Mining Pack released! (collab with TransGeek)

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(This mod is a collaboration between TranscendentGeek & me. Full credit goes to him for his scripting wizardry. Kudos to Amariitthynar for beta-testing this mod, breaking it in a billion ways TG & I never thought possible.)

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Because TG and I are working on MP2 when we have the time, I'll post his fix in this thread so y'all can patch it yourselves for Transcendence v1.5. This should completely fix the ore not spawning with MP installed. Fix will be uploaded soonish but for those of you adventurous enough to try it yourselves, here's TG's quick fix:

"To fix ore spawn, create a new xml take the the file UniverseCompatibility.xml from the new source. Use the tables there in the new xml to overwrite the old. Then add the new ores we added in MP to the tables. Boom fixed.

Ore tables are now in the UniverseCompatibility.xml so those simply need to be changed. just some copy paste here and there. Then the new ores should spawn as normal."
The Mining Pack contains extensive additions to Transcendence's mining sub-game. It compiles some things from other mods, but most of those have been completely re-done from the ground up by TransGeek. Here's the list of features:

JAMcorp's new all-in-one ship-portable ore processing solution. Combines the features of the mark 1, mark 2 AND mark 3 models of JAMcorp's popular ore smelters ("Smelter" option) and fuel makers ("Refinery"). It also duplicates the functionality of its ingot-based armor extruding Auton ("Extruder").

The smelter processes raw ores into ingots, which are 1/4th the weight of raw ore and roughly 20% more valuable.

The refinery can process certain ores, ingots, and other materials into fuel. Examples include uranium ore and helium regoliths.

The extruder can turn ingots into refined armor segments, which are worth 20% more than the ingots that are used to make them. They are more resilient than their normal counterparts.

The basic R.M.P. can process materials of levels 1-3. By upgrading it at the Commonwealth mining colony, this can be extended to levels 1-5 and then to levels 1-10.

These cargo holds can be added to a ship that already has a cargo hold installed. They enable the pilot to carry far more cargo than before, but at a hefty power cost. The more space you fill up, the more power it draws. There are illegally-modified smuggler's variants out there, and a mining version can be installed at Commonwealth mining colonies that automatically grabs ore that is floating near the player's craft.

This splendiferous new contraption comes with a basic passive-mode asteroid scanner right out of the box, which will mark any nearby ore-bearing asteroids within 12 ls. It can be upgraded at Commonwealth mining colonies to enable its active-scanning mode, which can be commanded through the "Use" key (U) to target the nearest ore-bearing asteroid. The upgrade also doubles the passive scan range. The active scanner will allow you to target asteroids for mining using omnidirectional equipment. Once upgraded, both passive and active scanning modes can be switched on and off separately.

Added extensive reworks of SiaFu's "Stellifer Labs" graphical update to the ore images used in menus. This will make it easier to distinguish between ore types visually. Many of the tradable items in the game also received new graphics. Separate images for the ingot items created by the JAMcorp smelter are also included. This is an OPTIONAL feature.

Mining colonies now provide additional services. They buy, sell, (un)install and even repair mining equipment of up to level V. They also offer to install and upgrade the JAMcorp raw materials processor, dual-mode asteroid scanner, miner's cargo pod and dual omni mining laser. Players can also sell commodities and helium-3 fuel rods, at the same prices that agricultural and medical colonies offer. There is also the option to "freelance" for the mining colony: they will buy raw ores at 50% price. Handy if you need to unload in bulk.

With the new JAMcorp raw materials processor, parts of the resources that would normally be lost during smelting or refining can be extracted during the process. Byproducts like chronimium gas or prometheon refuse can be harvested and then sold for credits/rin or processed into additional fuel types. Every time the processor is used to smelt or refine ores, a semi-random amount of secondary resources can be generated.

The new fuel types added are:
  • Cobalt-thorium fuel rods (nuclear);
    Prometheon fuel rods & reactor assemblies (illegal);
    Antideuterium fuel rods;
    Boson condensate fuel cells;
    Quantum vacuum fuel cells;
    Hyperonic fuel cells;
    Necrodynium fuel cylinders (valuable to Ringers).

New mining devices, some from Weapons Extended, that will make your mining experience that much more enjoyable.

ICX auto-miner:
Automatically targets ore bearing asteroids. Works best with the miner's cargo pod installed. It comes in laser and plasma versions. Does not require installing an asteroid scanner. It also does not require any other mining weapons.

Mini mining laser:
Does not require a device slot and can be (un)installed without the aid of dock services.

Mining laser wall array:
For those miners who like aiming at asteroids, but hate missing a shot. It spreads a mining laser out over a far wider area.

Omni dual mining laser:
This turret fires a dual, converging mining laser. When combined with an upgraded JAMcorp dual-mode asteroid scanner, it gains the ability to automatically target ore-bearing asteroids. Replaces TranscendentGeek's stand-alone mod of the same name.

Advanced mining ablator:
Powerful. A dual, converging mining laser that will make short work of even the most stubborn asteroid... or foolish space pirate. It is not omnidirectional.

In addition, two different mule-type autons are available for purchase at Commonwealth mining colonies.

380P ore packer auton:
Transports up to 380 tons of raw ores (but not ingots) and up to 24 tons of other items. Can be told to go and pick up ore automatically. It is otherwise slow and defenseless.

380Px+ packer auton:
An upgraded ore packer auton with a more powerful and inertialess drive, improved armor and shielding and equipped with an omni particle weapon for self-defense.

This mod works best with two additional add-ons: "Mined Asteroids Explode" and "Named Ores". The person who created them, PM, has stated that he prefers to retain full control of his mods. Therefore, they are not included in the Mining Pack. However, their use is recommended. Download links:

Named Ore:
Mined Asteroids Explode:

Use "ExAsteroidClassic.xml", not "ExAsteroidAll.xml". The latter lets you blow up every asteroid, which unbalances the game and eliminates the need for some of the items in the Mining Pack.

The Mining Pack contains XML files that override existing "vanilla" content already in the game. Another file adds extensive changes to the Commonwealth mining colony. That means these parts of the mod override vanilla content and may conflict with other mods that affect the Commonwealth mining colonies.

The Mining Pack has been tested for compatibility with the following mods:
  • SiaFu’s “SFItemGraphicsLT”;
    PM's "Playership Drones v4";
    Atarlost & digdug's "Weapons Extended" mods, specifically, WE4 and especially WE5, which is still under development.
This mod incorporates or replaces the following stand-alone mods:
  • TranscendentGeek's "Ore Smelters & Fuel Makers Pack 1.0";
    TranscendentGeek's "Armor Recycler & Creator 1.0";
    TranscendentGeek's "Tesseract Cargo Pods 2.0";
    TranscendentGeek’s “Omni Dual Mining Laser”;
    WillyTheSquid's "New Ore Graphics (+Fuel Rods)";
    Omnivore, PM & alterecco's "Prospector" (passive mode ore scanner);
    alterecco's "Asteroid Scanner" (active mode ore scanner);
    Prophet's "auto-miner";
    bobby’s "380P / 150 Packer auton".
The Mining Pack may cause compatibility issues with:
  • SiaFu’s “StelliFer Laboratories”, an unfinished, more extensive graphical overhaul than “SFItemGraphicsLT”.
    “Upgradeable WingMen (UGW) v3”, especially the Packer Autons.
Last edited by WillyTheSquid on Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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So proud to have worked alongside you and TG as your tester. 'Tis a work of art, truly.
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Updates released please check Xelerus
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Tiny Issue: the Tesseract Cargo Pod II causes my ship to fly backwards :?
Tesseract Cargo Pod I works perfectly and I've yet to see a III IV or V.

I checked the code but apart from a multiplier all the code is exactly the same.
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

That was an old version of the Tesseract. It was because you get negative mass, so you go backwards. I think TG's fixed it, but I don't know if it's updated or not. Try with a fresh install. (I'm not getting the new version yet because I like the concept of an immediate reverse thrust :P )
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Is the pack compatible with the weapon labs mod?

Tons of fuel and armor options (from this mod) + tons of weapon options.

This will become a game for collectors. :)
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Yes, I'm pretty sure it is.
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Star Weaver
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The only compatability issue i've run into is that thing mentioned in the named ore light comments on xelerus where you just need to bop into a couple of the packer xmls and change one line to compare stuff differently.

The only other trouble i've run into is that Weapons Extended (5 at least) has it's own ICX-M Mining device that dosen't work nearly as well as the ones from the mining pack (it shoots all asteroids), the mining pack ones are just called ICX something wihtout the -M

That's not an error, just a bit of brand-name confusion :D

Oh and having tesseract cargo holds installed at the same time can be a little confusing until you figure out the distance.
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Star Weaver
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Ok, so there is one mod issue, as pointed out by Sujamma in IRC (though he thought it was a WE issue?) and I also ran into: it dosen't play well with playership switching.

Because the game currently overwrites ship data when ship changing in the interests of tracking the PLAYER properly, you can't currently use objData to keep track of disinctions between different ships the player is using. Because MP uses playership data to determine if you've already installed devices, you can't get a new device installed on a different ships.

I'd change the check as to weather to allow the player to install a mining device to be (if (objGetItems gPlayerShip "*I +unid:&myDeviceUnid;") ... that is, allow it as long as the ship dosen't currently have one installed.

There was also an oddity wherein after moving the RMP manually to a different ship, I had to upgrade it again. Haven't looked into the code for that part at all yet though.
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I love this mod so much :D

But I have a question.
What's the deal with the whole flying backwards thing?
Because it kind of renders the mark III and above pods pretty much useless (and they're hard enough to get hold of anyway....)
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If I activate two mark I tesseract cargo pods, then my ship flies backwards. :/
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Is that the old version of the tesseract?
I remember TG found on IRC that the problem was your ship had negative mass, so it flew backwards >.>
I think the new version of the tesseract works, but you'll have to check.
If not, have fun with your new flying-backwards-while-shooting-at-ships strategy!
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Well the fluff does say messing with spacetime can have odd effects
It just puzzled me a bit as to why you'd want have 5 versions of this fabulous toy and then make 3 of them all but useless because equipping even one of them (nothing else) makes your ship go all Benny Hill.
Seriously. Overload the pods start flying and then hold down your "stop" key. See you in Andromeda. :lol:

I wonder instead of the whole twitchy backwards thing you could mess with the acceleration and turn rates - so overloading your ship makes it fly like the Raid Platform.
Ugh.... That would still be pretty awful, but at least it would be useable.

On a less awesome note, it may be worth looking into whatever witchcraft has been done to the new game versions.
I can't get the mining pack (amongst others) to work on 1.08e or f.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Check the Extensions I have here: ... 299#p48299
I fixed the mining pack with the missing paren and got it to work with 1.08f. I also added Starweaver's fix for the packer auton.
Hope that helps ;)
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That did it. Thanks RPC :)
Had those mods been updated on Xelerus recently? I already had most of them and they just didn't want to play.
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