tscript database functions and uses

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expanding on ticket the on the tracker.

For those who do not want to follow the link it is basically asking for two functions.

(dbGetData dbName key) -> the string associated with that key in that database
(dbSetData dbName key value)

These would open up many possibilities. These are not meant to be things that can happen with just the databases but showing how it opens up possibilities.

Easy communication with outside programs.
  • Allowing tools to communicate with tscript and examine data
    • With reloading of xml you can tell the tool to change the xml files as you want.
    • Getting or setting arbitrary data from outside tools
    • Even without reloading you would still be able to evaluate code with your editor if you can format it the way the database wants.
  • Being able to say when certain events happen, such as a game state hotkey would save the state of the game to a database and the external program would back up the current save and databases. Loading would replace the save game, databases, and reconstruct the systems.
  • Please reply with your ideas
Mods that can effect the player over many games.
  • A mod where you can not buy a weapon you installed last game.
  • New game+ start with ending equipment but on a new adventure.
  • Saving of mod configurations.
  • Items and ships that start locked but can be unlocked or locked for future games for a price.
    • I just saved up 1kk for my super ship for my next game.
    • I really need money now maybe I can lock X weapon and unlock it when I have more money or next game.
  • Achievements
  • Please reply with your ideas
any comments, ideas? (random thought can we incorporate structs into this to simplify and lessen disk access?)
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I like this idea! :D
One random idea that I had though:
It would be great also to load copies of yourself from other savegames and upload that to Fellow Pilgrims and see yourself in the game ;)
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That is a nice idea, and it could be done, to a certain extent, if we had those database functions. Think of it like this:

Every time you exited the game (i seem to remember we have an event that triggers there), we would save certain stats from your ship. Your weapon loadout, your shipclass, etc... When a new game was started, that data could be used to generate a new pilgrim. The more modifications we can make to a ship class in script, the more we can make it look like the player. At the moment we can make it quite similar. I suppose we could request a function like (plyGetName gPlayer), and then we could have player ghosts fight us like in crawl ^^
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