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Mission Targetting not the same as Computer Targetting

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:23 pm
by Aeonic
I found it very annoying as I was doing one of the Hauri rescue missions that, while my ship happened to be equipped with nothing but omni weapons at the time, the mission targeted the ship that I needed to intercept into my computer which caused ALL of my weapons to point at my mission destination.

I found this especially annoying because I had dropped my energy-hogging shields since I was backtracking quite a ways in order to do these missions, and I didn't feel that that any of the enemies posed a significant threat. However, I soon realized the mistake when I encountered one of those pirate EMP ships that happily EMPed me every few seconds, since I had my shields down and no EMP defense.

The trouble was, I couldn't kill the stupid EMP ship because all my weapons were targeting my destination and if I canceled the targeting, then I could never seem to find the ship (about a distance of 2000 away), which of course drove me so nuts I have to go to a shop to buy another weapon and install it just so I could blow away the stupid EMP ship.

Would it really be a huge ordeal to create a separate targeting system that's used by missions to tell you were you need to go next, and is NOT influenced by your computer's targeting system?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:33 pm
by schilcote
I always thought that the weapons targeting was allready different from the mission targeting. Maybe George changed it.

Re: Mission Targetting not the same as Computer Targetting

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:12 pm
by alterecco
Aeonic wrote:The trouble was, I couldn't kill the stupid EMP ship because all my weapons were targeting my destination and if I canceled the targeting, then I could never seem to find the ship (about a distance of 2000 away), which of course drove me so nuts I have to go to a shop to buy another weapon and install it just so I could blow away the stupid EMP ship.
The Advanced Targetting Device mod originally came about to handle this situation. It has a section dedicated to storing the players current target, and recalling it later. I was looking at doing this automatically whenever the player recieved a mission, but in the end it would have been a very invasive piece of scripting (overriding several core functions), so for now it is just a sequence of quick keystrokes, and yor curent target is tucked away safeley.

I know this is not exactly a seperate targeting system, but its a stable mod with some other nifty features, so you might enjoy it...

Let me know of any problems you have, if you try it out


Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:26 pm
by Aeonic
Well if there are multiple targeting elements, they obviously weren't used in these missions.

Oh and for mods, I don't know about everyone else, but personally I'm extremely leery of mods that require other mods to work. It turns into something iffy built on something iffy which is too much iffy for me, especially since in the small number of mods that I've downloaded, a large number of them either didn't work or added additional elements that I didn't want.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:05 pm
by alterecco
Aeonic wrote:Oh and for mods, I don't know about everyone else, but personally I'm extremely leery of mods that require other mods to work. It turns into something iffy built on something iffy which is too much iffy for me, especially since in the small number of mods that I've downloaded, a large number of them either didn't work or added additional elements that I didn't want.
I can say I blame you for being leery... but as it stands, this mod depends on two other mods that I wrote myself. One of them is a framework I use in all my mods that have a complex dockscreen, the other is a small set of helper functions. They have all been tested quite extensively, and if you do find a problem, I can assure you I want to fix it. I would also understand if you didn't put much weight on my words (as i'm speaking in defense of myself) :)

Anyways... .]

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:16 am
by Atarlost
You probably won't put much weight on my reccomendation either, and I can't speak specifically to the advanced targeting because I only used the beta, but I have only had one problem with an alterecco mod that wasn't in beta, and it was eventually traced to a problem in George's code. Neither the framework nor the hashfunctions do anything themselves to effect gameplay.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:08 pm
by george moromisato
BTW, I've fixed this in the next release.

Now clearing your target will not affect the mission destination.