
General discussion for the game Anacreon
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Ahhhhhh! Life support type buildings no longer provide their supplies while they're being upgraded. All the planets with upgrades in progress just revolted. XD
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Other people seeing this bug too?
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On my infantry academy, I have ~90 infantry vehicles and ~10 exotroop armor, and it has NEVER EVER produced a single exotroop brigade or armored infantry brigade, despite being at biotech level. (could be intentional)
george moromisato
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DPO wrote:Ahhhhhh! Life support type buildings no longer provide their supplies while they're being upgraded. All the planets with upgrades in progress just revolted. XD
Ugh. Sorry. It should be a one-time thing. If you were building a life support structure during the upgrade, then it unintentionally destroyed the previous structure.

It won't happen when you upgrade after that.

Sorry about that!
Commonwealth Pilot
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SungSlaver231 wrote:On my infantry academy, I have ~90 infantry vehicles and ~10 exotroop armor, and it has NEVER EVER produced a single exotroop brigade or armored infantry brigade, despite being at biotech level. (could be intentional)
I've found that unless an infantry academy has a trade route to import from an infantry autofac, it won't use any stockpiles of components you bring in by transport. I reported it as a bug sometime back in March, after the behavior changed during the Alpha 3 -> Alpha 4 transition.
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Are planets that have successfully rebelled against us before supposed to remember and hate our guts?

I ask because I'm trying to reconquer 30 or so planets I lost because of the life support building update bug, and they seem to start rebelling immediately despite having all their needs met. I'm not sure if it's intended or not. They are super low population and efficiency, don't know if that could be an alternate explanation.
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Anyone else noticed how the import button often doesn't respond until you click on a different planet and back to the original planet?
Commonwealth Pilot
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DPO wrote:Anyone else noticed how the import button often doesn't respond until you click on a different planet and back to the original planet?
I've seen this too. It happens when you select any structure other than the default designated industry. Clicking on the planet again resets the selected structure. You can tell the import button isn't going to work because the planet's trade routes aren't highlighted.
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Location: Dodging jumpmissiles in a Helion

Neural processors just sit there and don't do anything.EDIT: Disregard this
Last edited by whaleduck on Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Commonwealth Pilot
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I've captured some planets that belonged to an empire whose emperor abdicated about a day before I invaded. Some of the planets are in a state of civil war, but do not display the usual news showing rebel forces and support levels. The efficiency levels are hovering around 33%, so I'm assuming the planets are in fact rebelling, but so far the rebellions have not ended. Edit: the efficiency levels are increasing, despite the reported civil war. They must not actually be in rebellion, I guess. Must be a bug.

Some of these planets lack militia bases, despite being designated 'autonomous'. I think this happened because the planet tried to use all its industry to feed itself, leaving nothing for defenses. The regular defense installations stay around when this happens, but militia bases disappear from the interface when they reach 0%.

Lastly, I have noticed some seemingly identical planets with different population caps. Ocean and Underground worlds with the same designation, tech level (8), and habitat structures (planetary arcology) sometimes have a cap of 11 billion and sometimes 10 billion. I'm currently running an experiment where I destroy and rebuild a planetary arcology on one of the 10 billion cap worlds to see if the cap goes to 11 afterwards. 3 days to go before that experiment is complete.
Militia Lieutenant
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Hussell wrote:I've captured some planets that belonged to an empire whose emperor abdicated about a day before I invaded.
"abdicated" implies it was a choice...

As for bugs, is it normal to take 3-5 minutes for a planet to start producing things like life support and consumer goods after a designation change? I know 17% efficient is low, but the consumer goods factory did not even show up with any allocation and not even one life support was built for 5 minutes.

Edit: It looks like a planet with heavy consumer goods reserves, from having been a goods factory, doesnt know how to allocate consumer goods rates once changed to a different world designation(this time it changed to hexacarbide).

Edit (2): A possible bug: Changing planet designation from autofactory to the corresponding shipyard builds ships as expected, but the shipyard industry tab greys out the ship types that require goods from an autofactory, even when they are present on the planet. This means internal allocations are not changeable after the first minute as new shipyard designation.

Edit (3): It appears a planet designated as a shipyard will, after a few minutes, revert to 0% for each ship type requring a good to make. This means a planet with a stockpile of parts cannot build ships with those parts.

Edit (4): I have a planet with an ocean arcology ruins, it is currently building a floating city and I have just started building an ocean arcology, so it is currently building two life support improvements at the same time.

Edit (5/3.5): If a planet is designated a jumpship yard, and it does not have an autofac trade route, it will not use stockpiled parts. I could have 100K light jumpship drives on the planet, and not a single ship would be produced.
Militia Lieutenant
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Location: Dodging jumpmissiles in a Helion

XD A newly conquered planet has the civil war status, yet no news tab.

(couldn't upload pic because it says quota has been reached)
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I'm seeing this quite often.
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I can't seem to lower the tech level of high tech planets I capture. I've captured several planets tech level 8 and 9, and would like to lower them to level 7 to increase overall efficiency. I tried giving them a different designation (Consumer Goods Autofac in most cases), left them for a few days, and they stayed the same level. I also tried importing tech from a Foundation planet then lowering the tech level on the trade route to 7 (Biotech) or 5 (Spacefaring), still nothing. Is there a way to lower the tech level of these planets or are they stuck?

Edit: Additionally, they do not have any of the "tech program" buildings, so I can't demolish them to try and lower the tech level. My capitol is currently tech level 9, I haven't tried anything with tech level 10 planets, they just rebel too fast and usually have a low tech level.
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I just tried designating one of the planets as a Foundation world (from independent), letting it sit for a few watches/minutes, then designating it to a Consumer Goods Autofac. Still stuck at tech level 9, and to make matters worse, my population is dropping from 3.1 to 2.9. This planet has no trade routes, incoming or outgoing.

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