Suggestions for future (whenever if ever) versions

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I've noticed several "What I want for version ..." threads, all sharing the common theme of referring to a version (that is by now) already released.
So I decided to throw some suggestions in a thread that does not make any claim to a timeline for their implementation (a "whenever - if ever" approach).

Flat armour level curve and linear damage reduction:
The what:
While already possible to adjust the armour and shield damageAdj level curves for an adventure, there is no way to specify some form of linear damage reduction.
What I mean is, instead of just being able to say "This armour takes -20% damage from all laser weapons" you can alternatively say "This armour takes -20 damage from all laser weapons."
Against a laser weapon doing 21 laser damage, the first shield would result in 17 damage (i.e. -4 damage), while the second would result in only 1 (i.e -20).
Against a laser weapon doing 200 damage, the first would result in 160 damage (i.e. -40 damage), while the second would result in 180 damage (i.e. still -20).

The why:
More freedom for modding, less overlap between game mechanics, more visibility of game mechanics to user.

More freedom:
Currently, any level 10 or above armour will stop any laser weapon whatsoever, even the hyper-super-multi-terawatt-laser-cannon-of-doom-from-the-core that does 100d20 damage.
Essentially, as the levels go up the number of damage types the game and modders have to work with goes down.
Why not let damage types simply be damage types, without them being some pseudo-representation of tech level?

Less overlap:
Currently, one can achieve making low-level weapons less viable by upping higher level armour and shield HP.
(Typically this is already true, even before taking any of the damageAdj (innate or specific) or bonusHP into account.)

Or by adding a damageAdj or an bonusHP entry to the armour or shield.
(Typically, already exists on most already).

It just sort of seems like there are several means of 'multiplying by factors' when it comes to weapon-type-vs-armour relations, and no 'add a number' methods.

More visibility:
If both the multiplication factor (damageAdj) and the linear damage reduction (damageRed) is displayed to the user, then comparing various armours and shields should be easier.

Shield 1: Laser +10% -20. <-- total protection against weak laser weapons... Actually weaker against really powerful ones.
Shield 2: Laser -50% +0. <-- good but not total protection against weak laser weapons. Still good protection against better ones.

tl;dr: In short, the ability to make higher level defences ignore damage from low-level weapons, without completely eliminating a damage type.

The how:
A new entry for arour and shields, damageRed.
Number from the relevant damage type entry added to the damage received before taking damageAdj or bonusHP into account.
I.e. so that the factor does not indirectly effect the linear adjustment. 100 incoming laser damage, -20%, -10DR -> (100 * 0.5) - 20 = 30, while (100 - 20) * 0.5 = 40.
Ex: damageRed= "laser: -20; kinetic: +10; plasma: -50"

Extension defined attributes for items:
The what:
Allow an extension to define its own recognized attributes for items.

The why:
So that game/modders can specify device slots only usable for a specific type of device.
Or define new races and new item attributes to use within buy/sell entries, or random item tables.

The how:
Not sure about what syntax would make sense, or how this is to be done.

Extension defined currencies:
The what:
Allow an extension to define its own recognized currency.

The why:
I've wanted to create a new currency, but it doesn't appear to be possible at this time.

The how:
Not sure about what syntax would make sense, or how this is to be done.

But being able to also define conversions between the currencies would also be nice.
Something like:

Code: Select all

name = "bitcoin"
    <Buy othercurrency="credits" factor="1.1"> <!-- Pay 1.1 bitcoins per credit -->
    <Sell othercurrency="credits" factor="0.8"> <!-- Get 0.8 bitcoins per credit -->
Fleet Admiral
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Ok, first of all, welcome to the forums!
Nice first post, I'm a bit strapped for time but there are some interesting points you bring up here. First I'll just throw this link at you which solves the currency issue you're having, but the problem is that even with a new currency you'll have to either make existing vanilla stations accept your currency or make a new faction/stations that accept your currency.
Look at economytype.
I'll get to the other points when I get back to my comp later today.
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Location: Hmm... I'm confused. Anybody have a starmap to the Core?

Have you seen Wrap Around? If you mess with the curves there you can create new damage curves.
For attributes all you have to do is tack something on to the attributes= of an item, but like economytype, you'll have to come up with associated code to fiddle with your new attribute.
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Thanks for the link to the economyType. I was not aware of that.
(Sidenote: I'm busy tearing into the code of your Dynamic Systems mod, amongst others. Have had a lot of fun so far. :D )

Actually stumbled across the whole define new attributes + criteria on deviceslots today.
Should have "tried first, ask after". Sorry about that.

On WrapAround, yes I have actually downloaded it and played with it.
The flat damageAdj curve is easy enough to mod.
But I still cannot do linear damage reduction.

Essentially, I want to make the higher level defences immune to lower level weapons, without completely eliminating damage types.
I.e. maintain a "rock vs. paper vs. scissors vs. knife vs. emotional scarring" relationship throughout the whole game. :wink:
While still letting the big boys stomp on little arrogant Domina pilgrims. :twisted:

Some more requests, that may or may not already be scriptable:
Charge-up before firing weapon functionality:
The what:
Similar to the current charge mechanic (charge over time and consume charges per shot), allow mechanic(s) that:
1. Builds charges over time while fire is being held, discharges (consuming charge) as long as enough charge exists, and loses charge over time when fire is not held.
2. Can fire different sub-weapons (allowing various projectiles, power drain, etc.) based on what the charge level is (Perhaps already possible with a switch within OnFire weapon code? I can't think of how though.)

The why:
Because a charge up continuous beam weapon that gets bigger over time would rock. (And then slowly thins back to nothing upon ceasing firing, still draining the appropriate energy per shot fired as it does).
So would a charge up minigun-cannon that speeds up its fire rate the longer you hold it (until it overheats) :twisted: .

The how:
Probably similar syntax to the current charge mechanic, but hopefully usable in conjunction with it.
I.e. like the minigun, weapons that play a balance game between building charge and dissipating heat.

Probably has been suggested before, and liberally shot down:
Mouse aiming:
The what:
Left-mouse button fires weapon at current cursor position, if possible.
Right-mouse button fires secondary weapon (missiles) at cursor position, if possible.

The why:
More accurate player control, including...
Manual control over omnidirectional weapons without bashing (re)target key.
(Even making non-auto-target omnidirectional weapons possible).
No need to define special player ships with more rotation frames just to get more accurate targeting.
(I.e. down the line re-use of [some] existing NPC ships for player ship changing, without 'cloning' of said ships)

The how:
If a weapon has any FireArc whatsoever, it only fires if it can aim at the mouse cursor position (i.e. has "line-of-sight").
If a weapon has no FireArc (straight ahead only) it fires, but straight ahead like normal, regardless of mouse cursor position.

Device groups:
The what:
Allow devices to be activated in groups.

The why:
Mainly for firing several weapons together.
Perhaps also for activating / deactivating groups of devices with a hotkey.

The how:
Unsure how this would be coded. But essentially the primary and secondary fire keys would be attached to groups, not individual devices (weapons).

Ship Turrets, Weapon FireArcs, and Players:
Scratch this suggestion. Can already be done by doing min/maxFireArcs on playerships.
Just tested it.

min/maxFireArc on a deviceslot overwrites the min/maxFireArc of a weapon.
And tagging a weapon as Omnidirectional ignores min/maxFireArc on the device slot.
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Something that bugs me is that when you dock with a station or use the ship/itempicker menus it "takes over" the entire screen, even though it doesn't use the whole screen.
What I really like to see is the minimap/radar remaining visible all the time, kind of like the "always on top" command for certain windows products (there's certainly enough room for it.)
Not sure at all how much of a pain that would be to make a reality though.
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The what:
While already possible to adjust the armour and shield damageAdj level curves for an adventure, there is no way to specify some form of linear damage reduction.
What I mean is, instead of just being able to say "This armour takes -20% damage from all laser weapons" you can alternatively say "This armour takes -20 damage from all laser weapons."
Against a laser weapon doing 21 laser damage, the first shield would result in 17 damage (i.e. -4 damage), while the second would result in only 1 (i.e -20).
Against a laser weapon doing 200 damage, the first would result in 160 damage (i.e. -40 damage), while the second would result in 180 damage (i.e. still -20).
well, you can do damage reduction with events on particular armours.

<OnShieldDamage> and <OnArmorDamage> are shield and armour events where you can manipulate the damage.
Cannot find the syntax and the accepted variables for the OnArmorDamage event atm.
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