Update of the (insert random time period here): Yes, I still exist; yes TBR still exists; yes, I am still making progress on it. Very slow progress, but progress nonetheless. A few things to look forward in the next update (which will (hopefully) be soon-ish) include:
» Properly functional Lambda ROMs, which I just spent half the afternoon thoroughly debugging and testing and poking at until they actually did what they were supposed to do.
» New late-game Bane stations — which I think are new to this update; it’s kinda been a while… <.< >.> <.<;
» New Trinity graphics that aren’t recreations of old KH2 Gummi Ships.
I have a few ships I want to get re-rendered, and I’ll update once they are. It’s mostly minor graphical tweaks that nobody but me would probably even notice because I’m ridiculously picky sometimes. ¬.¬;
Mod prefixes: 0xA010 (registered) and 0xDCC8 (miscellaneous)
So, checking back in.
How's it going?
Starting couple more vanilla runs and thought of a follow up whit a mod... or alot, including this one.
So.... is the beta coming along nicely?
I will send u a pm when ready to go run mods..... actually ill send u a PM now, and prep an nice instal location for it.
After four years of kinda being about ninety percent back-burner’d, I have finally updated TBR. I have no idea what all I have changed since the last update, it’s been… a while, and my documentation of that sort of thing is somewhere between “lacking” and “nonexistent”. The main thing that pushed me to do the update was Arisaya and Song updating ships to 360 facings. I figured since I provided a good half of Song’s ship graphics, I might as well update mine to 360 facings, too. That whole process took about five-and-a-half weeks and wrapped up yesterday. (The Dragonfly was kind of a fustercluck, but I did manage to get its spritesheet done up, too.) So today I updated all of the code to handle the higher rotationCount and rotationColumns, got it all properly TDB-ified, and uploaded it to Multiverse.
As always, if you have comments, questions, feedback, requests to join the beta, or anything else of the sort, please do give me a poke!
Mod prefixes: 0xA010 (registered) and 0xDCC8 (miscellaneous)