Steam Achievement Suggestions

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george moromisato
Posts: 2998
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:53 pm

I've been working on Steam achievements, and I've made a proposed list. Please let me know what you think and feel free to suggest your own achievements.

Code: Select all

Level	Category	Name				Desc
1	Progress	Benedict's Pupil		Complete Benedict's training session in Eridani
1	Progress	Avenger of Raisu		Destroy Centauri settlement in Eridani
1	Progress	Peacemaker of Raisu		Make peace between Centauri Warlords and Raisu Station
1	Mechanics	Sample Return			Mine at least one ton of ore
1	Feat		Vigilante of Eridani		Destroy all enemy stations in Eridani in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
1	Mechanics	Interstellar Traveler		Leave your home star system
2	Mechanics	Freighter Escort		Successfully escort at least one Korolov freighter
2	Feat		Collateral Damage		Kill an enemy ship by blowing up an enemy station in Normal Mode or higher
2	Feat		Peddler				Earn 10,000 credits profit from trading
3	Progress	Gladiator			Become a gladiator at the Battle Arena Maximus
3	Feat		Asteroid Tycoon			Mine at least 1000 tons of ore
3	Feat		Lucky, Lucky, Lucky!		Take damage that reduces an armor segment to 0 hit points
3	Mechanics	Shady Dealings			Gain an introduction to the Black Market
3	Mechanics	Black Trafficker		Sell an illegal item to a Commonwealth station
3	Mechanics	Armorer				Enhance all armor segments on your ship
3	Mechanics	Power Up			Upgrade reactor on your ship
3	Mechanics	That New Ship Smell		Buy a new ship for yourself
3	Progress	Hero of the Arena		Defeat The Slicer at the Battle Arena Maximus in Normal Mode or higher
3	Feat		No Win Scenario			Save Korolov station in Charon in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
4	Progress	Capital Tourist			Visit the Capital of the Commonwealth
4	Progress	Craddle of Humanity		Visit abandoned Earth Station in the Sol System
4	Mechanics	You Only Live Twice		Use insurance policy to resurrect
4	Feat		Auton Armada			Deploy at least 10 autons at one time
4	Feat		Broker				Earn 50,000 credits profit from trading
4	Feat		Nuke 'em 'til they Glow		Kill an enemy ship by radioactive contamination in Normal Mode or higher
5	Progress	Closer to Domina?		Visit the Cathedral of the Sisters of Domina
5	Feat		Paralyzer			Destroy 25 enemy ships that are paralyzed by EMP in Normal Mode or higher
5	Feat		Bunker Buster			Destroy a buried asteroid station with mining weapons in Normal Mode or higher
5	Mechanics	The Strong Follow the Stronger	Gain a Dwarg behemoth as a wingmate
5	Feat		Frigate Killer			Destroy a Charon frigate in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
5	Progress	Friend of the Huari		Become friends with the Huari in Normal Mode or higher
6	Progress	Huaramarca			Visit the temple of the Huari in Huaramarca
6	Feat		Speed Freak			Reach .25c in an EI500 freighter
6	Feat		Entrepreneur			Earn 150,000 credits profit from trading
6	Feat		Kronosaurus Killer		Destroy the Kronosaurus in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
6	Feat		Butcher of Jiang's Star		Destroy all Sung stations in Jiang's Star in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
7	Progress	Benedict & Fiona		Complete Benedict & Fiona mission arc
7	Progress	Far From Home			Enter a system in the Outer Realm
7	Progress	Fleet Maneuvers			Complete a mission for a Commonwealth Star Carrier
7	Feat		Lumiere Destroyer Killer	Destroy a Lumiere destroyer in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
8	Progress	Defender of Point Juno		Successfully defend Point Juno in Normal Mode or higher
8	Feat		Worldkiller			Destroy a Xenophobe worldship in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
8	Feat		Tycoon				Earn 500,000 credits profit from trading
9	Progress	A Lamplighter Upon the Deep	Acquire and install the Lamplighter archcannon in Normal Mode or higher
9	Feat		Merchant Prince			Earn 1,000,000 credits profit from trading
9	Feat		Phobos Killer			Destroy an Ares Dreadnought in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
9	Feat		Ferian Warrior Killer		Destroy a Ferian warrior in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
9	Feat		Killer Killer			Destroy an Omnithor Hunter-Killer in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
9	Feat		Ranx Killer			Destroy a Ranx dreadnought in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
9	Progress	Decker's Enforcer		Destroy the CSC Antarctica in Normal Mode or higher
9	Progress	Trigger Not Pulled		Save the CSC Antarctica in Normal Mode or higher
10	Progress	Heretic				Reach the Heretic system
10	Feat		Dragonslayer			Destroy a Dragon Slaver in Challenge Mode or Permadeath
10	Progress	Broken Quarantine		Break the Human Space Quarantine
10	Feat		Stars of the Pilgrim (Story Mode)	Complete Stars of the Pilgrim in Story Mode
10	Feat		Stars of the Pilgrim (Normal Mode)	Complete Stars of the Pilgrim in Normal Mode
10	Feat		Stars of the Pilgrim (Challenge Mode)	Complete Stars of the Pilgrim in Challenge Mode
10	Feat		Stars of the Pilgrim (Permadeath Mode)	Complete Stars of the Pilgrim in Permadeath Mode
Unless otherwise noted, the achievement will trigger in any difficulty level.

p.s.: Thanks to Archcannon for suggesting some of these.
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Militia Lieutenant
Militia Lieutenant
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6 Feat Speed Freak Reach .25c in an EI500 freighter
The name of this achievement doesn't really invoke the imagery of a highly-modified freighter, in fact a speed freak would more likely choose the Wolfen as a starter. A better way to call a tricked-out freighter would be "Q-ship", though historically that referred to a heavily armed rather than a very fast freighter. Alternatively, the achievement name can reference the Millennium Falcon, which is one of the fastest freighters in sci-fi, though a oblique reference may be required, so as not to attract the Mouse(tm).

Alternatively, the requirements of the challenge can be changed to reaching .30c in any ship [spoiler=]thus requiring the Pteracnium Megadrive[/spoiler]
Has resurfaced!
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Here are some I think could be good.

Canister shot: Destroy a fighter-type ship with a howitzer.
Slam Dunk: Destroy a ship with a slam cannon but with minimal damage.
Bombardier: Destroy a station with a howitzer
Surgical Presicion: Hit an Enemy next to a friendly with a howitzer.
IED: Damage an enemy with a non combat device that can be used as a mine, E.G Excavation pod.
Big Blue Doom: Destroy a Locrym ship.

Keep on thinking!
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