A few things I've noticed playing

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Playing 1.05, when i dock to crate where some enemy ships are supposed to appear, they have never appeared
Having autons have proven too much of a risk. While docking they have gotten me banned from various factions because they fire directly on a friendly station/ship when aiming for enemies. This is really frustrating if it has been a while since one has save. They also automatically attack the Hurari's? before enough Sung has been defeated, possibly ruining the story-line for those interested. (I haven't check that)

I have also beat the game without ever seeing a thinker station and a black marked shipyard. This may be on purpose, and I may have missed them, but i tend to clean out a system before continuing.

Ending question: Can the dwarg cniteocyst? ammo be bought anywhere?
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Militia Captain
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I agree with you on Autons being annoying, and as for the cyndocist cannon (spelling?), I'm pretty sure the ammo is not for sale anywhere. Shame, 'cos it's a neat weapon. :D
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i was thinking making autons fire trough friendly stations, like some enemy factions do, would solve this.. And have the "wE sUpPort the strong" dwargs keep the same distance behind ones ship instead of parking right in front of ones crosshairs, at least the behemoths..
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Fleet Admiral
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It would be nice it autons had the same type of orders that squads have - e.g. hold fire till you fire.
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