Wayward Device wrote: ↑Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:12 pm
Hmm, and here I was thinking that Armored Infantry were the most cost effective ground forces. I've never tried a full infantry producing cluster, only Armored Infantry or Exotroops. It should also be even easier than Armored Infantry in extremely resource poor regions.
Since you are contemplaiting it I will tell you about the experment that I ran whenever you were converting Q's empire to the way of the Hegemony.
Not sure if you were even noticing, however, infantry is very effective and very very easy to make. They are like the army ants of this game, small, not very powerful, but you can make so many with so little effort that it makes no sense.. The single greatest issue that I ran into was finding enough transports for them all.
I used about 100 worlds of only producing infantry and was nearing 5 M after about 2 weeks of production. I pretty much had every scenario covered as far as possible ways to make them . Some worlds connected to food and trillum, some to just trillum, some to just food, some were in a huge clusters, some on their own, every type of world and all the tech levels.
The most production that I encountered was single worlds that were Earth-like or Underground at tech 9 or 10, somehow they stayed stable and produced about 60 infantry per min.... there were only two of them though.
Others that were also productive on there own were desert worlds and maybe the nebular world that was a tech 9.
All the others needed to be connected some how. Very productive was 2 earth worlds and 3 trillum worlds and about 10 planets of tech 7, I got about 200K per day from them.
I fought a lot with those, the only time I had issues was an all infantry vs all armored infantry, I usually lost and it really came down to who had the more power, not numbers....
The most useful fighting force that I found when I that iteration was a solid mix of all the ground force types. A great force of Infantry (fodder), slightly smaller force of Imperial Guards (really strong fodder), and for the win about 10,000 armored infantry and a few thousand exo troops. The infantry die first, and they die like helions too, interesting to watch the numbers. It appears while they are dying the the others are still all fighting and you pretty much win.
Moral of the story, if you are going to fight someone with just infantry have a bunch of something else and if he has some millions you will still win

Not the moral of the story, but what would be neat to try is to have a cluster of infantry, half a cluster of armored infantry, other half of cluster be exo-troop, that should give you a good ratio.