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High Flux MAGs broken ?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:37 pm
by digdug
It seems to me that the High Flux MAGs are broken in 0.99c
The <Flare> fragment do not explode because the <fragment> misses the lifetime variable.

Here is the code copied and pasted from StdWeapons.xml

Code: Select all

<Missile ammoID="&itHighFluxMAG;"
						type=			"missile"
						damage=			"thermo:8d24; WMD7"
						lifetime=		"60"
						missileSpeed=	"30"
						hitPoints=		"30"
						sound=			"&snMissileLauncher;"

					<Image imageID="&rsMissiles;" imageX="0" imageY="16" imageWidth="16" imageHeight="16" imageFrameCount="12" imageTicksPerFrame="3"/>
							count=			"1"
							type=			"radius"

							damage=			"thermo:8d24; WMD7"
							minRadius=		"1"
							maxRadius=		"4"
							missileSpeed=	"0"

									style=			"fadingBlast"
									radius=			"190"
									primaryColor=	"0xff, 0xff, 0xf0"
									lifetime=		"8"

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:28 am
by george moromisato
Good catch!

The problem wasn't in the XML. It was in the engine itself. It looks like the lifetime attribute on the flare was getting set to 0 (because the radius damage itself has no lifetime).

Anyway, I've fixed it for the next version.


Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:03 pm
by digdug
Thanks George,
in the meantime, I found that if I add a lifetime to the <Fragment> AND the <Flare> there is the normal detonation.
So if someone else is making new weapons, this is a workaround I'm using.