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Mostly rebalancing and fixing stuff, but I finally created new images for several items in this update. These images are not from 3D program. I'm just using photoshop magic and all images are mostly taken from game core resources.
Semesta Image Update.jpg
Semesta Image Update.jpg (189.14 KiB) Viewed 28110 times
Version 2.13
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Increased ignore damage chance to all Padamium armors.
- Rebalanced Cangkang plate resistance.
- Reduced depletion delay for all Tameng shields.
- Added new item, "Deras missile defense turret".
- Changed image of armor, auton, and weapon items.
- Fixed description error and rebalanced damage of several Serbaguna launcher ammo
- Changed missile of Kuntil, Halimun, and Lutung autons.
- Revised gladiators equipments.
- Rebalanced Semesta ammo boxes.
- Added military attribute for SAL sentinels.
- Reworked Tameng Duri. Now each ion damage is based on roll dice.
- Fixed Tameng Rangkai II.
- Replaced Defected Auton station defense weapon to dual variant.
- Rebalanced several Semesta main weapons damage.

Edit (18/06/2022): It seems I broke the code in sentinel mechanic. LOL
Please re-download again to get the hotfix update. This one can continue save game.
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Majorly fixes and rebalances, but recently I read Father Porkus thread and quite amused with Auton strategies. Never thought that could be OP. That's make me want to improve Semesta autons further become expertly useful yet fairly balanced.
SemestaAuton.jpg (33.35 KiB) Viewed 28018 times
In this update, I also making mule-like combat auton obtainable so player can use it as their own auton. Either looting from station or salvage its wreck; it's quite rare, though. Moreover, these auton also have dockable cargo so player can store item there. Although mainly recommended to store missile instead.

Version 2.14
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Changed Daya reactor into 0 slot instead of -1 slot to fix bug where Daya reactor cannot be uninstalled.
- Reduced damage and WMD on Hancur cannon.
- Rebalanced Cangkang plate resistance.
- Removed military tag for dual and omnidirectional K5K blasters.
- Revised Semesta sentinel stats.
- Rebalanced Semesta armor hitpoints and value.
- Reworked Semesta auton stats.
- Renamed several Semesta auton: "Halimun" to "Homang", "Bota" to "Leak", "Lutung" to "Bota", and "Cindaku" to "Bunian".
- Added Kuntil, Homang, and Bota auton item. Now player can obtain these autons as rare drop in their station or salvage their wreck and deploy as their own auton after repairing it.
- Added new ammo for Serbaguna launcher, "Serbaguna Rusak missile" to damage shield and "Serbaguna Luluh grenade" to damage asteroid station.
- Rebalanced Kuasa Kritikal weapon price value.
- Increased fragments on Gugus grenade.
- Increased shockwave damage of Serbaguna Gelombang missile.
- Replaced WMD to armor penetration for Deras cannon.
- Reduced WMD for Akurat cannon.
- Removed WMD for Bubuk cannon.
- Reworked Hilang missile, now it uses stealth code instead of removing missile image compeletely.
- Renewed the image for several items.
- Added orbit player command. This make the sentinel orbiting player around and defend when enemy attacking.
- Revised auton station and their images.
- Added a defected auton haven in Nusantara. Not an actual update, but at least the system is not empty for now.
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It's gacha time? I think it is gacha time!
Buy that strongbox! Open up and obtain unique and exclusive weapons!
You can find them on Special Offers section at Semesta Equipment Trader.

Semesta Red Edition
SemestaRedEdition.jpg (42.36 KiB) Viewed 27925 times
Cool red painted weapons produced exclusively by Semesta State Industry.
New weapons series has been added on this mods. This special edition have a perks +1 damage to each weapon. You can obtain them by opening Semesta strongbox and Semesta super strongbox.

Version 2.15
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Reworked Semesta mods. Now it uses libraries.
- Reworked compability with Eternity Port topology. It's now connected and only Welborn, Banda, and Nusantara system show up.
- Rebalanced resistance of Cangkang plate.
- Reworked level of Padamium plates. Now all plate's level is reducted to one level below, but repair tech still remained on former level. Also their price is rebalanced.
- Reduced fire rate for all Semesta mining weapons.
- Rebalanced power usage for several weapons.
- Relabeled KxK blasters to their own manufacturer.
- Renamed small sentinel bay to "Semesta auton bay", large sentinel bay to "super Semesta auton bay", and added a new item: "smuggler auton bay".
- Reworked Semesta auton bays to. Now it's able to repair and reconfigure both auton and sentinel. Sentinel still retain special commands for this auton bay. It also allows auton install launchers.
- Replaced unlimited ammo mechanic for SAA, SAL, and SAH sentinel from virtual weapon to autofac ammo.
- Raised sentinel price value.
- Reworked Semesta auton equipments. Now it's uses disposable launcher. Player can replace launcher with Semesta auton bay.
- Disabled Semesta tinkers edition due a bug; most likely from core game.
- Added new items, "Semesta Strongbox" and "Semesta Super Strongbox". You can obtain strongboxes on special offers section at Semesta Equipment Trader.
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These weapons has been enginereed with computing data allowing them to become more smarter.
One more special weapon series is available in Semesta strongboxes! This special edition have a perks tracking to each weapon. You can obtain them by opening Semesta strongbox and Semesta super strongbox.

Version 2.16
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Rebalanced Semesta launcher missiles price.
- Added slight inaccuracy for Serbaguna launcher. Also applies to disposable version for defected autons.
- Changed Rusak missile damage type to thermonuclear and reduced its damage.
- Reworked Cangkang and Dinding armors. Cangkang regeneration now removed and both series have ability to ignore damage. It also affect Tameng hitpoints as well.
- Rebalanced autons and sentinels price value.
- Reconfigured projectile effect to Deras cannon and Akurat cannon.
- Added new item, "miner Semesta auton bay".
- Reduced frequency of defected auton station spawn.
- Fixed a bug where everyone blame victim after get hit by reflected K3K blasters. Now it should be the attacker to get blamed.
- Reworked Lumpuh device, now it will deplete player shield upon invoked. Best use after shield's down.
- Increased fragments on Gugus grenade and Serbaguna mines.
- Removed "essentialMiningEquipment" attribute from Tambang Dentum and Tambang Riak.
- Revised Tameng Duri mechanic. Now it is able to damage all targets nearby instead of one target.
- Changed disposable launcher for autons. Now pack Buru is changed to light Hilang and heavy Hilang is changed to pack Sasar.
- Improved Hilang missile effect. Now it's completely stealthy.
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As I already posted in this thread, I have extended Overseas Dominion region with Malacca system and few other new systems. Despite of that, I have not been worked on Nusantara so it's still empty at the moment. More contents and features will be added soon.

Also, no new edition for this update.

EDIT: oh yes, forgot to tell you. Malacca is very empty system, but there are few notable landmarks...? I mean spacemarks. You will find them in inner asteroid belt. Meanwhile, there also hostile Semesta defected auton fortress in this area. Usually around 400-600 ls from star. Once you find them, be aware with their defenders. Level 7-8 autons sure will not hestitate to take you down.

This update will require you to start new game as new content has been added and some other entities has been removed.

Version 2.17
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Removed library type entity. This feature is cool, but impractical on testing mods. When mods get an error, it does not show exact place error happened.
- Changed all armor repairTech traits to repairCost; repairing will cost more while maintain repair tech same as armor level
- Rebalanced hitpoints and removed resistance bonus on Cangkang plates. It also have minor hitpoints bonus if installed with complete set.
- Reworked Dinding plates. Now their hitpoints readjusted and Mark IIII also has been added.
- Readjusted stations hitpoints and revised defender behavior on Semesta defected auton stations.
- Added disposable launchers in all defected auton stations as treasure.
- Removed notforsale attribute from Tameng Utuh.
- Increased frequency/affinity of Semesta defected auton station spawn in Overseas Dominion.
- Lowered interaction of Hilang missile. Now it's a bit harder to be destroyed with missile defense.
- Resetting patrol targeted station to orbitPatrol.
- Added new systems, "Pera", "Jata Baya", "Pusaka", "Angkasa", and a special system: "Malacca". Also changed several system template on Overseas Dominion.
- Added new autons, "Cindaku auton".
- Added new enemy station, "Semesta Defected Auton Fortress". It's guarded with Bunian auton, Cindaku auton, and SAH sentinel.
- Added image resources for all autons.
- Added new stations, "Semesta habitat" and "Semesta mine". Each of them open to trade items and dock services.
- Readjusted sentinel table for station defender.
- Removed smuggler Semesta auton bay and miner Semesta auton bay.
- Added new device, "Semesta auton platform". This device behave like auton bay, but does not using cargo slot.
- Readjusted item encounter and frequency. Now item encounter for all Semesta items are adjusted based on region.
- Reworked KxK armor ionization effect. Now it has chance instead of guarantee attach.
- Reworked Semesta Strongbox, now the chances are distributed more variable. Although some weapons may not available at current moment.
Last edited by DigaRW on Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Minor update!
I forgot to readjusted rest of Semesta autons maneuver rate. If you downloaded the mods before see this post, please to re-download them again.
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These weapon were used on mining activity. Now they has been revolutionized to be more fitting on space combat.
A new special weapon series is available in Semesta strongboxes! This special edition is mining weapons that has been modified to be more combat-effective by increasing its fire rate; though loses capability to mine asteroid. You can obtain them by opening Semesta strongbox and Semesta super strongbox.

Version 2.18
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Readjusted Semesta auton and sentinel stats.
- Added "Attack" order on sentinel.
- Reduced hitpoints for Tameng Langit deflector to same as Tameng Tangguh IIII.
- Readjusted hitpoints bonus from Padamium armor to Tameng shields.
- Added strongbox drop in Semesta defected auton station.
- Added minor passtrough buff at cost reduced armor penetration on depleted uranium weapon and ammo.
- Readjusted min and max radius on Hancur cannon.
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Cossack of Nebulae
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Transcendence 02_03_2023 15.12.24.png (149.85 KiB) Viewed 27315 times
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Cossack of Nebulae wrote:
Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:15 am
This error occurs if you don't have Eternity Port DLC. I guess should workaround for non-DLC game.
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Cossack of Nebulae
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It's still unplayable, Image resource still at .png while the it should be .jpg based on the .XML file
Also misses few resources maybe? It says Auton station mask still missing.

Thanks for the response.
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Cossack of Nebulae wrote:
Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:47 pm
It's still unplayable, Image resource still at .png while the it should be .jpg based on the .XML file
Also misses few resources maybe? It says Auton station mask still missing.

Thanks for the response.
If the mods have png, then it seems you still have older version of this mods. In latest version I have changed all image resources to jpg. Try to do a clean install. Delete the mods completely and download again. Then, replace with the fix above.
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Sorry for those waiting this mods update. I've been quite busy lately and my computer doesn't hold enough power running the game smoothly. I gonna spend my saving to buy new one, but might take a while.

There is a new changes on mods on all UNIDs contained. This update will cause you unable to play your saved game. It's recommended to play a new game.

New Edition
Despite in broken state, weapons in this edition has been experienced countless battle on its lifetime.
A new special weapon series is now available in Semesta strongboxes! This special edition have 50% more damage, but also have terrible accuracy. You can obtain them by opening Semesta strongbox and Semesta super strongbox.

Version 2.19
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Revised all UNIDs to match self-reference for mod making.
- Readjusted regeneration for some Tamengs.
- Added a new station, "Semesta Bandar Perdana".
- Reworked Nusantara and Malacca systems.
- Added new ships, "Askar", "Wira", "Kesatria", "Niaga", and "Saudagar".
- Reworked station defender shiptables.
- Readjusted strongbox treasure rate for Defected Auton Station.

I also updated Semesta No-EP Fix for those who doesn't have Eternity Port DLC. Replace SEMESTA REBOOT.xml on main folder and SemestaStarsystem.xml in Modules folder.
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This update have not many changes, but mainly focused on get huge number of new special weapons. Hopefully you guys like it.

Semesta Overcharged Edition
These blasters have been modified with insane fire rate, but it requires periods of rest.
Perks for this edition: double fire rate, capacitor charging
Semesta Infinite Edition
With nanofacture technology, these weapons require ammo no more.
Perks for this edition: ammoless
Semesta Even Edition
Four weapons with even serial numbers in Kuasa Kritikal's limited production.
Perks for this edition: combined abilities from two regular KxK blasters
Semesta Destructive Edition
On demand to destroy heavily armored ship and station, Kuasa Kritikal designed KxK blaster with mass destruction power.
Perks for this edition: +50% more damage, added WMD power
Semesta Black Edition
Kuasa Kritikal has secretly developed KxK blaster coated with black color and neon glow.
Perks for this edition: Positron damage type
Semesta Gold Edition
To celebrating 60 years anniversary of Senjata Mesin, Adji Jaya designed them with golden case.
Perks for this edition: Thermonuclear damage type
Version 2.2
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Reworked Semesta Strongbox, now the chances are distributed more variable. Although some weapons may still not available at current moment.
- Readjusted strongbox treasure rate for Defected Auton Station.
- Fixed a level bug for remove device in Semesta Bandar Perdana.
- Moved Semesta special weapons to its own XML.
- Removed special weapon offer and reworked strongbox offer dockscreen. Now it only offers Strongboxes and each strongboxes are separated. However, lucky boxes are available in their own respective class item.
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Version 2.21
- Rewritten Changelog and Readme.
- Included Semesta with no Eternity Port fix in bundle for those who have not bought Eternity Port. Extract the and replace the older data.
- Reworked some stations image.
- Added new station, "Semesta settlement".
- Fixed item spawn for Semesta Bandar Perdana. Now military items available to sell.
- Moved premiumAmmo attribute from Musnah missile to Binasa missile.
- Increased level for Semesta auton bay and platform.
- Added two habitat stations near Bandar Perdana.
- Changed frequency of several Serbaguna ammo.
- Reduced WMD for several Serbaguna grenades.
- Rebalanced value for several Serbaguna ammo.
- Added no salvage properties for Semesta debris.
- Reduced Rusak missile damage.
- Reswapped item chance for Semesta Even Edition and Destructive Edition.
- Increased fire rate for Luka missile system.
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