What do you want for 1.2?

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Commonwealth Pilot
Commonwealth Pilot
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I noticed there is no what do you want for thread for 1.2 so i decided to create it, post what you want for the next release here!

I want shields to be compatible for stations, ventari stations to be encountered later in the game and see more random non story related missions, like go here and retrieve our corporate roms from those pesky anarchist ect.
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Station anger timeout so we can dock again :D
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2.0 would be nice.

1) No longer killing the file (as in "$PLAYERNAME left human space enroute to the Galactic Core. Xe killed ## of ships, including # of $NASTIEST_SHIP. Xe never reached the Galactic Core.", then "Resurrect in the Heretic System") on hitting the endgame gate. I find it insulting: HA HA you did everything you could, got it more/less right, die anyway, and have "Never reached the Galactic Core" on your scoresheet, despite the fact that you could not reach it because it doesn't exist in-game.

2) Clear resolution for how 2-3 will be integrated with 1. If I play The Network, can my endgame death/save un-die and carry over if part 2 ever happens?

3) Targeting overhaul: the basic cycle-through-targets behavior comes standard on every ship, with nifty "extra" features such as "target nearest redblip", "target mission objective", "target ship attacking my current target", and "match target speed (!=velocity)" available via the Targeting ROM or equivalent. "Target nearest ship that is targeting me, regardless of blip color" would be nice too. These would make escort missions much more tolerable, especially in the binary systems where the low-level Korolovs have been spawning for me lately.

4) Resolution to the reactor debate that doesn't involve a global slot reduction. (Either that or modders just not making new stuff, that just sits there, because I can't equip it, for lack of slots.)

5) Come to think of it, colorblindness-accessible, as well as red/green, color scheme for the scanner would be kinda nifty too; I think I've seen that idea before though so it may have been implemented/rejected whilst I wasn't looking.
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Fleet Admiral
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KA101 wrote:2.0 would be nice.

1) No longer killing the file (as in "$PLAYERNAME left human space enroute to the Galactic Core. Xe killed ## of ships, including # of $NASTIEST_SHIP. Xe never reached the Galactic Core.", then "Resurrect in the Heretic System") on hitting the endgame gate. I find it insulting: HA HA you did everything you could, got it more/less right, die anyway, and have "Never reached the Galactic Core" on your scoresheet, despite the fact that you could not reach it because it doesn't exist in-game.

2) Clear resolution for how 2-3 will be integrated with 1. If I play The Network, can my endgame death/save un-die and carry over if part 2 ever happens?
#1 is because the second part hasn't been implemented yet. :)

I'd love to see a Mac Port / Network Play, but I realize its a community effort on that one.
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I specifically said that I know part 2 isn't implemented, and simply don't appreciate being auto-killed--both for plot & for permadeath-tracking purposes--because I accidentally* went through the coreward stargate from Heretic. It might be less trollish to omit reference to systems that don't yet exist.

*Cf. the USian auto industry objecting to ethanol-15 (or whatever proportion the latest formula was) "because someone might accidentally put it in their gas tank". There are other uses for stargates & gasoline, but travel & automobile-fuel are the primary ones.
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What would I like? More wingmen! ex Volkov, Rama etc

Also, I'd like it if you destroy 5 of a sovereign's enemies' ships or stations(depending on hatred) you become friendly to the sovereign and a enemy to who you killed

ex Kill 5 freighters, escorts, of Korolov Stations, you become friendly with the Charon Pirates and their affiliates.
Commonwealth Pilot
Commonwealth Pilot
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That would be a great addition to the game if it was implemented, but this thread is pointless now since 1.2 Alpha is out, could a moderator please close this thread?
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