Anacreon Era III Discussion Thread

General discussion for the game Anacreon
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Militia Lieutenant
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This is a thread for discussing the Anacreon scenario "Fallen Worlds Era III", which was opened for play on April 14, 2017. It will be updated every month, or whenever a major in-game event occurs. Discuss strategies, diplomacy, wars, alliances, territorial claims etc. here.

For newcomers to Anacreon, or multiplayer 4X games in general: Read this extremely helpful reference by Watch TV Do Nothing. Also check out this starter guide on how to build an empire.

Galactic News Bulletin
Last update: 18 April 2018

CURRENT MAP OF THE GALAXY courtesy of Wayward Device


A state of cold war exists between the Imperium and Hegemony, with neither side willing to make moves beyond poaching border worlds until the conclusion of the non-aggression pact in Cycle 4400.

The Gospel of a New Century has been destroyed: The auto-abdication process was starting due to inactivity, so the Imperial Fleet has seized the means of production, capturing as many fleets as possible to avoid wastage as their worlds descended into civil war.

Current Events


None. Peace reigns throughout the galaxy... for now.

Territorial claims:

The Auroran Hegemony: all worlds in the South East.


The Imperium-Windsor Coalition.


Top 3 largest empires:
  • The Auroran Hegemony (1273)
  • Imperium (791)
  • The Gospel of a New Century
  • Windsor (240)
Newest empires:
  • Meklon Directorate (Walloping)
  • Aelion (unknown)
  • Soviet (unknown)
Empires defeated in war (or abdicated):
  • Gospel of a New Century (Accelerando), destruction via capture of all capitals
  • People's Stellar Republic (unknown), destruction via capture of all capitals
All known active empires:
  • The Auroran Hegemony (Wayward Device)
  • Imperium (Imperator)
  • Gospel of a New Century (Accelerando)
  • Engeria (unknown)
  • Saxophon Traders Union (Finnian)
  • Alince of Free Kingdoms (Ilkay)
  • People's Stellar Republic (Crocophile)
  • Windsor (L.W. Windsor)
  • Meklon Directorate (Walloping)
  • Soviet (unknown)
  • Observer (gc2)
  • Aelion (unknown)
"If all else fails: duck. As a defensive stratagem it's unreliable, but incredibly reassuring for a moment or two."
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Last edited by --Imperator-- on Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:17 pm, edited 30 times in total.
Militia Lieutenant
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Feel free to post your empire name if you're playing 8-)
Militia Lieutenant
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Anyone else notice a problem with ship producing planets going from normal importation of parts to suddenly pretending part factories are not producing anything?
In my case, when I kill the trade route, and re-establish it, the proper production ratio of ships comes back until the minute update, and it drops back to "please import parts to build this" mode.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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starxplor wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:25 pm
Anyone else notice a problem with ship producing planets going from normal importation of parts to suddenly pretending part factories are not producing anything?
In my case, when I kill the trade route, and re-establish it, the proper production ratio of ships comes back until the minute update, and it drops back to "please import parts to build this" mode.

Direct or through a hub? Hubs sometimes have issues distributing resources that they are importing from a single source, the issue gets resolved if two sources are connected to the hub.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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Public service alert: If you allocate 0 labor to the militia base structure (seen on autonomous worlds / trade hubs / T&E capitals), it will disappear and you won't be able to build infantry on that world again until you redesignate it. Ticket here.
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Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:05 pm
Public service alert: If you allocate 0 labor to the militia base structure (seen on autonomous worlds / trade .
It has actually always been that way. I have always placed militia to 0 and it disappears.
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Militia Lieutenant
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I thought it only disappeared after you redesignated the world...
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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TheBugKing wrote:
Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:29 am
Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:05 pm
Public service alert: If you allocate 0 labor to the militia base structure (seen on autonomous worlds / trade .
It has actually always been that way. I have always placed militia to 0 and it disappears.
I'm sure it has, but this behavior was new to me since I rarely left autonomous worlds as such for very long. Since I was the one who added militia bases to hubs I thought that I'd let people know since people will be more exposed to militia bases now.

I think it could probably be fixed by making the militia base an "improvement" instead of an "industry", but there would need to be a mechanism to remove it from worlds when they are redesignated.
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Watch TV, Do Nothing wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:49 pm
starxplor wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:25 pm
Anyone else notice a problem with ship producing planets going from normal importation of parts to suddenly pretending part factories are not producing anything?
In my case, when I kill the trade route, and re-establish it, the proper production ratio of ships comes back until the minute update, and it drops back to "please import parts to build this" mode.

Direct or through a hub? Hubs sometimes have issues distributing resources that they are importing from a single source, the issue gets resolved if two sources are connected to the hub.
Through a hub, two suppliers, two consumers. The consumers' trade routes don't even list parts as possible to import (like other resources show with 0% demand). The trade hub is able to sell the ship parts to traders union though, which does not affect the parts availability to the consumers. Jumpship yards are now only producing scouts, which I have to sell for AE to buy an actual fleet since none of my yards are actually producing anything useful.

This was working earlier, it changed some time shortly before I posted my first message about it.

Now it seems to be working. Not sure what happened between the previous post and now. At least previously set build ratios returned instead of the silly default split.
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A thing that I have noticed in this Era is that there appears to me to be a slow down of the uplift of tech-levels 1-4. Also, the population growth appears to have slowed considerably. Is this a new thing, a bug, or something I am just noticing? Any idea's?
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
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Yeah, it does feel like it. World efficiencies are lower overall as well, starting at 50% instead of 100%.
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The galaxy has been (mostly) scouted and the current map is here. Also updated in the first post.

A rift zone divides the north and south, with 2 chokepoints at the far east and west respectively. There are 3 empires in the north and 3 in the south, not counting Omnithor. The center of the map is mostly nebular, with patches of open space in between. Terra and the Imperium appear to be nebular-locked, with no starship access in or out.
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Militia Captain
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Woah, this is a really cool map. I didn't realize just how much rift there was.
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There is 4 in the North. Crystalline Core also.
Fire, Fire, Fire;
Streaks of golden light,
Rays of cosmic waves crashing through still dead night.

Gifts of diamond rays,
Strewn pearls of days not measured,
Treasured gleaming quests fade through the absolute oblivion of infinite time, no matter the direction.

And war died the day it noticed itself,
Peace, yet still dead, peace in the void of voids.
Watch TV, Do Nothing
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From what I've seen of Era III so far, my thoughts about strategy are:
  • Protecting even marginally productive jumpship yards from gunship attack is going be extremely important, since once a distant enemy takes a jumpship yard they can immediately move jumpships into a region (although the jumpships will only remain useful so long as the captured yard stays under control). In practice, this will mean some combination of stationing strong defenses/starships, maintaining infantry presence on jumpship yards, keeping jumpship yards under citadel protection, and/or only designating jumpship yards in totally controlled nebula zones or pockets of clearspace. In this respect F&M empires get a slight advantage since their sector capitals probably won't keep being jumpbeacons after getting captured by an enemy; they can moderate their risk of distant foreign invasion by only building jumpships on capitals and sector capitals.
  • For similar reasons, citadels should overlap one anothers' ranges for protection against gunship raids. This might prove more effective than building defenses in regions where no enemy can project jumpships.
  • Adamants are pretty great attackers now! Starfrigates (Defiance-class, at least) feel fairly impotent for their cost, although they might be more formidable en masse. I think that raising their missile protection without increasing their armor might make them more viable.
  • AoE attacks seem to be working.
  • Mesophon purchases present an interesting option for projecting force remotely, but unless your war is to support an ally a gunship-jumptransport fleet still must be sent across the galaxy without being noticed in order to link up with the purchased Mesophon ships.
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