Armour Mass Limit

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Militia Lieutenant
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Simple idea. No idea how hard it would be to implement.

Some armour plates are too large for some ships and currently there are only two ways of finding this in-game:
  • Buying an armour plate and being told by the station its too large to fit on your ship. (Annoying.)
  • Remember everything. (Not available to everyone.)
It would be really great if while still in the shop item picker area, any armour plates too large for your ship are highlighted in some way.
Be that a faint red tint to the background, an overlay of some kind, or even just a dot or stripe somewhere on the panel - something that says to you "Dude. You can't use this. Don't be silly."
Militia Captain
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I think that's part of the "roguelike" theme of the game: you get told once that your ship can only take armor up to a certain weight, and that you have to remember, the weights are displayed for every item in a shop.
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Militia Commander
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It's really easy to add a text stating whether the highlighted armor would fit on the player's ship, right at the red outline.

It would be extremely tedious to add any indicators or coloration to the list on the left, though.
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Militia Lieutenant
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Some text in that box would do the job just fine, and be awesome.

The weights may well be displayed but I've got probably more than 5 dozen ships to play with, no chance I'm remembering even a fraction of the limits for all that.
(I'd consider it lucky if I could remember the limits for the vanilla 3 :P )
Militia Commander
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Nice one TVR! You should upload this on Xelerus as a full fledged mod ;)
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There are mods that do this already, though IIRC they're filed as Newbie Boosts or some other insulting name. The Relief Pack (PM's, I think?) was aptly named; truth be told, though, without it I wouldn't bother playing at all.
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I think that should be a fixed (or range) of mass ​​for each possible size (ultra light, light, medium, heavy , ...)of armor. :?:

For example (not necessarily):
size - mass

ultra light - 600Kg
Light - 1,25 tons
medium - 2,5 tons
heavy - 5 tons
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