> I can confirm this at least for a T31 transport wreck
[03:08] <@Katami> New news from tombstone: Rod999 - was destroyed by a Centauri heavy raider in the Eridani System <http://tinyurl.com/o2nqf7j>
[03:08] <jtthejam> it's like: shot disappears behind wreck, reappears beyond the wreck and hits you Q.Q
[03:10] == digdug [~d1gdug@unaffiliated/d1dug] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:10] == Heretic44923 [47e6116d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #transcendence
[03:10] == Heretic44923 has changed nick to benside0
[03:11] <+Atarlost> You can report these things on the forum.
[03:11] <jtthejam> yeah, I know ;D
[03:12] <jtthejam> difficulty curve seems easier than in .99c - 1.08b, anyway :D
[03:12] <jtthejam> I don't remember being able to do so well in a sapphire in the past
[03:12] == benside0 [47e6116d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[03:12] <jtthejam> graphics of mining laser are not changed, intentional as well? (as in, changed to the newer laser sprites)
[03:14] <+Atarlost> I assume George decided they didn't look good on a repeating weapon.
screenshot.05-12-2013 02.53.18.png
screenshot.05-12-2013 02.53.18.png (128.17 KiB) Viewed 2766 times
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

The turret has noFriendlyFire="true". I suspect that the wreck has the same sovereign as the turret, so noFriendlyFire kicks in and 'misses' the wreck.
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