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imperfect crash report seemingly related to dwargs

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:20 pm
by darksider
I've been hunting out for this peculiar insect, but all I could find is only its trail. But anyway let me tell about it.

Sometimes Transcendense crashes when using a stargate, with no particular reason (observed in 0.97-0.99c).

This bug has never been occured before the player visits St. Katharine's Star, and from what I experienced, I suspect this is related to handling of Dwarg raiders.

No crash is observed when saving manually, so I'm guessing this crash is NOT related to disk I/O itself (actually, Transcendence never crashed even when I used a faulty HDD; game froze for about 30 seconds, though) and more likely to be in the updating after loading the system and before player's re-entering.

Basicall the tamed Dwarg raiders "follow" the player whereever they currently are, and even if they are so distant (using the jumpdrive) or the player gates out of the system before they gate in, they seem to be perfectly recorded.

But what will it be if they are Dwarg raiders which are led by a Dwarg raider which is led by a Dwarg raider which is led by a player?
I'm guessing that when the player gate out of the system, the data of following autons and raiders are recorded, and using the data they "gate in" to the new system.
But when to erase their entity in the previous system?
I think I've seen (or heard, to say it more accurate) something strange here- gating into the previous system where Dwarg colonies and fortresses are, and heard the sound something fighting against something (I guess these were my Dwarg raiders that shouldn't be there fighting against another Dwarg master which just gated in from the same stargate) and then Transcendence crashed and report file sent to Microsoft. Ouch.

The problem here is that despite I have some of my save files I have never been able to reproduce the bug successfully, Simply I could not do anything with my ship yet to gate in. Of course I have no means to control the Random Number God.
After all, not just I cannot prove my theory, I cannot even tell what is wrong and what is not. Won't somebody help me?!

Well, I think I finally succeeded in reproducing the crash!!! YEAH!!
Looks like this crash happens when gating out too.
Mailing the save to George...

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:45 pm
by darksider
Oh, and one more thing - I've seen a friendly Huari destroyer firing against my friendly Dwarg raiders. Maybe this nested structure of "leaders" related?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:02 pm
by darksider
Tested the crash further (unintentionally, though) and I think I've got disproof on the first post; when the player has lost all of friendly Dwarg raiders, the crash does happen after prolonged "dwarg farming" (but this one is very hard to reproduce)
And, I've got another crash when I lead 18 friendly (presumably non-nested) raiders and gated out when they are fighting with opposing raiders at a Dwarg fortress near the stargate. (this probably can be reproduced).
Now it doesn't seem as simple as I first thought...

EDIT: Is it caused by the game trying to load the raiders' data which aren't anymore?

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:18 pm
by F50
Attempting to dereference a pointer to an object that has been deallocated would be a likely cause of the crash.