Shrike's Mines & Missiles ++

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pixelfck wrote:Nice looking effect! I've tried getting something like that, but never really made it happen. Could you sharing the source code snippet? (I may abuse it for a positron weapon)

Certainly. The default effect in this case is an animated image (well, a bunch of images that cycle), plus a particlecomet:

Code: Select all

						particleCount=	"160"
						primaryColor=	"0x00, 0xd8, 0xc6"

						width=			"6"
						length=			"80"
				<Image imageID="&rsMissiles4;" imageX="0" imageY="48" imageWidth="16" imageHeight="16" imageFrameCount="8" imageTicksPerFrame="1"/>
To make the new one, I add a small starburst effect. This adds to the original animated graphic (although it does clash a little. I'm considering a few more tweaks), but has the downside of triggering a bug that makes the hitbox of the shot really big (so it's prone to getting shot down). This is due to be fixed in a later version but for now it's quite annoying. I'm considering swapping it for a ball-lightning effect instead. I also add a particlejet, set to emit at the exact opposite speed to the projectile (in this case it's 55, since I sped up the projectile to increase the range). Everything's set to the original color of the default particlecomet:

Code: Select all

						particleCount=	"160"
						primaryColor=	"0x00, 0xd8, 0xc6"

						width=			"6"
						length=			"80"
								emitRate=			"10"
								emitSpeed=			"55"
								particleLifetime=	"10-30"
								spreadAngle=		"3"
								style=			"plain"
								minWidth=		"1"
								maxWidth=		"1"
								primaryColor=	"0x00, 0xd8, 0xc6"
								secondaryColor=	"0x00, 0xd8, 0xc6"
						spikeCount=		"1d3+2"
						spikeLength=	"5-12"
						primaryColor=	"0x00, 0xd8, 0xc6"
						secondaryColor=	"0x00, 0xd8, 0xc6"
				<Image imageID="&rsMissiles4;" imageX="0" imageY="48" imageWidth="16" imageHeight="16" imageFrameCount="8" imageTicksPerFrame="1"/>
The "emit at the same speed as the projectile but in the opposite direction" trick is quite useful for certain SM&M++ it's used for this gun and the APA, and Wolfy's used it for certain weapons in TSB. It also works with the antiquated <Smoketrail> system, which has a more ordered graphic style (in SM&M++ this is used only on the APA). Keep in mind that particlejets don't have collision, so they will travel through things that stop the rest of the shot. Hopefully this will be fixed later.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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AMDU gives dark acid weapons a DOT effect. Perhaps that's worth looking into?
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Shrike, we have to talk about your puns;

Some would say, you're being mulish.
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Shrike wrote:(...)
Thanks! There are just too many options with particles to figure out all the nice effects.

Download the Black Market Expansion from today!
My other mods at
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Right! With the release of SM&M++ hopefully only a month or so away, here's a complete featurelist for the current version (Alpha 3):


-14 new sounds added to the game, replacing the default weapons sounds for almost all ion and particle weapons, all antimatter weapons (except Q-sphere), most blast and thermo weapons, two missile launchers and the penitent cannon.

Earth Industries:

-Revised level 3 laser weapon: laser cannon array. Reduced spread so you can actually use it.
-Revised level 6 particle weapon: PM6 Slicer cannon. Now occurs randomly in games, but it's very rare. Slightly improved damage.
-Moved the omni particle cannon over from bushido
-Dragonfly missile system now an actual launcher, with three choices of missile cartridge. Still needs balancing and possibly a new sound.
-Ion blaster now has higher WMD so it can damage internals
-Heavy ion blaster also has higher WMD now, for the same reason. It's also been generally buffed so it can penetrate the shield on the ICS
-Ion and Heavy Ion blasters have had range increases to replace the Katana as a long-range sniping weapon
-Ion and heavy ion blasters have new effects


-New Level 3 laser weapon, the Bushido Laser Blaster. Expensive and tricky to use, but very deadly when handled precisely. Armor penetrator. (This actually lets it kill Arco, although it's cheaper to just use missiles usually)
-New level 4 laser weapon, the omnidirectional bushido laser. 2-pulse burst, armor penetrator.
-New level 4 laser weapon: the single X-ray laser. It's an X-ray laser....only single.
-Renamed the level 5 laser weapon: X-ray laser cannon --> Dual X-ray Laser cannon. Changed description and shunted old description to the single version. No changes to weapon performance.
-Added new level 5 particle weapon: Yumi particle cannon. Requires ammunition, has mild WMD. Basically a revised version of the original Nandao Bolt Cannon.
-New effects for level 5 particle weapon: Shuriken Neutron Blaster.
-Removed omni particle cannon: that's an EI weapon now
-Added new level 6 launcher: Bushido Energy Launcher. This weapon mostly shares its weapon with other specialised weapons, but also has a unique EMP bolt. Fires the Yumi, Nandao, EMP and Odachi cartridges.
-Removed both thermo cannons: they're now antiquated Makayev products.
-Completely overhauled the level 7 particle weapon: the Hanzo blaster. New effect, new damage, reduced ROF. Is now actually a different weapon to the dual's slightly superior before you enhance either of them, but is considerably more expensive.
-Nerfed the range on the Katana
-Added new Level 9 ion weapon: the Odachi Starcannon. Fires a penetrating ion bolt that deals heavy damage with WMD. Relatively low ROF. Requires ammunition.
-Bushido weapon enhancer can now enhance launchers (to let the BEL get a boost)

North American Manufacturing Industries (NAMI):

-Replaced XM300 reaper with the illegal "reaper" missile, used only by sapiens (May get removed in later version)
-Added replacement XM300 "Demon" missile. Effectively an XM900 without tracking.
-Updated and improved effects for XM300/900
-Enlarged radius fragment of XM300/900 to deal with radius hit detection problems. It's not perfect, but it's at least better.
-Added new level 6 thermonuclear howitzer: AT60 Onager. Low ROF. Low base damage. Mass destruction. Armor penetrator. Put simply, this thing will not crack a shield. But if you land a hit on armor, it will hurt.
-Added new level 8 thermonuclear howitzer: AT615 Trebuchet. A bigger, meaner version of the Onager.
-Renamed tritium and advanced tritium cannons to fit into the AT range, and altered flavour-text slightly.
-Added new NAMI heavy munitions: S1 Hydra and M4 Taurus. S1 is finalised, M4 is to be completely redone.
-Altered M2 vulcan missile: new smaller explosion effect


-Improved range on Moskva 33 slightly.
-Added new level 6 blast autocannon: Moskva 56. This is currently the fastest-firing weapon I've built that doesn't use particles. It fires about 30 shots per second and sprays high explosive shells over a wide area in front of you. Low damage per shell, heat buildup, low WMD.
-Added new level 6 launcher: Omnidirectional makayev launcher. Reduced ROF compared with standard launcher, and is harder to use than you'd think.
-Unique sound for both makayev launchers
-Moved thermo and omni thermo cannon over from Bushido.
-Altered factory defense setup: more HP and some extra firepower.


-Added new level 8 flack cannon: Akan 1200. It's a station defense gun that fires 15 akan 30 rounds every second. The player is not supposed to use this gun, but it's good for a laugh if you luck onto one.
-Altered Rasiermesser factory: more HP, an Akan 1200, and a device that makes more akan 30 shells over time.
-Increased Ion9 damage
-Reduced Ion9 spread slightly
-Replaced Ion9 effect
-New unique sound for Ion9
-New unique hiteffect varient for Ion9

Sung Slavers:

-Significantly buffed the Nandao bolt cannon. Cartridge is compatible with the Bushido Energy Launcher.
-Completely rebuilt the Qianlong Archcannon. New effect, new damage, new ROF. There is a known issue with faulty hit detection killing the QAC shot which will be fixed by future patches to Transcendence.

Ares Orthodoxy:

-Altered damage code for the Ares Plasma Archcannon. Damage range is now significantly lower, but average damage is higher. IE: You won't crit anymore, but you won't roll pathetically low either.
-New effects of doom for the Ares Plasma Archcannon. Plans for a unique sound are in the works.


-Made their gun slightly less laughable by reducing damage range and increasing average damage slightly. (It's still a joke)
-New effect and sound for their gun.


-New effect and unique sound for the positron lancer


-Centurion now uses a DM1500 as the primary weapon, and the TeV9 as a secondary. It also has a much higher rate of fire. Do not anger the centurions.


-Balancing pass on existing content
-Urak howitzer buff and sound change
-Attempt to fix the Black Strelka
-Replace snAntimatter with a better one
-Rebalance BEL, possibly add one more unique ammo type
-NAMI mine launcher + mines
-Redo some NAMI heavy munitions (M4, M3, M5)
-A few old projects left over from the old version
-MAG launcher
-second EI launcher
-Extend overhauls to replace all vanilla weapon sounds that aren't kinetic or laser (this mostly means the faction ones that George hides deep in the XML where no one can find them)
-Revise Nandao Bolt cannon effects (and possibly the damage)
-Nerf moskva 56 so it's not a terrifying instrument of destruction (or at least, is a balanced one).
-Code audit and tidy-up + removal of weapon test items
-Fancy promo art with explosions and stuff like SM&M had in 2010.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Taking a small break from this work to get coursework out of the way. I'm also making a small mod that adds gravity to all stars in the game.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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With Universal Stellar Gravity out in experimental form and getting three downloads (SUCCESS!), I've gone back to SM&M++....and hit a small problem.

Muzzle flash in T is coded in the new, annoying method that George brought in to make it quick to make simple effects for everything, but hard to change anything. All blast and thermo weapons with muzzle flash link to one of two effects for the fire-effect. They then use code to determine the size of the flash:

Code: Select all

						(block (damageHP)
							(setq damageHP (@ gData 'damageHP))

								length:	(mathScale damageHP 6 80 16 64 50)
								width: (mathScale damageHP 6 80 24 96 50)
								intensity: 70
What I'd like to do is make it so that the game still runs this calculation, but then has a small variation (maybe 5 or 10 percent, or the smallest the game will allow if it's bigger than 10%) in each. That way, muzzle flash looks a little more interesting in rapid-fire weapons. But it's TransLisp, so I've got no hope in hell of managing it. Anyone willing to give it a shot?

In better news, I've re-integrated the old MAG launcher code from SM&M+ into the new version for testing. I do not expect to keep it, but messing with it will give me the chance to try out other stuff for new items. I've also made some minor changes to effects in the game, and started work on the Urak Howitzer. The vanilla weapon actually uses ancient code that, while functional, is deprecated (dating back to when you could only have one type of fragment from a weapon detonation, and the number of fragments was specified in the main weapon code, not the fragment code). I've updated that and soon I'll have a go at seeing if I can make the gun competitive again.

Edit: Actually, since I've pretty much done with the Howitzer already, here's how it went:

The Urak Howitzer in vanilla is a complete mess. Very low fragmentation radius, very low fragment damage, it shows up in quantity fairly late, and has really old coding. First things first, I replaced all the deprecated stuff. Then I increased the damage and fragmentation radius to appropriate levels to make up for many, many years of level creep. As an experiment I added a particle-based explosion (which seems to work OK, with a few issues here and there), then replaced the antiquated graphics with a somewhat more modern effect culled from the Cluster Mag. I'm planning to replace the missile graphic with a moltenbolt later (to avoid issues with facings), but for testing purposes the current setup works OK. And it is a LOT nicer than the old one. Add in the new light howitzer sound, and this thing is now a viable weapon for the Urak.....and the player.
The new effect for the howitzer impact, shortly after detonation. Inset: The old effect. The new effect lasts longer than the old, so the one in-shot is not as big as it gets.
The new effect for the howitzer impact, shortly after detonation. Inset: The old effect. The new effect lasts longer than the old, so the one in-shot is not as big as it gets.
UrakNew.png (103.54 KiB) Viewed 6450 times
Edit2: I've also updated the projectile effect, taking it off the default effect and altering the colour and effect. You will know a Urak shell when it's heading towards you. An interesting side-effect of the way the engine handles things: Hitting a urak howitzer shell with another one will detonate them both. I've also updated the advanced mass driver to match the new colour. This gun is to the general player (as is the howitzer), but it's not all that bad. I've also tweaked the explosion some more to make it look better.

I'm actually tempted to buff it some more, but that causes some issues in and off itself......I may end up buffing the damage some more, reducing ROF, and lowering FireRateAdj on the destroyer to make it work.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Shrike wrote:Muzzle flash in T is coded in the new, annoying method that George brought in to make it quick to make simple effects for everything, but hard to change anything. All blast and thermo weapons with muzzle flash link to one of two effects for the fire-effect. They then use code to determine the size of the flash:
Make a modified copy of the muzzleflashes and reference your copy.

Try something like this within the Event of your copy.

Code: Select all

(block (damageHP myLength myWidth)
    (setq damageHP (@ gData 'damageHP))
    (setq myLength (divide (multiply (mathScale damageHP 6 80 16 64 50) (random 90 110) 100)))
    (setq myWidth (divide (multiply (mathScale damageHP 6 80 24 96 50) (random 90 110) 100)))
        length: myLength
        width: myWidth
        intensity: 70
Download and Play in 1.9 beta 1...
Drake Technologies (Alpha): More hardware for combat in parts 1 and 2!
Star Castle Arcade: Play a classic arcade game adventure, with or without more features (like powerups)!
Playership Drones: Buy or restore exotic ships to command!

Other playable mods from 1.8 and 1.7, waiting to be updated...
Godmode v3 (WIP): Dev/cheat tool compatible with D&O parts 1 or 2.
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Cheers PM. With a few tweaks, that worked fine.

Today, I buffed the hell out of the Urak. There's still some way to go, but SM&M++ will put them back at a fair balance level. This has meant improving their weapons, AI settings, and will eventually also alter their armor as well. Even though they don't have massive damage (unless you get close), coming under fire from Urak howitzers now feels like you're actually in trouble.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Actually turns out that muzzle-flash isn't cycling through different sizes properly. Oh well. Something to put on ministry at some point.

Coursework has picked up, but I've polished up the Urak some more, and messed around a little with the MAG launcher. I'm thinking about nerfing the hell out of the AoE of the cluster mag, and buffing the other stuff to match it.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Shrike wrote:Actually turns out that muzzle-flash isn't cycling through different sizes properly. Oh well. Something to put on ministry at some point.

Coursework has picked up, but I've polished up the Urak some more, and messed around a little with the MAG launcher. I'm thinking about nerfing the hell out of the AoE of the cluster mag, and buffing the other stuff to match it.
Cool Stuff there! I've been reading all your past posts and I enjoy the progress you have made. I'm going to try out this mod soon.
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Kourtious wrote:
Shrike wrote:Actually turns out that muzzle-flash isn't cycling through different sizes properly. Oh well. Something to put on ministry at some point.

Coursework has picked up, but I've polished up the Urak some more, and messed around a little with the MAG launcher. I'm thinking about nerfing the hell out of the AoE of the cluster mag, and buffing the other stuff to match it.
Cool Stuff there! I've been reading all your past posts and I enjoy the progress you have made. I'm going to try out this mod soon.
Hopefully, yes. I'm starting to lock down content for an initial open beta (hopefully on Xelerus if I can get it to work, if not I'll use dropbox or github):

Today I'm going back and redoing older content to bring it up to par. I've already overhauled the BEL and Nandao effects and damage a bit, and now I'm handling the NAMI missiles. Here's the new M4:


The M4 is a level 9 missile that may get dropped to level 8. It's a swarm-buster missile for the NAMI heavy launcher. It uses default effects because it's not a very special weapon: it just sprays a lot of low-damage submunitions everywhere (240 of them, to be precise). It's good for knocking out weapons on capital ships and dropping shields....but falls flat against heavy armor with thermo resistance (read: Ares capital ships). It was originally in SM&M, but has been significantly changed since then to make it not as horribly overpowered as it was back then.

At some stage I also need to go back and start clearing things up so that the correct item images appear for each weapon. It's a bit of a mess right now.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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If the Dragonfly is a launcher now, then does the Molotok have two launchers? I'm not sure how exactly that works for AI ships, as I'm not an experienced modder, but it definitely doesn't work on playerships.

Also, am I the only one who finds the Penitents to be the most threatening non - dwarg faction in the Ungoverned Territories? Perhaps it's because I rely on blast plate...
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JohnBWatson wrote:If the Dragonfly is a launcher now, then does the Molotok have two launchers? I'm not sure how exactly that works for AI ships, as I'm not an experienced modder, but it definitely doesn't work on playerships.

Also, am I the only one who finds the Penitents to be the most threatening non - dwarg faction in the Ungoverned Territories? Perhaps it's because I rely on blast plate...
AI ships can handle multiple launchers just fine: the corporate cruiser has had a twin-launcher setup for years.

Penitents are annoying, but aren't much of a threat if you keep your distance (Edit: And don't autopilot into their stations). They're not very fun enemies. That gun they use has pathetic damage, but it will always do that pathetic damage. If it wasn't for George putting them in the very first system, I'd buff them a little and try to shake things up...but that would make the tutorial mission almost unwinnable.

I think my next faction rebalance/tweaking is going to be the Heliotropes. I liked the idea of their old gun when it had a special fire-effect, and I've got an idea to make them a little more.....interesting.
Mischievous local moderator. She/Her pronouns.
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Penitents are annoying, but aren't much of a threat if you keep your distance (Edit: And don't autopilot into their stations). They're not very fun enemies. That gun they use has pathetic damage, but it will always do that pathetic damage. If it wasn't for George putting them in the very first system, I'd buff them a little and try to shake things up...but that would make the tutorial mission almost unwinnable.
Nice. I remember back when they were in the New Beyond. Good times.