A Genuine Moromisato Ship

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Dear Mr. Moromisato,

I hope I am not stepping over the boundaries here but I was thinking, "What if George created a ship from his imagination?", than I thought of just asking you to create a genuine Moromisato ship. Could you please create a genuine ship from your imaginataion, please? 8-)
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What is wrong with all the ships George created for Transcendence? I should think they are very much from his imagination.
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Agreed: I enjoy the game ships so much I look at other designs and flich....only ( Can't Use those Ships ) are REMOTELY likable: i liked the silver freighter ( that was it ) but comparing George's ships in the game to what comes out of the nebula...Ill stick with George's idea.
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The ships in game already made by George look more realistic/balanced than imaginative (though no doubt plenty of imagination was used). I'd love to see George just letting his imagination go wild and making something up regardless of thinking about balance, and I think that's what the OP is asking.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

A bit off topic, but I think the ICS is the closest the OP was asking for-- it was an alien ship and George can choose however it looks like, settling for a menacing monster of a ship :)
I'd like to see what a George ship, unbridled from the normal constraints by the power of imagination, would look like.
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Amariithynar wrote:The ships in game already made by George look more realistic/balanced than imaginative (though no doubt plenty of imagination was used). I'd love to see George just letting his imagination go wild and making something up regardless of thinking about balance, and I think that's what the OP is asking.
This is a false dichotomy. Imagination without constraints is madness. George is not mad.
Literally is the new Figuratively
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