General discussion for the game Anacreon
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Wayward Device
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catfighter wrote:Yes, most of us could probably piecemeal the thing with a bit of patience; I meant compilation via the galaxy button in the top-left toolbar.
Aureo-Oreo wrote:Well sorry to disappoint you but I can't compile it either
Aureo-Oreo wrote:
catfighter wrote:A good idea, Nova. :) And sorry, but I don't think anyone's computer is powerful enough to compile a galactic map (Lady Oreo's might be able to, but I'm not sure).
I tried with Alpha map once but it was just sections of screen shots neatly pieced together with Photoshop.
catfighter wrote:Oh well. :(
I literally just posted a map in the last post above this conversation. Sure, it's three separate screenshots but still, it satisfies almost all the galactic cartography needs of the average person.
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Well, some galactic cartographers and galactic map-readers want to feel a bit more special than the average person... :P Anyways, I was voicing more of a fleeting little fancy for the aesthetics of the old Anacreon-style compilation than a complaint/calculated ignorance.
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I believe I can compile it. Although I guess this gives away my identity.


Well the link works but the image doesn't. Anybody know why my embedded picture won't load?
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Huh, my empire's name still shows up.

The game didn't really "end" for me; I can still see the map and command a couple ghost fleets (which are now 0 units strong due to attrition) so that's probably why.
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Mesophon still has a capital?
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WorldsStrongestNerd wrote:I believe I can compile it. Although I guess this gives away my identity.


Well the link works but the image doesn't. Anybody know why my embedded picture won't load?
Don't worry mylord, your identity was obvious, i have recognised your speed in building up the empire!
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Most of the remaining Mesophon worlds have been captured in the past couple of weeks by the cruel and heartless Terran Empire (it looks like ROR got in on the action a little too, though.) There are only six left right now, so spend those AES while you still can!
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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"Forces" use the game's individual unit strength estimates, which can be found in tables in my FAQ. I omitted starcruisers, Vanguards and nebular ships from my calculations since they're all pretty much inconsequential to the current state of the galaxy.

The galaxy has three "age cohorts" right now. These represent powers that entered the game at about the smae time, and are not neccessairly allied to or associated with one another in any respect except general size and maturity.

The oldest cohort are a little short of a year old and constitutes the survivors of the Barricades Pact: RoR, Felor, and Finnian. This once-dominant alliance won a spectacular series of wars to become the galactic hegemony but now may be defunct. It's not clear whether their mutual self-defense pact is still in effect. Of these three, the RoR is by far the healthiest, with Finnian hanging on in enclaves across the galaxy and Felor in a sad state of decay. RoR is most robust and dominant galactic power in an absolute sense, especially since individual RoR planets are generally protected by the RoR's enormous Gorgos fleet. RoR has a presence in nebulas, but few nebular starships.

The second 'cohort' is just a single empire, Terran. Eldritch jumpfleets have been decisive in previous galactic wars and in this respect RoR is challenged by the insurgent Terran empire, which is only about two months old but has grown to rival it in size and organization if not in absolute power. Terran's Eldritch fleet is the same size as RoR's, but the rest of the empire is less mature, with fewer starfrigates (starfrigates are critical defensive units and can also be used offensively, albeit extremely slowly). The two major powers' capitals are less than 500 LY away from one another, separated by a thin nebular band. Terran and RoR use the same star-cluster topography, with Terran generally avoiding nebulas for the most part. Terran has individual unconnected sector capitals distributed across much of the rest of the galaxy, suggesting plans for future growth or warfare.

A third cohort entered the game about a month ago. Union of Worlds, BOYCOTT CHRONIMIUM, Reformed Empire, Chaos Undivided, and the Klingon Empire all pursue their own mysterious agendas in the galactic south.
  • Reformed inherited a big jumpfleet from an abdicated empire but has not grown much since its initial expansion.
  • The Klingons won a costly war against a pirate empire and now field the 4th-strongest jumpfleet in the game, but have not consolidated their empire since then.
  • BOYCOTT doesn't build any chronimium units. It does have a lot of Defiances, which are pretty much the only low-tech unit that can go toe-to-toe with Eldritches.
  • Union of Worlds has a tidy empire to the east of Finnian's capital but may face challenges to further expansion if it stays in the Trade and Enterprise doctrine.
  • Chaos Undivided has been pretty inactive for the past few weeks and doesn't seem to have quite gotten the knack of how to build ships in quantity.

    There are a few other small empires but it's not clear whether they're still active or not.
Last edited by Watch TV, Do Nothing on Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Wayward Device
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A fine summation of the current galactic situation! I always enjoy some well presented Anacreon data. The south is a wild frontier now, probably because the Terran Empire and myself are hogging all the worlds/have destroyed most of the empires in the north. Still, if the Southern powers could put their differences aside, sort out their various problems and unite under and alliance they could hold off the threat of the Major Powers just like the Pact did.

Or one of them could eat all the others and we'll have some Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia style stuff going on with little pocket empires in the edges. It's hard to say, the galaxy is in a state of flux right now. War on a terrifying scale, costing the lives of trillions, is soon to be upon us! Doom! Doom!


Here, have a map as of Cycle 4558:
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Things are finally interesting again. A new pact of the southern empires would be an incredible page in the galactic history.
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Looks like Henry VIII, an empire that wasn't even on my radar yesterday when I did my power rankings, is winning a war against another, very distant small empire, "It's been a while". Henry's laying sector capitals all along the Galactic western rim between his home territory and the planets he's taking in his war. Bold!
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Yes, yes he is. *wry smile*

As I will be unable to put much time into the game until around December, I'm opening up sections of my empire (Felor) for "adoption." I wish to keep all planets in the Great Rift nebula, the scattered planets just east of my capital (Coronae Borealis), and everything north of RoR's capital (New Mars), but the rest is up for grabs.* I have created a border of planets named "Everything South Is Good" in the northeast and to the southeast of Coronae Borealis; I want all worlds with this name, but as it so states...

I regret that I am unable to participate in the newest of developments, but I'll still be checking back every so often to see what happens next!
I miss the Barricades Era always! :cry: And Long Live our Memory, if our Empires do not survive!

*It is my wish to shrink until my return while still preserving the portions of my empire that hold the richest cultural history, such as my original capital in the northeast. If anyone conquers outside of bounds or actually destroys the Felor Empire, please avenge me, my friends.
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These last four cycles saw the abdication of minor southerner Chaos United, freeing up a large swath of territory between Boycott and Reformed. Finnian saw major expansion of territory while Felor is now officially in retreat. BOYCOTT's starship and jumpship fleets grew significantly, while the Klingon jumpfleet collapsed (most likely due to attrition after failing to maintain production capacity). ROR's colossal Gorgos fleet also saw steady growth.

I've started tracking Henry VIII after a dynamic push into the Galactic South. Also on my radar but still militarily insignficant:
  • previously-dormant Earth Industries stirred recently and is now sitting on a lot of unconnected worlds in the Southeast
  • also in the Southeast, Literati is a promising newcomer
  • Hypertia has expanded into Felor's old core territory but still seems to be having issues with civil wars
  • There are three different empires that are all called "Syndicate" with capitals called "Aeon"; this is confusing, to say the least
Wayward Device
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Map again, Cycle 4561:

Flicking between this one and the one from 3 cycles ago shows a satisfying amount of change in the galaxy. It seems that it is much easier to do a galactic screenshot or whatever the real name of the "freeze game button" is using chrome. It does autoblock the popup when the image is made, which is something I missed for a long time. Firefox always just freezes, even if I leave it for an hour.

Edit: Just comparing the two, maps it seems that as well as the the other activity in the South already mentioned the Reformed Empire has begun a major expansion north into the Purple Galactic Rift, the Great Dark Rift's more flamboyant cousin. Whether this will ultimately prove wise or not only time will tell.
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