So, I got back in touch with TransGeek and we decided to re-do the MiningPack from scratch for the next version. To combat feature creep and to deliver a cohesive rework of the mining sub-game.
Here's the list of planned major features:
Revamped 'Mining Suite' device
In the currently released MPv1.04 there are two JAMcorp devices for mining: the asteroid scanner and the Raw Materials Processor (RMP). Both can be upgraded up to level III for increased functionality.
For the new version, these will be rolled into a single 'mining suite': an upgradeable (through ROMs) all-in-one device, with separate upgrade paths.
The scanning function will be upgradeable in several ways:
-Scanning range (short/medium/long/extreme)
-Scanning depth (to detect ores of higher levels)
-Hazard detection (to detect basic/dangerous/catastrophic hazards)
In addition, it will be possible to select which ores (or which levels of ores) to scan for, and possibly which colors will be displayed on-screen for which detected ore. This functionality will probably require a 'learning module' ROM.
An additional upgrade could allow for the targeting of asteroids using omni mining weapons.
The ore collector can be upgraded for attraction distance, attraction speed, and -- with the learning module -- which ores to attract and which to ignore. Another possibility is a setting for auto-smelting collected ore into ingots using the RMP.
The RMP is to be re-done as well. Still upgradeable, but it could require specific upgrades to work with especially difficult materials (regardless of level). Armor extrusion/recycling and advanced processing (into armored crates or defensive barriers) will be moved to a new JAMcorp advanced mining station that should start popping up in asteroid-belt systems some time after St. K's. Fuel processing and ore refining will still be available in the format you're all used to.
Wait a sec... hazards?!
To add some much-needed spice to the drudgery of asteroid miners' lives, each type of ore-containing asteroid has a % chance (depending on how much ore is extracted) to cause an environmental hazard, such as radioactive contamination or a fragmenting explosion. Some of the new exotic ores might also react strangely to being violently extracted, causing antimatter explosions. The rare xenoliths may even cause psychic phenomena, similar to Domina powers.
The mining suite contains mining shields that protect against specific mining hazards. These require upgrading and will have a cooldown. For example, basic radioactive hazard protection prevents you from being contaminated, but has a cooldown of two minutes. Upgrade ROMs will reduce cooldown and add protection from additional hazards.
Xenoliths? WTF?
A new idea, very rare materials that have special properties. Some can be sold for a goodly amount of cash or processed into specific rare resources or items (at a JAMcorp station). Some are psychically active materials that can be donated to the Sisters to increase your standing with Domina. Some are sought after by specific factions, and can play a part in the new mining missions.
Mining missions
Using the new mission framework in 1.08g+, we'll be revamping the mining missions from MPv1.04. Players can run these missions to obtain three different levels of 'mining permit' and to get their hands on better gear. Another option is using bootleg mining equipment, but then you run the risk of being branded an outlaw miner when you dock at a mining colony.
Stashteroids & Encounters
While mining, some asteroids may show up on the scanner with the message "anomaly detected". This can mean several things. A xenolith may be present, or the asteroid could be a stash for pirates, outlaws, smugglers or even hostile factions. Inside, illegal items, mining equipment, resources or faction-specific equipment can be found. Or maybe just some refugees. But beware of opening the stash -- it could trigger a retaliatory attack, or be boobytrapped.
Additionally, outlaw miners or Ranx could have laid claim to a sector, another hazard to overcome. Tread lightly, and carry a big blaster. Mine enough asteroids in a 'claimed' sector (and depending on your reputation, as evidenced by your mining permits), more and more (and stronger) hostile miners's ships will attempt to dissuade you from mining.
Different mining styles
New mining weapons, mostly. A kinetic hammer that requires going up-close, but that reduces the chance of a catastrophic mining hazard occurring when extracting reactive ores. Another idea: remote-detonating mining charges. Expensive, uncommon and non-reusable, but it's a good way to reduce the risk of getting caught in a "hell event".
More new ores & resources
Right now I'm up to 50 ore types total (excluding the xenoliths and secondary resources), nearly all of which have (or will have) a use in crafting. Many are used in armors or for fuel processing. Superconducting materials are used in computer devices, solar-powered/regenerating armors, superconducting coils/shields and (eventually) batteries. Many of the new materials will not be common or easy to find and their uses might not be immediately obvious. For those who are interested, I have a list of the proposed new ores available upon request, for feedback/comments.
Extended crafting & forward compatibility
This has been on my wishlist for a long time now. No longer will you be able to craft just armors and fuels, but also specific types of ammunition, superconducting coils, batteries that can be used by devices, and even alloy ingots and (new) armor-upgrading barrels. This means that the ReactorPack and ArmorPack (both still in the works) will be able to plug in smoothly.
In anticipation of the release of these stand-alone mods, though, I'll make sure to add basic light/med/heavy versions of the new craftable armor types so you can play around with them. Additionally, it will be possible to craft the vanilla damage-enhancing devices (laser collimator, etc.) and the damage-type crates (ion, blast, etc) from sdw195's Weapon Labs with an optional add-on. This can be done at the JAMcorp station.
Mining wingmen/autons
This is pretty straightforward. Once you have a level 2 mining permit, you will be able to recruit Borer ships to mine for you. Additionally, mining autons and ore-transporting autons will be available fairly early on.
MiningPack v2: From scratch
- WillyTheSquid
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“Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (Modders) believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.” -Scott Adams
Resident mod-cobbler-together, freakspawn-fixer-upper & musical eclectro-ecumenologist.
If you love something, tweak it and twist it. Keep bending it until it breaks. Rip it apart, remix it, rebuild it. Kill your darlings and stitch them together again.
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- WillyTheSquid
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- Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
By the way, TransGeek is quite busy. Knowing him, he'll want to do the work on the Mining Suite device and the mining hazards.
Myself, I can bash out XML and gfx for the new resources and items at a pretty good clip, but the whole 'missions' thing is one aspect of the game I've never looked at. So if anyone who's got a good deal of experience with that wants to help - you're more than welcome.
Myself, I can bash out XML and gfx for the new resources and items at a pretty good clip, but the whole 'missions' thing is one aspect of the game I've never looked at. So if anyone who's got a good deal of experience with that wants to help - you're more than welcome.

“Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (Modders) believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.” -Scott Adams
Resident mod-cobbler-together, freakspawn-fixer-upper & musical eclectro-ecumenologist.
If you love something, tweak it and twist it. Keep bending it until it breaks. Rip it apart, remix it, rebuild it. Kill your darlings and stitch them together again.
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- Fleet Admiral
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- Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?
Awesome WTS, will you leave MP1 on Xelerus for legacy reasons?
Also, if you'd like to take DySys code for your mining encounter stuff, go ahead
Also, if you'd like to take DySys code for your mining encounter stuff, go ahead

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Der Tod ist der zeitlose Frieden und das leben ist der Krieg
Wir müssen wissen — wir werden wissen!
I don't want any sort of copyright on my Transcendence mods. Feel free to take/modify whatever you want.
- WillyTheSquid
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- Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
MP1 will be updated to the WIP version (~1.5) that TransGeek & I have been using, which includes three new ores/armor types, lots of new resource graphics and multiple bugfixes/tweaks (especially to the RMP).
MP2 will be a separate release. Here's a quick preview of the new ores, 50 out of 60 that are done. About 1/3rd of them will be extremely rare, so they will not impact your normal mining/armorcrafting gameplay too much. If you manage to find them, they will grant a nice advantage, be it unique craftable items, mission rewards or a large cash/rin value. ... RESSED.png
(I thought about giving each ore a totally different image, but decided against it. That way lies madness and development hell. The priority is getting the mod up and running.)
MP2 will be a separate release. Here's a quick preview of the new ores, 50 out of 60 that are done. About 1/3rd of them will be extremely rare, so they will not impact your normal mining/armorcrafting gameplay too much. If you manage to find them, they will grant a nice advantage, be it unique craftable items, mission rewards or a large cash/rin value. ... RESSED.png
(I thought about giving each ore a totally different image, but decided against it. That way lies madness and development hell. The priority is getting the mod up and running.)

“Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (Modders) believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.” -Scott Adams
Resident mod-cobbler-together, freakspawn-fixer-upper & musical eclectro-ecumenologist.
If you love something, tweak it and twist it. Keep bending it until it breaks. Rip it apart, remix it, rebuild it. Kill your darlings and stitch them together again.
Place cursor on link. Click link. Never look back.
- NithrilDark
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Idea for hazards: gas pockets and post-ares war ordnance that has not yet been detonated.
I am also doing a mod I call the Kaos Expansion and it will have several new ore types so maybe you could add those for me to introduce my mod. I was also thinking random pirates that look like wrecks and wait for miners.
In case you decide to use my ores the ores are: dark matter ore, antimatter ore, dark antimatter ore, light ore (kind of like Xenoliths), Chaos ore, Kaos ore (There is a difference), anti-light ore, Order ore, and enigmatic ore. If you decide to use any of these please PM me and I will give you my ideas for the ores. Thank you for your time. :}
I am also doing a mod I call the Kaos Expansion and it will have several new ore types so maybe you could add those for me to introduce my mod. I was also thinking random pirates that look like wrecks and wait for miners.
In case you decide to use my ores the ores are: dark matter ore, antimatter ore, dark antimatter ore, light ore (kind of like Xenoliths), Chaos ore, Kaos ore (There is a difference), anti-light ore, Order ore, and enigmatic ore. If you decide to use any of these please PM me and I will give you my ideas for the ores. Thank you for your time. :}
Another possibility is a setting for auto-smelting collected ore into ingots using the RMP.

Although it may need some form of control panel to set which ores are auto-processed, as there are several I can think of which need to be in thier native state in order to use with other stuff.
(Specifically the Micro Factory, Industrial Plants and Tinkers.)
Mining hazards and random finds though.... So. Much. Yes.