Bug, gripe, and feature request.

These are old bug reports that have been closed.
Fleet Officer
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On the starmap I just saw the "Sisters of Domina" sign overlapping with the Starton Dry dock. Except the dry dock is *in* starton now. Probably been noticed before. But I haven't noticed it until now.


When [The company that employs Dvalin and creates the Akan 30]'s Manufacturing plants are killed by the Ranx or something, cargo ships come to pick the stuff up. But the cargo ships can be destroyed without any penalties to the player. You can also arrive there first. Same with Tailkon Corp. Perhaps Corp Crusers could pick the stuff up. They are harder to destroy and move faster. Or better yet, have the stuff just disappear if the station is destroyed by someone other than you.

Feature request:

That DEFEND and AVENGE actually *do* something.


DEFEND: halves or 1/4s damge by doubling/quadrupling resistances (by dividing the resistance numbers by 4?).

AVENGE: 1-1 damage ratio. So if X makes a 30 hp hit on you, 30hp are removed from the attacker (from the most damaged armor segment if armor segments are damaged, from front plate if there is armor but no shields).
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Militia Captain
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There's been a long tradition of the domina powers being useless. Old versions only had 'sustain' implemented, but they still had the options for all the others. Until the last three or four versions, this was true of heal and strenghten too. I wouldn't complain; they'll be implemented eventually.

The corporate salvage system does need some work. I've found that if there's something around bad enough to destroy a corporate station, it usually follows up by killing the cruiser too. Once or twice I've found dead freighters with the entire station's contents aboard. That was a fun windfall.

I would add an alarm to the freighters, making it a really, really bad idea to kill them. But the occasional stray shot could end your game, then. A dual x-ray laser with a collimator can take one out in one hit, after all.
X-ray laser! Pew, pew pew!
> = = = = ۞
Militia Captain
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Or better yet, have the stuff just disappear if the station is destroyed by someone other than you.
Stealing is not an exploit.

Only stealing without risk is. Make it so if you are seen looting a station that you are punished accordingly.
Fleet Officer
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yes, but how would you code that? Especially if the station is generated next to a gate (like in my most recent game).

Personally I think the current Corp Cruiser needs beefing up. For Tailkon at least if nothing else.

And I remember heal not doing anything. I was here for 9.5a. Not as long as many here, but long enough to remember that time.
Militia Commander
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Preventing looting shouldn't be too hard. In fact, I think it could be modded. We would need a new ship model, that is basically a mid-sized transport ship. Blinking lights or a symbol on the side would indicate which company it works for. There would be different colored lights or a different logo for each company. When a station is destroyed, one of these ships (which are about Sapphire speed) is deployed from the nearest gate with a few Wolfens as escort. If this ship is destroyed, the company that deployed it will no longer trade with you.

This bit would be harder, and may not be moddable (or even a good idea).

Any ship that docks with the destroyed station will also be considered a threat. The ship will not be able to trade with the company, and will be chased by the convoy that was sent to recover the goods.
Militia Captain
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yes, but how would you code that? Especially if the station is generated next to a gate (like in my most recent game).
There exists a way to determine the distance of an object from the player ship, right?

So, if distance to any ship < 100 (or whatever), the player is "seen" and appropriate consequences happen.

Even so, I'm not so much advocating that system as I am arguing against making items disappear. There is a simpler, more logical solution - give the cargo ship backup and make a punishment for destroying it.
Fleet Officer
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I can agree with that.