How... unexpected. Maybe a bug.

These are old bug reports that have been closed.
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goat not sheep
Militia Captain
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I was doing the protect the superfreighter carrying pterancnium (or w/e you spell that) ore, and watching it fly, not a single ares ship came. NOT A SINGLE ONE!!! I was like, wow, was this glitched? Going close to the CSC, they were like, "Kill the damn suicidal freighter!!!" And i was like, wtf? So, i used my IM07 multi-target and destroyed the freighter very quickly, but also severely damaged the CSC(well, no severely, but 45%). They didn't let me dock. Is that normal?

Also, I did one of the CSC missions, and they were like, protect this convoy from the jiang star stargate. I said ok, undocked and it says mission completed. Bug?
Fleet Officer
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The stargates might've been really close together for the second thing, but the first thing is really weird :shock:
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I've run into the suicidal freighter before, but didn't damage the CSC, so I succeeded in the mission. Shouldn't be any bug there - just kill the crazy freighter (you know you want to).
(name here)
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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First is no bug, except for the second problem with it. second is a bug.

Code: Select all

						; Code to describe mission
						(lambda Nil
							(block (gateList)
								; Find a stargate more than 300 light-seconds away
								(setq gateList (sysFindObject gSource "GR:300;"))
								; See if we meet all requirements
									; If there are no gates near by, there is no mission
									(not gateList)
										(block Nil
											(setq gMissionNoneText "\"Sorry, there are no missions currently available.\"")
									; If the player doesn't have an SRS enhancement, then they
									; cannot do the mission
									(not (shpIsSRSEnhanced gPlayerShip))
										(block Nil
											(setq gMissionNoneText "\"Sorry, your ship needs an enhanced visual display for this mission.\"")
									; Otherwise, we compose the mission text
									(block Nil
										(setq gStart (random gateList))
										(cat "\"A superfreighter carrying pteracnium ore will enter the system at " (objGetName gStart 0) " and rendezvous with us here. Your mission is to escort it safely from the gate to our location. Clear?\"")
						; Code to initiate mission
						(lambda Nil
							(block (obstacle roll)
								; Choose a random obstacle for the mission
								(setq roll (random 1 100))
									(leq roll 60)
										(setq obstacle 'aresAttack)
									(leq roll 90)
										(setq obstacle 'rogueAmbush)
									(setq obstacle 'suicideRun)
								(objSetData gSource "MissionVariant" obstacle)
								; Remember the start point
								(objSetObjRefData gSource "StartGate" gStart)
								; Create a timer for the creation of the freighter
								(sysAddObjTimerEvent (multiply (objGetDistance gPlayerShip gStart) 3) gSource "OnTimerFreighterAppears2B")
								; point the player to the stargate
								(shpCancelOrders gPlayerShip)
								(shpOrderDock gPlayerShip gStart)
								(objRegisterForEvents gSource gPlayerShip)
						; Code to see if mission has been completed
						(lambda Nil
							(block Nil
								; Set description
								(if (eq (objGetData gSource "MissionVariant") 'suicideRun)
									(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"Excellent mission! Your quick reaction probably saved hundreds of lives on this ship!\"")
									(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"Excellent mission! That pteracnium fuel is desperately needed!\"")

								; Increment XP
								(objIncData gPlayerShip "fleetXP" 150)
						; Code on failure
						(lambda Nil
							(scrSetDesc gScreen "\"You screwed that mission all the way to Sol and back. You better hit the sims, pilot!\"")
Militia Commander
Militia Commander
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Second isn't a bug exactly, just a system generated with very close gates. Though the game should probably reject (or modify) that mission if that is the case.
(name here)
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
Posts: 193
Joined: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:01 pm

Two things: one, it is supposed to wait for a while, and two, it is supposed to reject it if the gates are less than 150 light seconds apart.