Commander's Log - Captains' Log copy

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Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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EDIT: Version 1 uploaded to xelerus Jan 19.

Here's a mod with a basic version of the Captain's Log "Find" feature. Fortunately without the bugs (although there may be a few in there of my making!).

There is a screen for each known system and for each system the numbers and types of station (known only) are displayed.
There is also a more detailed screen for each system which lists all the known stations, friendly/enemy, distance from the player and whether you have visited the station and whether it has any items in it.

If you dock at a station the mod will remember the items which were in that station when you undocked.
You can refer back to the stations and their items even if you are in a different system.
You can also search by item name. That brings up a list of stations which have the item. It shows the station name, the system the station is in and how many of the item are in that station. The stations can be highlighted. If the station is in the same system as the playership, the station is highlighted instantly, or if the station is in another system, it wil be highlighted as you enter that system.

Very handy for finding an item that you can now afford.

I plan to add a few more minor features then release it on xelerus. If there is a Captain's Log feature (or any other feature you think would be helpful) you would like included, let me know. Eventually (very open timeline!) it will have all the features from Captain's Log.
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
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Thank you for updating this mod.

Now in 1.9 all items on the stations are revealed with very few exceptions. But it seems Commander's Log still obfuscate items at the stations that I visited.

I tried to fix myself but it seems it is currently out of my abilities for now. Can you update the mod again?
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Thanks for letting me know about this. I have been too busy to check any mods in the latest versions.

I'll have a look but I cannot say when. I hope to also add prices to the recorded information.
The Network mod is also buggy and needs attention.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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Attached a messy version. Requires 1.9b1a. The ship recording feature has at least one bug.
Also the action key for items has been changed, it had to happen somewhen.
All items identify now, provided the station shows them as identified. It isn't perfect because all unknown types for an item get identified everywhere. It would need some way of determining which unknown type was being used and being able to identify only that one to stop this.
No saving of item prices yet either.
CommandersLog dev
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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A version for 1.9b3 is attached. Requires 1.9b3 (API 51).

Items now show their price.
The ship broker feature works now.
icarus Station, the Kibo shipyard and Eternity Port now show at game start. And Dreaming Nexus stations also show in the lists now.
St Kats arcology code has been changed to handle the new station.
And the CSC Europa wreck now shows in station lists too.
A few little bug fixes.

I think I have worked out a way to mimic the unknown items feature where stations show the actual items without identifying them outside of the station. Much coding to do!
CommandersLog dev
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
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EDIT: This version breaks the game with an "Unable to load evD789CommandersLog (d78911d2) because its type changed" error. Not recommended.
An updated 1.9b3 version.
Now shows capital ships and their wrecks and autons and auton wrecks.
Unknown items in stations are set known in this version so the search feature works but this needs fixing so they can be searched for but also remain unknown outside of stations. Can't quite get my head around the unknown item index code yet.
Ship broker feature working well. H/t to DigaRW and NMS for code help. I think a ship search feature is also needed as it is difficult to remember which station sells a particular ship, especially in large galaxies.
Fixed the lag in the item search screens.
The Log now records if a TX3 explorer auton has found all stations in a system.
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Last edited by relanat on Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
Militia Captain
Militia Captain
Posts: 948
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:56 am

An update which doesn't break the game with the "Unable to load evD789CommandersLog (d78911d2) because its type changed" error.
I played a game and visited the stations in 97 systems which previously would have triggetred this error.
Requires 1.9.2 (API 53).

The ship search feature is laggy when you visit lots of ship broker stations but it doesn't cuase an error, just a delay.
Item prcies were removed to make it easier to bug test, they will be added back next version.

Many thanks to the forum members who posted bug reports, much appreciated, it makes it much easier to work out what the problem is.
CommandersLog dev
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Stupid code. Do what I want, not what I typed in!
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