Strange happenings without military ID

These are old bug reports that have been closed.
Posts: 44
Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:57 pm

I have recently experienced a couple circumstances during the same game. First off, I encountered NO fortresses before finding CSC Arctica. Which meant no military ID or rank.

In previous versions, I am sure if a player was carrying military hardware (weapons, shields, armor) and docked with a commonwealth station, the military hardware was confiscated. In this game, I foolishly docked with said CSC and was told I was a civvie. But the military goodies I had in my hold were NOT taken from me. Is this a bug or has the commomwealth had a change of heart concerning civilian craft with military items in your hold?
Fleet Officer
Fleet Officer
Posts: 1027
Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:21 am

The Commonwealth and the CSC fleet are completely different entities, hence the different "laws".