The Final Strike

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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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i just dit a run whit this mod, kinda nice, altho alot of stuff seems broken atm.
The examples mentioned before, along whit; random spawn kills the ares outpost whit the freigthers.... this is after completing the mission, but before (from what i gather) running around whit exploding freigthers.

There is immediate acces to lvl 11 gear, but nowhere to install / change out your gear; max stations do is lvl 9

Random red squares are on the map, looks like a base should have spawned at that spot.... but there is nothing, also goes for friendly's and map markers.

Most of the problems might be 1.8.1 related tho... ill wait for the update ;-)
Militia Lieutenant
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Progress report

Updating: 32% completed . . .

Yes, progress is being made! albeit rather slowly...

This update will focus on bug fixes, as well as new missions, a new sidequest and unique systems. Put your explorer skills to the test, by searching the systems for hyperglyph rods, to unlock a mysterious and ancient vault! Just try not to be sucked into black holes or smashed apart by comets!
Blackhole.png (623.45 KiB) Viewed 21199 times
An arcing hyperglyph rod
An arcing hyperglyph rod
HyperglyphRod.png (1.05 MiB) Viewed 21199 times
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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oh very nice, time to try again!
Soonish ^^

Looks like u dint upload yet?
file on xelerus says:
Added (Last modified) 11.03.2018 (11.03.2018)

When would this new version be ready?
Or is it uploaded somewhere else?
Militia Lieutenant
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No, it's not ready yet, but i'm getting there...maybe in a month...or two...
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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Location: Scouring Dantalion System for CSC Antarctica...

The Final Strike is complete and available on the Multiverse! (once it gets approved)

I'll post the link once it does.

What's new

- Several new missions and a new side-quest
- Unique system types and space backgrounds
- Upgraded NPC ships! EI7000 with ion weapons and superfreighters with fusionfires!
- Removed Dvalin mission. Now he gives you 50% off dock services if you speak with him instead.
- Remade prolog and epilog images
- Additional useful items can be crafted at Plasmaphore clusters (and hints are given)
- Better mission handling
- Improved dock services (yes you can now install double Ares plasma archcannons on your turrets!)


A huge thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me along this 4 year journey!

0xABCDEF, Alandra, AssumedPseudonym, DigaRW, JohnBWatson, Kourtious, NMS, PM, shanejfilomena, Tiber, Warped95, Xephyr (anyone else I've forgotten)

...and relanat for your many many many bug reports and suggestions

...and SolarGalaxy for making Battles of the Outer Realm, which was the initial inspiration for this mod.

...and George for creating, maintaining and constantly making this game better than it already is!
Militia Lieutenant
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The Final Strike has been approved!!! Get it on the Multiverse!

If you've got the old version 1.2, it won't work on the new 1.9 Beta 1.

I've just updated the Multiverse version to version 1.3. This will work on both 1.9 Alpha 4 and 1.9 Beta 1. It also allows you to purchase insurance from Corporate Distributors.

EDIT: There's some weird bug with the first side quest (celendinne). Not sure what's going on. Game will still be playable - you just won't be able to complete that quest.
Militia Captain
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Only about a third of the way through but all good so far. All the glitches are gone and it is a very smooth mod now. Well done.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:51 am

When I try to play this mod it never lights up the start game checkmark and has this little blurb:
FSfail.jpg (34.87 KiB) Viewed 19221 times
Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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Location: Scouring Dantalion System for CSC Antarctica...

Zeke wrote:
Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:52 pm
When I try to play this mod it never lights up the start game checkmark and has this little blurb:
Which version of Transcendence are you running? I don't think TFS is compatible with versions prior to 1.9 Alpha 1 (because the older versions don't use the new Ares station images).

I am currently working on an update to improve backwards compatibility and to fix a few bugs.
Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:51 am

1.8 because that is what people download from the multiverse main page.

I'm a player, not a beta tester. Since it was posted on the game's multiverse download page, I assumed it was compatible with the latest known declared stable version.

If it wasn't made for the game that is offered to download on then it should have been clearly stated so.
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